3yrs after RNY and gaining weight.... Im sick and tired of being sick

Teena D.
on 11/28/16 5:54 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

I'm a pre-op so please take what I say with a grain of salt.  I think weight training is so important though- first of all it builds bone density- which RNY patients definitely need and 2ndly, it will help your metabolism.

Good luck on your journey!

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

* Nicole *
on 11/28/16 7:40 am

Most all have given you great info.

So im going to address your BMI concern. Forget it! It has been proven outdated and pretty useless for a while. My BMI swings between over weight and obese because I allow myself a 5lb swing on the scale. Yet as I just had my body fat properly checked, my body fat is 18.8%. But my excess skin prevents me from truely looking it. Im in athlete range. The BMI scale does not take into account ones bone density nor amount of muscle.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 11/28/16 3:30 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Only lean muscle mass burns calories.  Weight training burns calories, so you do not gain weight like body builders are trying to - with hundreds of grams of protein a day and supplements. So, I am not talking about putting on weight. When you replace body fat with lean muscle mass, you lose weight and that added muscle mass burns even more calories - even when you are at rest.

Generally, after WLS people lose 25-30% of their body weight as lean muscle mass. 

If you do not maintain adequate muscle mass, you will find it difficult to keep the weight off.  In fact, you will be in the situation that you currently describe.  Because of your answer, I think that this is an area that you do not understand.  If you want more info, or your ideas do not get the results you are looking for, make sure you come back for another round of discussion.  You might also want to put info on your banner so people know more about you.

Best of everything 


on 11/27/16 2:41 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sorry but Bagel bites. That is really not a good choice. I would throw them out now! I find many of the clinics say to eat carbs. Such a bad idea. Use a program like my fitness pal. Even if just to get a handle on what you are eating and what your breakdown  is. At least 60 grams of protein and as Kat sad under 40 carbs.

Protein forward always. This keeps you full longer and les cravings

Good luck





White Dove
on 11/27/16 2:51 pm - Warren, OH

The only way I can lose weight is when I don't touch "white trash".  No bread, sugar, rice, potatoes, cereal, potatoes, corn, pastries, pasta, noodles, or anything made with flour or sugar.

I eat meat, cheese, flaxseed, peppers, lettuce, celery, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, spinach and some yogurt.  I weigh everything on a food scale.  There is a big difference between say 3.6 ounces of beef or 4.7 ounces.  I actually use grams for My Fitness Pal.

I am always shocked when I take "cheat days" at how much food I can actually eat.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/16 2:52 pm

I am not saying you are doing this. This pertains to myself in general. 

Carbs are the devil. I know that sounds cheesy but it is true. I know when I get my hands on them I can really go on a bender. I think I am not eating that much till I really read the package or scan it. 

When you do not feel good we do sometimes medicate ourselves with food. We can feel so bad about the weight gain we almost want to say F it. 

I will say when I exercise I do lose weight. Not because of me getting off my ass. In my head I feel better. I make sure I take time just for me. It is my time. I really watch what I eat when I exercise I stay focused on my health, 

Maybe seeking a therapist also might help. 

I hope you feel better. Keep coming here for help. We may not like always what we hear but no one really wants to see anyone fail. 

on 11/27/16 3:05 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Kat has given you excellent feedback. Your calorie total might be fine, but I would say most big losers eat 100g of protein a day or more.... minimum I would say is 80....and yes, around 50g carbs per day.... I am in maintenance and the carb range may fluctuate depending on the day...but in weightloss 50g is the number.  Worry less about the fat gram number. I get on the scale daily and if I see too many days going in the wrong direction back to simple proteins, and maybe a veg. I do use my half and half in my coffee, but try and cut out most dairy too until I am back where i want.

I have mostly cut out out protein bars and premade shakes- 'bariatric fastfood/junkfood' as I like to call them.... lately have been carrying 2 hard boiled eggs with me in a ziplock already peeled with S+P on them and/or babybel cheese...as they both will stay without refrigeration for awhile no problem....for my on the road 'snacks' as needed.

Hala is a wealth of information as well....

See the 5 day meat test link in my signature for getting back on track....

Good Luck

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



H.A.L.A B.
on 11/27/16 7:49 pm

I am at goal ...curently 10 lbs below goal. But that is another story..

I can eat more food and feel full if I stay away from grains and starchy carbs. 

I need proteins and fat. Limiting carbs is my way of losing or maintaining. 

