First day out of the hospital, and I'm having some concerning symptoms

on 11/18/16 8:59 pm - FL
RNY on 11/16/16

My temperature has been fluctuating based on what room I'm in at my parent's house.  Their kitchen is very warm, and in there, while "eating dinner" (I had some broth), the infrared forehead thermometer they bought has shown my temperature anywhere from 99 to 101.3 farenheit.  My parents think it was a product of the room, as it is unnaturally hot, and it's the thermometer is showing me lower outside of that room.  I still feel cold, though, as if I have a fever.


More concerning is the pain in upper left quadrant of my abdomen.  I've been assuming it's a gas bubble, but it has been around for awhile, and it is VERY uncomfortable, though it's not like i'm unable to move; it just makes the process of moving and especially getting out of bed very difficult.  How concerned do I need to be?

Beam me up Scottie
on 11/18/16 9:16 pm
It sounds typical of post surgery recovery. You had your surgery lap...they pump air into you and it takes a few days for that air to work it's way out of you. Besides, they cut you's all fun and games until your surgeon slices out part of your stomach.

Things to be concerned about: Pain increases and does not diminish... call your doctor and then go to the ER.

Fever goes up and continues to rise.....or stays higher than your doctor and likely you will need to go to the ER

Your head spins around and you start spewing pea the exorcist......hahahaha (that was just a joke). ...then go to the ER.

on 11/18/16 9:55 pm - FL
RNY on 11/16/16

Thank you, this does help put me at ease.

on 11/19/16 12:37 pm
VSG on 08/04/15

The pain in your upper left quadrant is the worst one, because that is where your your cut away stomach was pulled through.  I had the same thing.  It felt like I was being stabbed when I sat down or got up from a sitting position.  It will get better, but it may take a couple of weeks for it to go away completely.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




Insert Fitness
on 11/19/16 4:37 am

Yup this is all normal. I know it's uncomfortable to move, but I promise, the more you do, the sooner you will feel better.

I aimed for two 15 minute walks  in the morning and evening. I just shuffled along at whatever pace I could. And during the day, I'd walk around the house for a few minutes every hour or so. I'd just get up between shows or movies I was watching to pass the time. Or between naps hahaha 

your pain should be getting better, not worse. If that happens, call your clinic.

keep doing what you can, keep sipping water, you'll get there.

take care,


RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


Lisa F.
on 11/19/16 4:43 am
VSG on 06/06/16

The gas they fill you with during surgery can have some no-so-fun side effects, so the pain in your abdomen sounds similar to what I experienced. Walking helps get rid of all that gas.

Don't be afraid to call your medical center, though if you feel concerned. I'm assuming they will be checking in with you anyway given you're just a day out.

Good luck to you... every day will get a little better!


VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



on 11/19/16 6:07 am - Brighton, IL

Every thing you have described is totally normal. In fact sometimes you will even experience shoulder pain as the gas moves around trying to leave your body. I know it's uncomfortable to move but the more you do move the sooner the gas will leave. However if you still have concerns feel free to call your doctor. That's part of what they're paid for. Make sure to keep sipping too its so important and before long this will all be your new normal. I promise!



(deactivated member)
on 11/20/16 10:00 pm - Eugene , OR
VSG on 04/17/17

I haven't had surgery yet. But, I've had enough of them where they have used gas. I know from experience that it hurts when it's trying to pass and move through the body. I would feel as I I got hit by a train! 

P. Boudreaux
on 11/21/16 8:44 am
RNY on 09/27/16

Sounds like normal post SX!! But when in doubt call your doctors office. Good Luck
