It's the little things

on 8/18/16 5:49 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Or maybe not so little?

I have an office job so I've needed to buy clothes semi-regularly as I've lost weight but have done so pretty infrequently, shopping sales and I've always been relatively cheap with clothes anyways so I never really splurged all that much. But over the last month or so my close to 2 size too large pants kind of started slipping down my waist at work...I found a pair of dress pants on clearance and wore them to work. My boss made the comment that I must have gone shopping that weekend. I said yes, how did she know? She replied - your clothes fit!

So I went shopping this weekend and came back with a decent haul since I'm at my goal weight. I know I may lose more but I figure medium tops will fit relatively well even within another 10-15 pounds (and I'm prepared for regain as well lol).

So OMG every day this week I've worn clothes that fit. It's been amazing. And so long since every piece of clothing has actually been close to my body and not baggy. I've gotten compliments every day this week which has made me feel weird, but whatever. What's made me happy is that I can see for once my progress in black and white when I look in the mirror. WOW. What a great feeling.

As a side note - I will NEVER not be bitter about the huge selection 'normal' size clothes have and how much cheaper they are! Holy crap!


What are the little things that you've experienced that have made you guys happy?


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

on 8/18/16 6:38 am - Granada Hills, CA

It's amazing that I can feel like a totally different person when I wear clothes that fit vs baggy clothes. 


The small things that I love - biggest one is fitting in chairs and not having to worry about fitting or breaking them. I love sitting at coffee shops but never could before bc coffee shop chairs are freaking tiny. 


And packing is is so much easier. I don't need an extra large bag just for a weekend trip bc my "tiny" clothes fold up and only take up a small space  at my heaviest my clothes were so big and bulky that I could only put 4-5 things in a drawer  now I can fit tons of clothes in a drawer  


it's definitely the little things that give us perspective - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Teena D.
on 8/18/16 10:57 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

Wow- I never even thought about taking less room in a suitcase!

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

on 8/18/16 7:07 am

Yes, making sure my clothes fit properly is a third job of mine. I usually shop the $1 racks at the thrift stores so I always have some thing that fits properly to wear to work/out and about.


HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/16 7:39 am

Awesome NSV.  Wearing things that fit right is so important. Some people will say I am vane. But I am at times.

The right outfit and underwear can make your day. 

There are a ton of clothes that we can wear now. I know though. I end up going back to my favorite jeans and shirts even when I have a closet full of clothes. 


on 8/18/16 8:16 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I call myself vane, before they have a chance to 

I am though. I know that. I like to look nicely put together. I like having highlights in my hair, and make up on my face. I like doing my nails and toenails (and most of the time I do them myself). And as I lose weight, no doubt I will have (mostly) clothes that fit well.

I'm also cheap, and I only splurge on the highlights... I shop at thrift shops (at least now) or places like Ross/TJ Maxx, and I don't wear $150 pairs of shoes (even if I do have a ton of them)... my make up is drug store make up, and like I said, almost always do my own nails.

Yes, I do go places in yoga pants and tank tops, sans the make up and hair in a pony tail... but usually only on weekends when I have nothing else planned.

So, I don't think being vane is a bad thing at all!

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/16 8:20 am

I actually will go out without make up on. Which is huge for me. I kind of like it. 

I pay someone to do my feet. I always screw my toenails up. I only go a few times a year. I am lucky my friend is a hair dresser so she does my hair. Doesn't charge me a ton thank goodness. 


on 8/18/16 8:27 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I like no makeup best just after I've been out in the sun, and my face has a little color! LOL

Hey, I think whatever makes you feel good is good for you.

One of my favorite quotes from a good friend is 

"You do You"

And the ones that use 'vane' in a negative way should just mind their own beeswax!

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

on 8/18/16 9:17 am

I don't think that's little, I think it's a huge NSV.  Congratulations!  

Surgery Date June 3, 2016

HW: 329 W at first consult 290. SW 238, LW 128, CW 139

The Salty Hag
on 8/18/16 12:40 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

Wearing clothes that fit is definitely the way to go. I look totally different when I wear too-big clothing than when I wear something that fits.

Here are my little things:

Crossing my legs and being able to tuck my legs under me when I sit.

Hubby being able to pick me up and me not worrying if I'm going to kill him.

Weighing less than said hubby.

Squeezing through tiny spaces. The other day, I had to slither around a she-douche and her cart taking up the middle of the aisle at Lowe's. There were a ****ton of people on the aisle on both sides, but she was smack dab in the middle. I said "Excuse me."but was ignored. I was even nice the 2nd time. I was still ignored. Fine, ***** I'ma slip my bony little ass in that tiny space riiiiight  between you and your cart saying  "Excuse you! Thanks for moving over!" as I do so.  ( although bumping her with my fat would have been fun too....haha. I loved offending ******** with my sheer bulk. )

I love having collarbones that I can see, but damn it, it hurts like a mother when you whack yourself on one with your hairbrush. Has anyone else done that? OUCH.


I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty
