traditional nontoxic remedies for GERD and helpful foods

(deactivated member)
on 11/15/16 5:37 am

Interesting Hala ! I think different people's bodies react differently to certain food items like fat in my case . It's cool that many people here can tolerate it but for me it rebounds viciously and causes Lots of strong stomach acid just a few hours later - which I respond to by overeating . 

You are right about the sugars in milk that really cause a lot of bloating .. But for me I feel I need the calcium intake .. And if I didn't eat a ton of powdered milk .. Well I couldn't make most of my recipes . I love " cream " sauces and creamy filling indulgent soups  but don't like to wear them lol. 

I have tried almond milk when I had to routinely buy take out coffee on the job . I found I gained weight from it .... I wonder if it has an estrogen promoting component like soy milk or maybe it was the extra fat . ( I was also basically forced to eat fast food lunches too ) .