If I may suggest - use full fat milk or half and half in you coffee.. I use unsweet coconut or almond milk.  But most of the time I drink my coffee black. 

Splenda has dextrose added. - dextrose is another name for sugar - I avoid that and try to use Liquid stevia. 

I don't drink protein shakes ..unless I need to add food and calories to my day. 

I use butter or bacon fat or coconut fat to saute my eggs or meat. When eating out - I tell them to hold the carbs and bring me a side of real butter. 

For 1500 cal a day - you need 100-120 gr of protein (440 cal) , 50-60 gr of carbs (240) (veggies or dairy) and the rest calories from fat. Fat like in bacon, eggs, avocado, extra buter on veggies..etc.. 

The fat - app 800 cal is 90 gr of fat... 

For 5 meals - each meal should have 25 gr of proteins -- 10gr of carbs and 18gr of fat. 

You can use low sugar beef jerky as snacks or nuts - higher fat nuts like macadamia, pecans, Brazil nuts... Etc. Nuts are high calories - but they also are full of great nutrition. 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 11/27/16 7:52 pm

I hate to say this but at 6'2" if you are eating 1500 calories a day you should be losing.  I just don't see how it is possible to gain 80 lbs on 1500 calories a day.

You may be that one whose metabolism really is so screwed up you gain weight on air but most of us mortals got to the operating table the good old fashioned way.  We ate our way there.

Yes your carb intake is a bit high but in the end it is calories in vs calories out.  You could eat 1000 calories a day from candy and still lose weight.  A carb calorie isn't more fattening than a protein calorie.

This is from Livestrong:


The University of Maryland Medical Center has the following formula for finding your daily calories. A relatively inactive man should multiply their weight by 13, while an active man should multiply by 15. Using this calculation, a 178-pound. man should consume between 2,314 and 2,670 calories.

I know it isn't exact but from what I have seen most men who are over 6 foot tall maintain their weight at about 2000 calories a day.

So, either you are getting in more calories than you admit or you have something seriously wrong with you.  Maybe you are eating bigger portions than you realize.  Maybe you are taking a random bite here and there or maybe you have a beer or two or some other alcoholic drink.

I have heard of some people taking Ambien who would eat at night and not remember it.  In fact I had to stop taking Ambien because I was doing things like eating and talking to my daughter with no memory of it the next day.  Could that be a possibility?  I would guess if you live alone you would be able to tell right away if food was eaten the previous night.

Anyway, if you are not being forthcoming about the amount you are eating you are only hurting yourself.  And if I am wrong and you are one of the rare people who can gain to 280 lbs while only eating 1500 calories a day consistently than I apologize.  

It is to your benefit to be rigorous about your eating.  I have had periods in the past where I swore I was only eating about 1000 calories a day yet not losing any weight.  It was only after I became totally willing to be honest with myself and count the extra bites, the bigger portions and other extras that I didn't look at before that I was able to finally lose weight.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 11/28/16 2:17 am - Ottawa, Canada

What I wrote for the meal that day is what I actually ate . I do my best to eat a cup size serving at each meal. I rarely go over that serving size sometimes I go under . I do not drink while eating.    I follow the rules . I have no idea what Ambien is. I do not drink any alcohol.  The day I posted for my meal  was not a great protein packed day . I do try to eat 80+ grams of protein a day. I can eat under 80+ g of protein and It does not effect me as it would if someone else eats the way I do   My system will not let me over eat . If I eat too much at a serving I tend to start to sneeze ,then the bloated feeling followed by dumping syndrome.

The "medical" people I deal with have stated many times that they feel I lost too much weight in years 1 and 2 post op. They figured I lost way below what my system should have due to all the complications I ran into. The bariatric doc said my weight loss should of (by their figures)stopped around 230lbs to 250lbs  then a year two weight gain of 20lbs. hence I should be between 250lbs-270lbs. so being at 280lbs says to them I am in the ball park just need a bit of tweaking to the diet.Maybe they are correct and I am in the range I should be   For me it is a red flag  Once you drop way down gaining weight like I did effects a person 

My metabolism has always been weird even before surgery. The amount of physical activity I do compared to the amount of food I eat boggles my mind. I look back to what I used to eat and what I eat now. The serving size I used to have compared to what the serving size is now  I don't know how anyone can survive and still be able to work and play each day.

My personal doc has mentioned he felt that my metabolism doesn't react as normal  He is looking into reasons

Thanks for your comments   
