Overeating definitely still an issue!

on 8/15/16 4:53 am
RNY on 03/23/15

I had a not so good eating weekend. I went grocery shopping this weekend and I went to a store I normally don't go to and got Halo Top ice cream which has protein, low sugar, and 60 calories per serving. I was super excited. I also got this skinny pop white cheddar calorie popcorn that is 150 calories per 3 3/4 cups. Super excited about both.

OMG - NOT a good idea.

Both taste amazing.

Saturday I felt like I did nothing but eat. I had a serving and a half of the ice cream and a serving of the popcorn. Along with my regular food. I was still under 1000 calories for the day but I never get close to that many calories and I usually have 3 meals + 1 snack a day. Saturday I snacked all day - I broke up the popcorn into 2 mini servings and the same with the ice cream, so basically I grazed all day. I went to bed feeling sick with myself for bad choices and vowing to do better Sunday.

Sunday I met a friend for lunch. Did better- made good choices at lunch and brought home leftovers, ate them. But then had half a serving of both the popcorn and the ice cream.


So I've long suspected that I can't portion control those kinds of things. That I would pretty much jump headfirst into a bag of chips. I thought maybe I would be able to be better now. But not so much.

I will NOT be buying these things again. DH has been able to have these things in the house - the full calorie/sugar stuff that I can tell myself that I can't have because it will make me sick. But the stuff I CAN have? **** I CANNOT have that in the house. Lesson learned. I guess I should be happy it took me 18 months to try this and to learn it but wish I had better willpower than that.


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

Teena D.
on 8/15/16 5:08 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

Good for you for realizing that!  And it's great that you say no to DH's stuff. :)


RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

on 8/15/16 5:37 am
RNY on 08/04/15

I'm the exact same way.  There are certain foods that, if I know they are in the house, I have no control over.  I tried Halo Top Ice Cream the other day, and ate the 4 servings within a couple of days.  Popcorn is hard for me to resist.  If it's here, I will a serving every night.  

The thing that I've learned is that I CAN have them occasionally, but I have to take into account that I have no control and plan for it.  So, don't bring both popcorn and ice cream into the house at the same time. I'll get one or the other AND I don't do it often.

I wanted Halo Top the other day, but they didn't have the flavor I wanted, so I didn't buy it.  I'm a little more choosy with what I bring in.  I also refuse to buy crackers of any kind.  They just don't come into my house at all.  

Of course, if you don't feel like it's something that you can do occasionally, then stay away from them.  I like to be able to have a treat every once in a while and as long as I acknowledge my limitations, then I can keep a handle on it.

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 8/15/16 5:45 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Seriously. The Halo Top will be gone by tonight, maybe tomorrow. Same with the popcorn. And I bought it Saturday morning. I should never have bought them the same day! Planning accordingly is something I can try. It's helpful that my normal grocery store doesn't carry them so I won't be tempted normally lol!

I am glad that I found something that is reasonable for me to eat as a treat. Because I am sick of beef jerky constantly.

I truly cannot buy crackers of chips of any kind and I know that! Because I will binge and never come out of it. I thought popcorn would be a little better - and it was, since I was able to limit myself to one serving but the bag will still be gone super quickly. But knowing my limitations now I will need to plan ahead of time and think out my weekend eating. Normally if I'm going out to eat I plan ahead of time and adjust my calories for the rest of the weekend to be less than normal so I can have more at the restaurant. I'll need to do something similar if I want to have this kind of treat in the house in the future. But it will definitely be a limited time treat!

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/16 5:57 am

I can't have anything like that in the house. Trigger foods. Pretty much anything carb like I can be doomed. 

The Salty Hag
on 8/15/16 6:13 am
RNY on 05/20/13

I did this a few times. I do well with the "normie" desserts because I know I'll get sick. I ran into the same problem you did with WLS friendly desserts. ( Sweet tooth from hell over here. ) I don't know what Halo Top uses for a sweetener, but maybe eventually you'll become sensitive to it the way I became sensitive to the sorbitol some brands of no sugar added ice creams use. ( that happened to me last year ) That cured me of eating ice cream realllly quickly.

I "have to" make my own ice cream now, and it takes me a long time to get through a batch if my kiddos don't eat any. The recipe I'm using now is very labor intensive ( but makes for freaking amazingly thick, creamy ice cream ), so I want to maaaake it laaaaaast. I can have a 1/2 cup ( or less ) at a time and it shuts up my sweet tooth. 

I've never been a huge popcorn fan ( I can hear Grim de-friending me again...haha), so luckily I haven't had to deal with that issue, but I do have to be careful with white bean chips ( Beanitos )  that are a replacement for corn chips. 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

on 8/15/16 7:11 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

Popcorn is easy for me to pass up.... unless it's MOVIE popcorn... 

I haven't gone to a movie since my surgery, and I really don't want to...

Oh, that smell!

And then I used to have to get my own bag, because I am disgusting when it comes to that fake butter/oil crap... truly disgusting... and I loved every single slippery mouthful!

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

The Salty Hag
on 8/15/16 4:48 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

Oh, I'd eat the hell out of some movie popcorn...occasionally-with exxxxtra butter, please. Now, the smell does nothing for me, maybe because I know if I eat more than a kernel or two at a time, I get sick. Feeling like death has its way of deterring one. I took my boys to a movie today, as a matter of fact. ( "Last Day of Freedom" ) They got popcorn. I snuck in a protein bar.( but I did buy their overpriced water. ) I sat right next to them was totally fine not having any.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

Mary Gee
on 8/15/16 8:44 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Audrey, is the ice cream recipe from Eggface's site, or somewhere else?  I want to try making ice cream.  If not from Eggface, could you share the recipe.  Thanks.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








The Salty Hag
on 8/15/16 6:39 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

The recipe I use is from a blog geared toward a low carb, high fat diet. Here is the site: alldayidreamaboutfood.com The woman who writes it is diabetic, but not a WLS post-op. Her recipes are great, but are pretty high in calories since she doesn't really have to count calories like we do. 

Here is the recipe. Make sure to read all the comments as they contain some tips as to how to troubleshoot should you need to. I used fairlife whole milk since it's lactose free, and it turned out well. ( the low carb sweetened condensed milk used as the ice cream base is crazy delicious. )  I use a little less sugar sub than she calls for, maybe 2/3 as much. The recipe calls for xanthan gum, which is pricy, but I've had my bag of it for years. ****ep it in the fridge. ) 

If the recipe I linked doesn't seem like it will work for you, you can always take any ice cream recipe and just use sugar subs instead. 

Happy Ice Cream Making! 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty
