Changes in sugar tolerance over time?
I am three years out from RNY revision. Over the past few weeks I have had some fairly major reactions to my usual Protein powder supplement as well as other foods including my beloved calcium supplements that I have been eating consistently since my surgery.
I am curious if some of you have developed stronger reactions to foods and /or sugar substitutes or supplements as time goes on? I am actually wondering I am not becoming lactose intolerant as the protein powder I have used for 3+ years is mixed into my plain yogurt each morning and it is really causing me to be sick - bloated, shakey, dizzy, nauseous, etc. Same with the calcium supplements...
Ring any bells for someone?
Shakey and dizzy sound like reactive hypoglycemia.
See HALA or Grim. I remember them warning someone about reactive hypoglycemia and tha*****pically starts 2-3 YEARS post op.
I remember thinking "****! I am in the window for this to start!" and have been viligent, especially since I take metformin (which reduces BS) for PCOS. I was scared about going too low.
But HALA and Grim are you "go-to's" on the reactive hypolycemia

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
It does sound like reactive hypoglycemia. Those are the same symptoms I get when I eat too many crappy foods. The more luquids the crappy carbs are, the faster and worse it hits.
Try eliminating or substituting something, and carefully follow how you react.
Is your protein powder 100% whey isolate? Whey isolate is lactose free, but it depends on what you add it to.
If you can't use your berry supplements, I know who you can send them to.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
I don't think it sounds like lactose intolerance, but something is different. Our bodies do change. If the protein and supplements are making you sick, then stop them for a bit and see how you feel. Find something different for breakfast and see if you can substitute the calcium patch for your supplements. Just my suggestion.
On Sunday, I will have my nine year anniversary. I have had to make changes several times when supplements started causing problems. I always find something that works for me.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Me, me, me!
I've gotten more sensitive to sugar alcohols, and most forms of naturally occurring sugars as well, as the years go by. My first year out, I was okay with all of the most commonly used ones except maltitol. Now, I can only have erythritol. I can still use Splenda with no problems, and stevia is fine as well. I use a combo of erythritol and stevia for baked goods, Splenda goes in my coffee and tea.
What kind of sweetener is in your calcium supplement? ( You know Grim will blame it on the berry ) FWIW, my Bariatric Advantage caramel chews are still okay for me.
I used to be able to handle fruit sugar, and now I can't. Fruit gets me sooo sick that I may as well be eating spoonfuls of sugar.
I thought I was becoming lactose intolerant, but it was the fact that a "skinny" drink I had at Starbucks actually had real sugar in it, so it was a reaction to the sucrose, not the lactose. I've since tested myself by drinking plain milk and I've been fine.
It also takes less added sugar than it used to to make me have that dreaded dumpy feeling.
I usually start the dumpy feeling by feeling flushed and hot. That's my "Ruh roh, this is about to suck" cue. With RH, I proceed right to the shaky, panicky feeling...then the cold sweats happen, then that oh so fun-I'm confused-as-hell thing happens. I don't get nauseated with RH..that's a sugar, or sometimes too much fat, reaction for me. I've become more sensitive to fat too as the years go on. Damn it.
Maybe try the yogurt by itself? And then try the protein powder mixed with water at a different time ( if the yogurt is cleared of any wrongdoing ) to see if you can pinpoint what is causing the episodes.
Hope you get to the bottom of it...I know it's frustrating when what used to work no longer does.
ETA: mistyped a word. Shocking, right??
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
Crappola Audrey - I wanted to be special and now it is as if you just wrote a day in the life of Ashley eating fruit and chewing SF gum! I swear just one SINGLE Tic Tac works better than 5 capfuls of Miralax... fun imagery right there.
I think maybe HALA is on to something with the habitual eating patterns causing exposure to the same chemicals daily and therefore increasing the likelihood of allergic/intolerance reactions. Since the way to reduce allergic reactions is to reduce contact with said allergen, then the reverse logic should apply. Duh. This makes sense to me. It doesn't bode well for Grim and his all ribeye all the time diet!
I have had several scary bad RH episodes before - one from the before mentioned Tic Tac, from SF gum, a slice of Granny Smith apple that I thought would actually kill me, and the very worst from a flavoured fruit squash that I thought was sugar free but was loaded with artifical sweetner and one huge gulp had me wishing I would die. I actually passed out from that one, so I am intimately familiar with the whole RH thing and thought I had it all figured out.
WTH was I thinking?? It is comforting to know I am not alone and I guess I should look at this as something guaranteed to keep my life interesting as the years go by...
Maybe this means I need to try out All Meat Week with you all?
If you deal with severe RH - I would strongly advice you not to do "all meat all week".
Proteins cause insulin release and with no carbs - you may find yourself crashing as badly as with sugary items.
When I get super stressed and considering my adrenal insufficiency- best apriach was in a very balanced meals - 20gr of proteins+-15 gr of fat+5-10gr of complex carbs. More fat if you need... Avocado, butter, coconut, nuts. Nuts are like little miracle food for me - . they stabilize my blood sugar... Proteins from raw Nuts/seeds are not really absorbable... You need them sprouted or at least soaked. Or roasted.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Roasted almonds are my go to RH remedy.
I have never done the all meat all week plan and won't I am sure because I just can't be that hard core and I don't think I can hack it for all kinds of reasons and now I will just add Insulin release to that list...
Thanks again for all your expertise and time.
I've never done full on AMAW, but I've done the modified version with dairy added in. I actually missed my veggies after a couple of weeks. Maybe THAT'S why I wanted nothing but salads for a while.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty