Words of Encouragement Please and Thank You!

on 8/30/16 6:08 pm

Hi all. I am in my final 9 days of my pre-op diet before my surgery on the 8th of September. While I am doing fine and sticking with everything (have to do 3 week pre op diet), I would still like to hear words of encouragement, your preop experiences, or stories about how you felt right after the surgery.  


on 8/30/16 6:30 pm - Spanish Fort, AL
RNY on 05/27/16

You're in the final stretch! Stick to the plan, and you'll be the happiest you've ever been! Weight loss surgery is truly life changing!!! I know you're starving right now, and probably a little depressed, but it will all be worth it in the end! 

SW:223, CW: 134.2; GW: 125, RNY: 5/27/16

on 8/30/16 8:26 pm

Yes very hungry. Not depressed though. Frustrated but it helps being busy with work. I've already lost 13+ pounds since I started my 3 wee prep on August 18th. Thank you for the words. I cannot even imagine what it will be like. :-) 

on 8/30/16 6:43 pm
VSG on 08/09/16

Congrats on your decision!  I am 3 weeks and some change post-op.  My surgery and recovery has gone quite well.  I have not had any regrets and am grateful that I made this choice!  You're almost there.  You got this!!! 

on 8/30/16 8:09 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

The pre op dirt will be just a minor blip on the radar a year from now. Stick with it to ensure your best Health status for surgery day.

First 4 days days of my preop I was hangry. That was followed by resolve, finally ending with the utterly bad breath stage :-)

upon waking from surgey my abdomen felt like I had a tummy tuck- it was just so blasted and swollen that's the sensation I imagined. I was thirsty and sleepy. Otherwise I felt fine. 

Its all manageable, sometimes overwhelming, but worth it.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 8/30/16 8:24 pm

I'm definitely hangry on this second day of the pure liquid. I am hungry and peeing A LOT.  I think that is good though and I want to make sure to be okay for surgery day. I find myself dreaming of food and wishing I could eat a piece of bread or some rice. Weird that I want those things now and I never really wanted them before. haha. But I am sticking with it and following it to the T since August 18th. 

on 8/30/16 8:35 pm

I think because of the pre-op diet I never really had that "last supper" feeling like some people describe. It really helped get my head in the right place. 

Consult Weight:276/Surgery Day Weight: 241.6 /Goal Weight: 150

on 8/31/16 6:02 am

Congratulations! I didn't have to do the pre op diet so I don't know what you're going thru. However I do know that this is the best decision I have ever made. You will question yourself after surgery, asking yourself if you made the right decision. YES you did. 

Remeber when the nurses try to get you up and walking DO IT! You will feel so much better. Sip when they offer you drinks. All of this will ensure you are off to a great start. 

The more you walk right after surgery the less gas pain you will feel. I was walking around at Bass Pro the third day of surgery. When I got tired I would stop and rest. 

You got this!!!! Keep us updated!

Surgery date March 4, 2016

S.W 309.8

C.W. 143.2

"Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good!"

on 8/31/16 4:27 pm

Wow, thank you!! This was really helpful. It is encouraging to think that you were walking around Bass Pro three days after surgery. If memory serves me correctly, my best friend was able to do something similar 3-4 days after surgery too years ago. I will take all of your advice. I am DETERMINED to get going and be successful after surgery and be able to exercise as much as I am allowed. I want to get back to feeling like myself and then better and better. I have to be patient with myself too. 

on 8/31/16 6:05 am, edited 8/30/16 11:06 pm - LA

Life changing. The only thing I remember after surgery is laying in the bed at the hospital not realizing that I can't eat. That was the hardest thing. A habit of always eating and drinking diet coke. I couldn't have coke which I did not know prior to surgery. I went through withdraws. When the nurse came in and asked my husband if he wanted breakfast and didn't offer me a thing. I couldn't understand. Eating was my life. Food was my comforter. I suggest the last couple days before surgery to fast. It will help you. After 5 years I would do it all over again. Yes I'm not where I want to be but Thank GOD I'm not where I was. Good luck and know that you are doing the right thing for your health and yourself. 
