OH2016 National Conference.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/11/16 6:08 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Yes I loved going to the conference & meeting people & meeting Dr. Now along with his patients. As Kate mentioned I do wish that their username/the name they go by on the site was on the badge. 1 lady was able to figure out my user/name I go by on the boards based on my name & avatar which is a photo. I'm pretty basic like that lol.

I think the premiere protein is really not a good product for us, at least not if you're trying to lose weight, & its kinda dicey if used to maintain. Their bars & shakes were at least 200 calories & had a good amount of carbs & sugar in it.

Perhaps Tourani syrups, the sugar free kind can be a sponsor, I've noticed a lot of people use it & it really doesn't affect blood sugar levels too much, but no big bottles!, not unless you have a checked bag. My ticket didn't cover for a checked bag & they wanted $20.00 for it. Sorry, not paying $20.00 for a $4.00 syrup. Oh well my loss.

Since a lot of us are getting into fitness, how about Fitbit, misfit, or Garmin as a sponsor. Some things that can be discussed is how you can't outrun a bad diet, but how beneficial exercise is for the body.

Ditto for clothes for exercise, but for plus sized women/men.

Food- Meat, meat & more meat!, throw in some fish & dairy or gluten free products/lactose free products like unsweetened cashew milk. Alternative meat like bison jerky, epic products has a lot of these. Also Orgain products are good & I was so glad they were there, its kinda a healthier low carb, low sugar, high protein shake that's a more healthy version of some of the shakes out there., & I never knew they existed till the conference. Thanks OH!

Also a kind of meeting place where people can talk & have their own fire chat about wls or whatever. Once there was no seminar we wanted to see or any products to get, there was no place to just sit & talk.

Highlights were definitely Dr Now, seminars on different weight loss topics, meet n greet, afterparty, fashion show & Disneyland! Yeah it was extra, but it was a discount & something to do outside of the conference. 

How about highlighting a your favorite NSV?

Finally I did like how you had a woman up there whose goal was to walk down the runway without her walker, that has to be the best moment for me to see during the whole conference.

Putting a face behind the name of all the people that are here & seeing them in person was great & shows I might not agree with everything you say on the boards,but, I'm real, you're real & we're in it together.

Looking forward to seeing you next year! Kathy this means you! lol

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


Kathy S.
on 10/12/16 9:12 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Well you know me "T" and my rainbow butt, it would be a BIG HUG when I meet you!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

(deactivated member)
on 10/12/16 9:40 am - CA

That is excellent feedback, T!  Thank you so much!!!

I agree about Karen walking in the Fashion Show without her walker.   There were so many people there that were brought  tears jus****ching her achieve her first NSV and at an OH Conference!   

We generally have a Internet Cafe at our Conferences, but we were so packed, we had to forgo one this year.   We will definitely have one next year and I will make sure they have seats available where people can just chit chat when they are not in a session or seeing vendors.   

Name badges with OH Username.   We will definitely see if this is an option in our printing of the badges.  I agree it would be nice to have as well.    

Lastly, we are always looking for new products and your suggestions are great.  We have reached out to a few in the past, but the timing was not the best (either they are already committed to certain events and could not do anymore, etc)   Hopefully, we will see a good response on the ones we are reaching out to now for 2017.  



on 10/11/16 11:10 pm
RNY on 11/20/14 with

The whole dang thing was awesome. I loved the fitness related sessions and mixing with the vendors and attendees.

I pitched an idea to Lauren and co about doing a nutritionist guided luncheon next year? Y'all could make that hip and happening.

on 10/12/16 7:48 am
VSG on 12/29/15 with

Will the OH conference always be heldvin California?



Kathy S.
on 10/12/16 9:08 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Kyzze  

We never know where the next event will be (2015 location was NC), but we do try to announce as early as possible. so people can plan!  We hope you can join us 

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 10/12/16 8:43 am, edited 10/12/16 1:44 am

This is my first OH conference. I attended with my cousin and we had an amazing time. The sessions I attended were great but the best part about the whole weekend was walking in the fashion show for the very first time and making this a huge NSV
for me. Since this was my first conference I really can't think of anything that would make it better than it was. I think the clothing exchange is a great idea especially for those who are changing sizes and really don't have the money to up their wardrobe to fit their changing bodies so please continue to have that every year beacause it really helps.

on 10/13/16 9:24 am - Mira Loma, CA
VSG on 11/20/14




This was my first year at a OH Conference and I will never miss another. What an amazing experience, meeting inspiring people, great vendors, and attending motivational classes. If you haven't attended a conference, please do. It's like a breath of fresh air in your recovery against obesity and drives you to get back on your bandwagon. Thank you to OH and all the staff who helped put this amazing event together, super memorable for me :) See you all in 2017 at Long Beach!
