Did you tell??

on 10/20/16 7:39 pm

I am having my procedure on 11/17. I have told most of my family and a couple of very close friends. I have a good friend who didn't tell anyone. I found out from the kids, her daughter told mine. 

My question; who did you tell? Everyone? No one?

Sometimes I feel like, it's my business and nobody needs to know, while other times I feel like I should be able to talk about it. I swing back and forth.



VSG 11/17/16  down 18 lbs so far.

Hoping to rid myself of 100 lbs and health issues.


on 10/20/16 8:36 pm
VSG on 04/30/14

You will find varying, strong opinions on this site.  Many who believe full disclosure is your best bet for accountability and honesty regarding the weight loss.  It has worked for them and its part of their support on their journey.  I feel differently.  There are only 3 people in my life who know aside from my medical team.  I have far too many opinionated beings in my life who can be super snarky (family) that I did not want to hear anyone's opinion on this hard fought and very personal decision I made.  This has worked well for me on my journey.

I guess it comes down to how much you normally share personal medical and lifestyle decisions.  Just know that when you tell people it invites their opinions both good and bad.  You may find a wealth of extra support and positivity comes from that and it will propel you on your journey.  Or you may get some snark and unsupportive reactions.  The two friends I told have been very supportive as has my husband.  My family would not be, which is why I didn't tell them.  Plus, I live in a different city from them so it was a bit easier to get through the recovery.  Good luck on your journey!

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

on 10/20/16 8:51 pm

Thank you

VSG 11/17/16  down 18 lbs so far.

Hoping to rid myself of 100 lbs and health issues.


(deactivated member)
on 10/20/16 10:25 pm

I think it is a personal decision. I kept it from my family till I was ready. It felt good to tell people. Now I don't care who knows. When someone asks I tell them what I had done. It may help someone. 

It also can go to where people will say I know so and so had it done and they gained all of their weight back. Now when people say it I really don't listen anymore. 

If it seems like the right thing to do. Do it. 


on 10/20/16 11:02 pm
RNY on 08/10/16

The only people who know are the people I live with. I am a very private person with few close friends, and I work in a very judgmental industry and environment. I chose not to tell a soul. On the other hand, I regularly read everything posted on this and other message boards, and though I'm primarily lurking, I feel like I get all of the support I need.

However, I think it's a function of your situation, your personality, your desires, and your support network. If telling everyone is going to be better or easier for you, then by all means, you should. One caveat, though, once it's been told, it can't be untold, so be mindful.

HW: 250+ SW:215 (W leaving hospital: 224!)

CW: 138; DR GW: 166; MY GW: 130

M1: -20, M2: -8, M3: -14, M4: -11, M5: -8, M6: -5 M7: -7 M8: in progress

on 10/21/16 9:12 am

And people talk



VSG 11/17/16  down 18 lbs so far.

Hoping to rid myself of 100 lbs and health issues.


on 10/21/16 3:15 am

I didn't feel the need to announce it, but after almost 100 pounds of weight lost, people are truly curious and happy for me. I just tell the truth. I've had no negative responses but at this point I wouldn't care if I did. 

Consult Weight:276/Surgery Day Weight: 241.6 /Goal Weight: 150

on 10/21/16 9:13 am

Ya, that's what I may end up doing, if someone asks and they may need help too. I'm uncomfortable not being truthful.




VSG 11/17/16  down 18 lbs so far.

Hoping to rid myself of 100 lbs and health issues.


Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 10/21/16 3:18 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Ahead of time only my husband and 2 sisters-in-law (best friends) knew until my surgery was scheduled, then I told my adult children.  A few months after surgery I started telling friends and co-workers because I stopped feeling embarrassed.  It has sparked a lot of conversations from people who have considered WLS (what's it like, where did you have it done, etc.).

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

Insert Fitness
on 10/21/16 4:10 am

As others have mentioned, it really depends. I have to say, I've been open with friends and family. I only told people once I had a surgery date. I've only had positive feedback. But I am lucky to have such a supportive circle. I have to say if you're going to be open, you have to be ok with everyone knowing. I mean my dad tells everyone hahaha. I think it was a combo of nervous and excitement. 

But no one deserves to know. And at the same time, there's nothing wrong with sharing.
