on 12/15/16 7:57 pm
RNY on 11/16/16

Just had surgery four weeks ago and am now on mostly regular food -- nothing hard or chewy or sugary or carb-y, no seeds, nuts, peels, etc -- as long as I chew chew chew and don't overeat. But tonight I ate too much, too fast -- and I am IN PAIN. I had some chicken and squash, and yes, I chew chew chewed. I know, I know, I should have weighed my food, or measured, or whatever and at this moment I am REALLY LEARNING MY LESSON! OUCH!

So, questions: What do you do when you are having these terrible pains? Is there a way to alleviate this pain? Should I be trying to throw up? Have I now stretched my pouch out of proportion? Will my staples come out? Am I doomed? And how long does this pain last? I have had this problem twice with drinking too fast and too much but this is the first time I've done this with food.

I hope this teaches me a lesson, but in the meantime, I'm learning .... and if it happens again, what to do? And also, if anyone out there reads this, an immediate answer would be most helpful!

on 12/15/16 8:01 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

I did this exactly once. I tried to wait it out because I hate throwing up, but finally threw in the towel after several hours and immediately felt better. Just throw it up and get it out. You likely haven't damaged anything, but pay attention to how you feel in the next several hours. 


on 12/15/16 8:21 pm
RNY on 11/16/16

Thanks! I hope this is MY exactly once. I threw up a little bit, but more would be better, I think ... UGH! And I had been doing so well ...

(deactivated member)
on 12/18/16 3:53 am
RNY on 09/26/16

Yes i did the same. I had to wait it out and get up from the table and walk around the house.. I eventually made myself vomit as well. it is a horrible feeling and try to avoid it too! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/18/16 3:56 am
RNY on 09/26/16

Yes i did the same. I had to wait it out and get up from the table and walk around the house.. I eventually made myself vomit as well. it is a horrible feeling and try to avoid it too! 

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 12/16/16 1:31 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

There are some things that you learn by making the mistake.  We have all done it .  I had the foamies the first time, and then threw up a bunch. Your fullness meter is not yet working, so eating slowly is a key.  Also, a half a bite is all is takes to go from not full to pain.  I sometimes spit out a bite because I was not full when I started chewing, but started feeling full while I was chewing.  

I was on Amazon and saw this kitchen scale - I do not have it, but it is one of Amazons deal of the day.  (Do have a kitchen scale, just not this one). _be66_page_2?gb_dst=AVAILABLE&gb_dtp=BEST_DEAL&gb_exf=%7B%22 MARKETING_ID%22%3A%5B%22restrictedcontent%22%2C%22bfexclude% 22%2C%22TFSRestricted3P%22%2C%22akash2015%22%5D%7D&gb_srt=BY _SCORE&pf_rd_p=ecea20b5-014b-4532-8063-8f25056cbe66&pf_rd_s= slot-3&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=gb_all&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_r d_r=GB2V90C5VK30CSC01G73&gb_f_GB-SUPPLE=dealStates:AVAILABLE %252CWAITLIST%252CWAITLISTFULL,dealTypes:BEST_DEAL,page:2,so rtOrder:BY_SCORE,dealsPerPage:24     


on 12/16/16 4:37 am

It's hard learning that one small bite can put you over the edge, but I think most of us have been there.  Sometimes papaya enzyme caplets can help (you can get them at GNC or probably any health food/vitamin shop).  For me though, I usually have to throw up to get relief.  It hasn't happened often (I'm about 7 months post-op).  I'm one who has always done anything to avoid throwing-up, but I now know that's the only way I can get relief.  I just really try and listen to my body and stop before I get to that point.  DH knows when I start sliding food off of my plate on to his that I've had enough.  And yes, I do measure, but sometimes the pouch tells me that the measured amount is way too much.

Surgery Date June 3, 2016

HW: 329 W at first consult 290. SW 238, LW 128, CW 139

on 12/19/16 8:12 am
RNY on 11/16/16

"One small bite can put you over the edge" -- I listened and learned! Last night I almost ate that one  more bite of chicken salad (I've now been reminded the importance of moist food!) but I literally heard your words in my head and didn't eat that bite, and I think it saved me. Thank you! (And thanks to all the others who have been so helpful with their advice!)

(deactivated member)
on 12/16/16 5:40 am

Depending where I am at I would go lay down. Or I would walk it off. 

I really have only thrown up a few times. I remember the first time I did. I had eaten way too fast. Forgetting I had surgery. Stupid me.

Sometimes you just have to wait it out. Lessons suck to learn. 

on 12/16/16 8:21 am
VSG on 08/01/16

Believe it or not but the one thing that kills me the most is drinking my protein shake too fast! Ugh it is the worst pain ever!! I have no problems with food. I guess I don't push myself. That's so not me haha!

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



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