Introducing myself, telling my story and reaching out to connect with others

Beam me up Scottie
on 10/24/16 9:15 pm
Again, if she stays on track and loses the harm no foul.

However, there may have been some type of mechanical failure in her surgery. I'm not a doctor, and I'm not going to try and Dx her over the internet. That is why she should get to a doctor and get an opinion.

When I was going to have WLS, I consulted with a doctor. He recommended the RNY. I went away and didn't go back- I tried again to lose weight on my own. A year later and 50 lbs heavier, I went back to him and had a 2nd consultation. He again recommended a RNY. I decided ot have a 2nd opinion. That doctor recommended the RNY or the DS, but suggested that I'd have more success with the DS. I went away and decided on the DS-even after I decided it took almost 6 months.

Just because you go to a surgeon doesn't mean that the doctor will throw you on the table, tie down your arms, and start hacking you to pieces while you are screaming for help. You go to doctors to get opinions and options. There are other types of "revisions" than the DS-I just happened to come across that article the day she posted.
on 10/24/16 1:43 pm

Thanks, I love y'all already and I hear both sides of the story.


on 10/24/16 1:41 pm

Thanks Beam me up Scottie for this second post. It actually falls in line with what I've thought (but hadn't spoke aloud). I really would like to lose the weight without revision. I too have read about surgery failures and realize my regain could possibly have other causes than my behavior. For me, I do know I've never been on 'the strait and narrow' since surgery, nor have I been consistent. I'd like to establish those patterns within myself now. If after time I can not lose weight than I would consider some sort of help (not sure I'd opt for more surgery - revision - however). At this point, albeit S.L.O.W. as all getout, I am actually seeing weight loss.
At any rate, I appreciate both of your post. My mind is so limited, I do appreciate a view from an alternative angle.



Citizen Kim
on 10/23/16 12:59 pm - Castle Rock, CO

Oh FFS, this is old surgery wars thinking.  There is no reason for the OP to run to a surgeon.  She clearly knows exactly what she's doing and is sharing her wisdom, not looking for olden day advice.

A revision is a very serious undertaking and should be a last resort.  Most insurance companies have a one and done clause now.  It's different than when you (or I) had our surgery.  I wouldn't even qualify for surgery now or would have a hard fight getting it.  And there's a reason why there are not a massive number of surgeons who can do a DS and even fewer that can do a revision all these years later!  Think about it ...



Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 10/23/16 2:03 pm
RNY on 08/21/12

On the main board, he links an OH article to a surgeon pushing RNY to DS revisions. The trouble is, that surgeon is not one of the few vetted DS revision surgeons.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/23/16 2:43 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

He also seems disregard poor food choices & encourage revision surgery instead.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

White Dove
on 10/22/16 9:37 pm - Warren, OH

I had surgery nine years ago too.

Here are a few things that keep me at goal:

I weigh every day using a smart scale that tracks BMI, muscle weight, fat weigh****er weight, and bone weight.

I weigh portions with a digital kitchen scale and record in My Fitness Pal.

I drink 80 ounces of water a day.

I take all of my vitamins daily.

I do not use shakes.

I do not allow myself to become constipated.

I know I must reduce 500 calories a day to lose one pound a week.

I use a fitness tracker.

My goal is 136 and I maintain on 1400 calories a day and lose one pound weekly at 900 calories a day.


Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/23/16 12:10 am
VSG on 10/03/16

Hey MarieCeeJay

Thanks for sharing your journey si far and acknowledging that behind all this WLS/weight sh*t that consumes our lives at different times - the one thing we have in common is we are human. You have not failed. You have been a mother and a wife and a PERSON struggling with real life and we all know that ain't ever "perfect".

I think you sound like you have a good handle on where things are challenging you, strategies for getting thru them and most importantly a desire to keep moving forward. Striving for perfection isn't productive, nor is worrying about not being good enough. Celebrating your successes, small, big, like getting your exercise on, tracking thru MFP, however you set your goals is productive so I encourage you to do this more 

If you want to add me as a friend on MFP I'm Caleykins. I just found out this is possible and it is helping me stay on track knowing others can see my entries and I am sneaking ideas from others too.  I'm a VSG newbie but here to support you.

All the best!


(deactivated member)
on 10/23/16 6:58 am

Thank you for sharing it is not always easy to do that. It can take a lot of courage to do it. 

Seeing the problem is part of the answer. Keep coming here and posting and reading. It does help. The daily menu on the RNY board is a great way to read what others are eating. Or just to get support or give support.

Take care 

on 10/23/16 8:17 am
RNY on 08/04/15


Thank you so much for coming here and sharing your story.  It can do nothing but help those of us that are coming after you.  I'm just 14 months post op and still working at getting to goal.  I acknowledge my eating disorder issues, and it's a constant struggle.

I believe that one thing that has really helped me so far is having a place to talk to people who understand.  I come here everyday and try to be an active member of this community.  I have friended a lot of the regulars on facebook, and we have an active community of support.  I don't go to in person support groups, since it just hasn't been easy to work it into my schedule.  

Please, stick around here, get to know us all.  We totally get it, we understand the struggles, the frustrations.  I'm glad to see you here and hope that you'll stick around.

You can use the tool that you have to get the weight off, and we'll all be here with you while you do it.


Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20
