Sad at the Activity

Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/12/16 12:18 pm

 I love you too, friend.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Beam me up Scottie
on 10/12/16 5:19 pm
I have a different surgery, the DS is hard to break...other than taking vitamins twice a day and labs every 6 months, I really don't have to do anything special. I really have eatten what I wanted for 10 years, I've maintained almost a 300 lbs weight loss without effort, and only only now decided to take off the 20 lbs that crept up on me in the last 5 years.

I didn't call anyone a loser for sticking around (for the record) that is putting words in my mouth. Although if your whole life is about your WLS at 10 years out, there is something wrong with that too. People should develop other interests and do what the WLS helped them to life.
Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/12/16 5:59 pm

I didn't say you called anyone a loser. You wondered what happened to the swingin' joint you were used to. Here it is. If you want it to start hoppin', start posting. There are probably other DSers here but quiet.

You said you went off and lived life and got really successful. That's cool. A bunch of other people apparently did, too.

I guarantee my WLS is a fraction of my life; however, I come here to keep myself from thinking I'm somehow normal now. I'm not. I have lots of nonWLS interests. I come here to keep my head straight. 


I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/11/16 8:45 am

These boards are what people make of them. I'm sure people would value your input and experience so post away.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Citizen Kim
on 10/11/16 9:53 am - Castle Rock, CO

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you.

I stay here because it's good for me and I get to help out those who want help.  I come here most days, but really only post in R&R because at 12 years out,  I need to be among people I feel comfortable sharing my personal stuff.

Having said that, OH is a much kinder, gentler place since the board queens up and took their balls "home".  The drama could be fun, but when they pursued each other into people's personal lives, it was all a bit much.  I really don't miss those days or those crazy *****es.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Laura in Texas
on 10/11/16 10:37 am

So true. I agree.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 10/11/16 11:51 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I wasn't here for all of that, but you made me laugh at my desk (and I'm supposed to be working!)... I was part of an IVillage parenting board when my daughter was still in the womb... those women (and I was guilty of getting into it a few times) would take **** right into real life too! Crazy stuff back then... glad that group moved to a private group on Facebook. It seems having a 'real' identity on there made the snark go away. Funny thing is, the biggest trouble makers didn't make the move... 


Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

Insert Fitness
on 10/11/16 2:03 pm

I'm a newbie, but I have to say, the reason I post here is because it isn't filled with endless posts or silly drama. It's actually the first board I've taken part in. 

As others have said, it is what you make of it. I use the search function often. And if I don't find an answer, or think things may have changed, I'll post a question. 

There are a number of forums that are much more user friendly, and I'm sure that has drawn people away. But I'm here for the relevant content. And it seems to be the only place with active long term wls vets. That is invaluable to me.

hope you stick around and contribute.

on 10/11/16 4:15 pm - Victoria, Canada
VSG on 05/30/17

This forum is everything to me.

I'm still pre-op but I've been here every single day for the past three years. I have very little family support, so this is my lifeline.

I sincerely hope that you and other vets, as well as others keep participating!


High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135

VSG Surgery May 30, 2017

Donna L.
on 10/11/16 4:21 pm, edited 10/11/16 9:21 am - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

I've always found the help I needed.  I don't know that super busy is much more helpful, necessarily.  I also like other forums too.  I try to participate when I have salient information.  I feel a newbie myself, since I am just 16 months out from my own surgery and looking towards revision.  I do try to answer what I can.

It's much like forums for grad students.  People eventually "graduate" in many senses.  I don't expect people 10 years out to post.  They either don't need the support, or they have fallen off the radar into life.  I also think WLS is more normalized.  I first started looking at the DS 10 years ago and it was freakishly rare.  Numerous surgeons near me now do it.  Well, by numerous I mean more than two, but you get the picture.

I would definitely encourage you to hang around and share your experiences. :) 

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
