has anyone revised from sleeve to RNY bc of acid?
I've had the sleeve for 7 years and I really do love it. However, this past 6 months I have really been fighting acid. It's very painful when it starts up. I'm on Protonix and PPI's ruin your bones. I had a fusion in my back and the surgeon said my bones were like rotten wood. So that would be another reason to revise, as much as I don't want to.
I'd like to hear from anyone who did revise because of acid and how is eating different when you have the gastric bypass and are used to eating with a sleeve?
I need help making this decision.
Lots of people have revised to RNY because of acid. Post this in the revision board. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Did you have acid problems immediately? Did you find anything to relieve it?
Are you glad you revised to RNY? My daughter has the RNY and she is always talking about food getting stuck. Do you find that to be a problem? Do you find any certain foods hard to eat with the RNY?
How long ago did you have the sleeve and how long have you had the RNY?
I had VSG on 5/12/14. My acid started about 8 months after. We tried everything. Numerous combinations of PPIs but nothing helped. My primary car dr tested me for a gene mutation that affects the rate I metabolize PPIs. Turns out I have it, so PPIs were never going to give me significant relief. I suffered for a little over a year before agreeing to covert to RNY. I woke up from surgery and was acid free for the first time in 15 months.
ive only had food get stuck once. I ate quinoa about 7 weeks after my revision and it got stuck. I spent about an hour with pressure in my chest before I was able to throw it all up. It's the only time with either surgery I've been sick. I've also become lactose intolerant which has limited my food a bit. I have trouble with milk cheese and yogurt. I was lactose intolerant a bit after my VSG but this is worse. My surgeon told me to take lactaid and a probiotic. I'm hoping it solves the problem because I ate a lot of cheese and yogurt with my VSG and I miss it! Other than that, no issues. Feel free to ask another other questions you may have. I'm happy to help
Hi Stacy I've had the the sleeve for almost 4 years, and I'm having a revision to bypass on October 25 2016. (Soon!) acid reflux is terrible and now have Barret's Esophugus. Weight loss was ok but not great. I'd like to know if your acid reflux is gone? How was the recovery? How long was the hospital stay? Have you lost any significant weight? I'd appreciate your feedback as I'm super nervous