3yrs after RNY and gaining weight.... Im sick and tired of being sick
on 11/28/16 5:48 am
Thanks for popping over Grim.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Wow great research and reply! Most of us all eat way more carbs than we think! Sugar-free does not necessarily mean carb free. I try to stay under 40 carbs a day myself by eating ketogenic, -yes it is more fat but a lot less sugar and carbs. Still, I find myself more in the range of 60-70 carbs daily, so many sneaky carbs out there!! Also, have to watch out for the processed foods! Great reply.
Low carb, high protein diets are the way to go post WLS to lose weight. You should consider staying in contact what the RNY forum. A lot of the vets and newbies post their daily menus.....you should try and copy a few of them.
My understanding of the RNY is limited ,but from what I understand you need to eat carefully measured dense proteins to lose weight and maintain weight loss.
Good luck to you. Don't give up! It's not too late to get back on track and learn how to work your surgery.
Many doctor's offices do not give good post op advice...I learned how to eat (like a DSer from this site). I learned the suppliments I needed to take from this site. IF i didn't have the information from this site, I'd be dead.
Stay connected....drink water....limit your carbs, measure your food, and you'll start losing weight again.
Hi there! I go to the same clinic as you, and while I have been happy with the service I received, I have to agree with the others. The recommendations from the dietitians regarding carbs, just doesn't work for the majority of us. in addition to too many carbs, in my experience, the meals they expect me to be able to eat at this point are just not realistic.
At the last post op group class, the dietitian put up a slide of a meal we should be eating. When I pointed out that it was over 2 cups of food, and not physically possible, she said to try to work up to it...I was 6 weeks post op.
Now I just smile, thank them and take the info that is helpful, and disregard the carb stuff.
Given all the health challenges you've had since surgery, I would suggest you make an apt with one of the behaviorists. Your frustrations about where you are, are valid. They can help give you tools and suggestions on how to process it, and work on changing some of the behaviours and habits that will help you feel more in control of your health.
good luck, keep posting!

RNY Sept 8, 2016
M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7
I do admit since DR Neville has taken over as head of the Ottawa bariatric clinic there are some changes . I was not offered a post op group class In fact I had no contact from anyone there until I was admitted in hospital with a stomach ulcer . That was 4 months after my surgery. It was Dr Neville herself who came to see me and did the follow ups through out all my complications . I guess I have lost all confidence in anyone who works there other than DR Neville herself
You should take them up on their offer to review your food logs. It could be something really small that could "tip" the scale in your favor. There are lots of hidden sugars out there...such as those found in condiments.
You may want to consult with a different doctor/dietician. It seems that such a large weight regain so soon after surgery does not seem "normal".
People here will look over and let you know of any areas that you could cut a few calories. In the meantime, you are keeping off 100 pounds. What BMI does that put you at?
Also, are you weight training - aerobics do not help replace lost muscle mass - only weight training will. If you have not replaced lost muscle mass, you resting metabolic rate will be even more depressed.
I think my BMI is about 35 Even when I was at my lowest weight post surgery my BMI still was considered to be overweight so I never reached the "normal" BMI for my height
I do not weight train I do not think I lost much muscle mass but I probably did, Adding mass right now is not what I need to do I need to stop the weight gain and I think you folks on here have given me a push in the right direction
thanks for your input