Bariatric Facebook Pages
Oh God!
I'm swearing off of these pages aside from my local group where I sometimes get good info.
I just got into it on one of these pages because a young woman asked how soon she can get drunk now that she's a couple of weeks out from surgery. 90% of the posters were encouraging her, saying they only waited a couple of days or that a few drinks won't hurt anyone - "Go for it girl!" WTF?
The advice I've seen on these groups that seem to be organized and legit is scary and I feel so bad for those who don't know any better and accept it.
People telling newcomers to eat and drink whatever they want, to drink soda, drink with meals, eat lots of carbs, etc. I just can't see that one more time.
I really hope that no one dies as a result. How can people be so stupid and careless?

High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135
VSG Surgery May 30, 2017
Hi Jwy
I'm not on Facebook so can't help with your question but in terms of connecting with and going thru the WL journey post surgery I am so grateful to OH. I'm 7 weeks out and I have a number of people I connect with thru messaging and some via email now. It's great to have people to check in with, share your personal stories and motivate each other. Hope you are able to find the same :)
Where are you finding these Facebook pages? I am one week out of revision surgery and would like to find some online support groups. I haven't really found any that seem active. I don't want advice on how to drink but would like to connect with others like me
um, you are posting on one.
While I am aware that I am posting on one I haven't yet found a group that is really active and responsive to posts. I do appreciate you pointing out the obvious though. Perhaps postsnlike yours are the reason people aren't that responsive
my post was directly an answer to your question. If you knew this was a support board,wasn't it kind of tacky to be asking for some on a competing site?
If you thought my post was inappropriate you must have a very thin skin.
When you are on Facebook, type "Bariatric surgery" in the search field. A number of groups will come up, including Baritastic, and support for the 50-ish crowd. These are closed groups, so you will have to send a request to join. The groups are active, and rules strict about courtesy and kindness. Good luck.
Don't really want a war of comments here just looking to find support and comrades in my struggle. I am not intending to be hurtful to anyone in this group by looking for all possible sources of support and information. I don't really think it's a question of loyalty. I am happy to use all means available and yes I do have thin skin. I am looking for support not judgement and sarcasm. We all have our own struggles and I wish you well with yours.