Pulmonary Appt!
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a safe and happy thanksgiving! Thanksgiving to me is just another day since I have no family to share it with. Anyhow, I had my yearly appointment with my pulmonary Dr. today. I told him I was going for Bariatric surgery in the spring. He was quite pleased to hear this. We talk a long time about bariatric surgeries. He was doin some research in to a new up coming procedure that involved looping your esophagus with a band of some kind. It is only in it's beginning stages and may be introduced in the future as a non surgical procedure. Anyway, he was expressly happy with my progress and gave me an A++! I also have lost another 3 lbs. making a total of 26 lb. lost. Yay!

I understand your concerns about the esophagus banding. My doctor and I both don't like the idea of having a foreign object inserted in to our bodies. Also he brought up a possibility of circulation restriction, which could produce harmful chemical side effects. I'd rather stick with Bariatric surgery.