Never ending frustration

(deactivated member)
on 12/15/16 9:19 am

I think my most frustrating getting my point across is when people think exercise will make our skin go back. It drives me freaking crazy. 

I leave the room now when people ask me about it. I try not to explain. I always want to lose my **** when they do ask. 

on 12/16/16 5:26 pm

Wow, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me I looked too thin I would be rich.  And for a time I really way.  Complete strangers felt it was ok to comment on my size.  Really?

I got tired of telling people that I was working with my doctor and I was fine and healthy.  It just wasn't their business.

The funny part is after I put on a little weight I still got the comments and then they stopped.  Never hear a word about it, which is fine.  

I even had people tell me I put on weight when in fact I had lost a bit.  It's called distribution.  Most of us look like concentration camp victims after rapid weight loss.  Even if we are over 25 BMI.  It seems weight likes to drop from the top down.  So our faces look drawn and no one seems to look below that.

I even put on a size without any gain.  It just finally goes to the right places I guess, even though I would love to get fillers on my face but that is more age than weight at this point.

The important thing is not to cave to pressure and start eating badly to gain weight.  Most of the time that doesn't end well.  Someone at 2 years out who hears they are too thin will often be complaining about needing to lose weight by year 5.  So if you decide you do need to stop or gain do it carefully and gradually in a controlled fashion.

I took several years to go from about 100 lbs to about 110-115 by gradually adding in calories and foods.  No hurry as long as it isn't continuing to go down.  And weighing daily to make sure it doesn't continue to go up.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
