Cherry popped... NSV :)

Dee R.
on 9/6/16 9:47 am - CA

Have you had your surgery yet??  And what surgery are you considering, if you haven't?  I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. 

on 9/6/16 9:53 am - Troy, Tx

Not yet. Pre-op class this Friday the 9th. Then surgery is scheduled for October 5th. I am so nervous and excited to begin my new me. 

Dee R.
on 9/6/16 10:10 am - CA

I accepted your friend request.  Please, feel free to PM me any time.

Very excited for you!  This truly is the best thing I've ever done for myself!!

on 9/13/16 2:33 pm - Troy, Tx

No not yet, My date is Oct 5th. So nerves. and yet excited..
