Richmond, VA Employers

on 10/17/16 6:10 pm - Brooklyn, NY

Hello Everyone -

So I was banded in June of 2007....almost 10 years later I weigh almost twice as much as I did when I had the lap band.  It wasn't an effective tool.  After some soul searching & a life coach, I decided it would be best to pursue gastric bypass surgery.  I was set to go & getting appointments out the way.  However, I was out of work and on Medicaid.  I started a job almost a year ago and unfortunately, they do not offer WLS under their health insurance.  I've been still going to my appointments with the faith that next year I will have a new employer that will offer WLS as an option.  

I'm reaching out to you all because I don't want to apply to companies that don't offer it under their health insurance plans.  I would appreciate if someone would respond by stating which employers you know FOR SURE, that offer WLS under their health coverage options.  


Thank you so much....

on 10/17/16 7:02 pm

Good luck finding a job with good insurance, they are wonderful when you find them. Just be aware that open enrollment is literally just around the corner, and this is when companies change their policies for the next year, sometimes drastically. I wish you well on your journey! :)

RNY 9/28/16 at Highland Hospital with Dr O'Malley

on 10/19/16 7:32 am - Brooklyn, NY

I've had a a job with great insurance, so I know it's possible.  Just wish I came to this conclusion in my life while I still had the insurance.  I realize open enrollment is upon us and I do hope that my current company impliments some drastic changes.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/17/16 9:24 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Any company you apply for should have their own HR department with someone that can explain whatever health coverage for wls they have or don't have. Maybe if the job pays enough you can buy a separate policy that covers wls that way you can concentrate on getting the job without worrying about if you can get wls or not.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 10/19/16 7:34 am - Brooklyn, NY

My goal is to only apply to companies that currently offer it as an option.  I'm trying to reach out now so I know which companies to apply to PRIOR to me having any sort of company or HR interaction.  I don't want to waste their time or mines.

on 10/18/16 9:06 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I would be careful how you ask the questions during an interview. I would imagine some employers might not want to hire someone only looking for the right benefits.

Maybe you can do research, ask local friends, and find ways to find out without directly asking that in an interview? (Obviously asking about benefits is a normal thing... maybe you could ask for their insurance book?)

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

on 10/19/16 7:35 am - Brooklyn, NY

I don't plan on asking any sort of health related benefit questions during the interviewing process. My goal is to create a solid list of companies in the RVA market that currently offer that time of coverage that I can apply to.

on 10/18/16 9:17 am

Federal Government- APWU (i.e. postal workers). I got my RNY on it but the labs for vitamins for the year post op was not covered. Between my endo, my surgeon, and my NP- I was doing a **** load of lab every quarter and getting 400-600 buck bills that I HAD TO PAY FOR for a year afterward (that was about 3K in credit card debt). APWU did great for the surgery but were ****ty for the followup.


Now I have Blue Cross Blue Shield basic- and my labs are covered. I dont even have a copay. Not sure if they cover RNY surgery though.

Depending on you skill set you might be able to get a federal job. You could take the VRE (virginia railway express from Fredericksburg/Spotsyvlania) into DC. Yes you would have to go up I-95.  Alternatively, there is an amtrack that runs between Union station in DC and Richmond. 

HIstory majors get jobs at NSA, CIA and state department

Scientists-NIST, FDA, PTO and the various military bases in Maryland.

Languages/translators- see NSA CIA state department

Accountants/Business managers -IRS and PTO


-Skinny Bureucrat (who cant spell)

on 10/19/16 7:36 am - Brooklyn, NY

Thank you. I will look into that. I have a marketing degree and currently work in the digital media marketing world.

on 10/19/16 7:48 am

The patent office, the FDA and really ANY area of the federal government needs you then.  Why?  Because when the government interacts with the public, it needs to know how to market/nuance its policies, ideas and thoughts TO the public. Further, they need nice pamphlets, writeups, reports, and powerpoints to put forth these ideas to the public.


Many of the same agencies are accountable to congress or also have to work with their counter-parts in foreign governments for harmonization.

I would look for anything with marketing, public interaction, foreign affairs, HR, or communications are needed.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  
