Where is our old friend Gary V?

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/16 12:23 pm, edited 8/29/16 8:02 am - CA

lking, I think most of the replies after the one above yours answers your question.   I have been on OH over 15 years and I have worked for OH for a very long time.   People come and go, but they are never moderated because of health conditions, alcohol problems or other related conditions.   This is why the boards are in place, for members to network and interact and get support.  

If you look back at many post since you have been here, you will see the same thing Grim and Hala outlined, people do in fact get support about their issues and yes, people do deactivate, but those are for THEIR reasons.   We do NOT deactivate them.    Also, keep in mind, people come and go, like Grim said.   I have reconnected with many people who were on the boards in 2000-2009, but had since left OH. They found their way back and posted for a bit, only to disappear again.   Life happens and from time to time, people move away from support, but I promise you, they do return.  :)



on 8/29/16 3:23 pm - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 12/04/15

Just as I thought.  Thanks, Nik!

67 yrs old, 4'10", BMI 31.8 (51.8 at start), HW 256.4 (8/4/15), SW 217.4, CW 152.8 (4/30/18), GW 125.0, RNY 12/4/15 Dr. RoseMarie Jones, Breast Cancer DX 2/16, Bi-lateral mastectomy 8/9/16.

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/16 3:43 pm - CA

You're welcome! 

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/28/16 5:47 pm
On August 28, 2016 at 9:06 PM Pacific Time, Grrl26 wrote:

There are many members here longtime or not slightly cantankerous or perhaps troubled possibly because of longtime painful health issues who have been mysteriously  and very unfortunately for the website and the Oh community " disappeared " over the last few years of active moderation.

Some have posted about issues with alcohol or prescription med abuse post op. Some posted repeated frustrated posts about chronic life threatening health problems most likely related or aggravated by their bariatric surgery. 

To me it seems such members posts aren't wanted here where the paying customers are bariatric surgeons. 

Do these members actually choose to deactivate? Or is it rather permanent censorship and silencing with no recourse ? 

Does this policy benefit the Oh community and if we don't believe so what should we do about it ? 

Way too  many of my controversial interesting thought provoking friends are missing from Oh. 

That is IMO a complete BS. I had many health issues agravated or caused by RNY and I never felt that I was unvelconed here on OH. 

I respect others opinions, and I also speak (write) very clearly about my issues.  At one time I had used alcohol too much to deal with my gut isdues (pain and cramps) and was never told to go away. 

I think you stipulations are really wrong... 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/29/16 4:19 am
RNY on 08/21/12
On August 28, 2016 at 9:06 PM Pacific Time, Grrl26 wrote:

There are many members here longtime or not slightly cantankerous or perhaps troubled possibly because of longtime painful health issues who have been mysteriously  and very unfortunately for the website and the Oh community " disappeared " over the last few years of active moderation.

Some have posted about issues with alcohol or prescription med abuse post op. Some posted repeated frustrated posts about chronic life threatening health problems most likely related or aggravated by their bariatric surgery. 

To me it seems such members posts aren't wanted here where the paying customers are bariatric surgeons. 

Do these members actually choose to deactivate? Or is it rather permanent censorship and silencing with no recourse ? 

Does this policy benefit the Oh community and if we don't believe so what should we do about it ? 

Way too  many of my controversial interesting thought provoking friends are missing from Oh. 

This is absurd nonsense. I have seen plenty of people post about health issues, problems, and complications. Some are caused or exacerbated by WLS, most are not. 

OH does NOT have a policy to censor, silence, or ban those people. I rarely see them pull a post, and only once have I seen them put someone on temporary moderation. If I had the power to do so, there are 3 or 4 others I would have kicked out, due to their abuse of other members.

Your profile is new. It sounds like you used to be a member years back? If so, did OH banish you? Or did you jyst drift away and stop posting, as happens with 99.9 percent of all members?

Now that you are back, maybe you can stick around and actually offer some assistance to those who need it, rather than hurling false accusations.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 8/29/16 5:01 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Wow, that seems out of nowhere to me and completely asinine. I read here daily and I read many people who've had complications and issues with alcohol and post op problems. What I've witnessed is more along the lines of the members who have problems kind of stop posting slowly because they have IRL problems...that's pretty common.

I used to be super active on another health issue message board for 4 years. It was moderated. The moderation came when there was arguments - I haven't really seen much of that here although there has been those arguments.

I have no connection to OH moderators besides the fact that I'm a member here. But I'm not seeing the censorship AT ALL that you're talking about. I think it's highly likely that deactivated members flounce because they're pissed they got called on their **** or deactivate because they have a lot of **** going on IRL.

And most of my controversial interesting thought provoking friends are still here and highly active.


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

Citizen Kim
on 8/29/16 5:14 am - Castle Rock, CO
On August 28, 2016 at 9:06 PM Pacific Time, Grrl26 wrote:

There are many members here longtime or not slightly cantankerous or perhaps troubled possibly because of longtime painful health issues who have been mysteriously  and very unfortunately for the website and the Oh community " disappeared " over the last few years of active moderation.

Some have posted about issues with alcohol or prescription med abuse post op. Some posted repeated frustrated posts about chronic life threatening health problems most likely related or aggravated by their bariatric surgery. 

To me it seems such members posts aren't wanted here where the paying customers are bariatric surgeons. 

Do these members actually choose to deactivate? Or is it rather permanent censorship and silencing with no recourse ? 

Does this policy benefit the Oh community and if we don't believe so what should we do about it ? 

Way too  many of my controversial interesting thought provoking friends are missing from Oh. 

Holy tin foil hat!


Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 8/31/16 11:46 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Oxford Comma Hag
on 8/29/16 9:36 am

That is one of the most farcical statements I have ever read on OH. There is no conspiracy to ban those who have had significant health issues after surgery.

There are plenty of people who fade away when they find something more interesting offline or no longer get the attention they feel they deserve here.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 8/29/16 10:08 am
RNY on 08/04/15

I honestly believe that the people honest decide to deactivate, for whatever reason.  There is very little censorship here.  honestly, I've only seen a few posts that had posts deleted or the whole post removed by the mods.  Even the ones that get nasty usually stay, as long as the threads don't cross a line.

I think you're being a little paranoid.  

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20
