Update: 8/16/16...August 9, 2016 - My Cancer Free Day!

on 8/13/16 8:48 am, edited 8/16/16 3:40 pm - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 12/04/15


My RNY was on 12/4/15 then on 2/29 I received a confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer.  I started 6 rounds of chemo on 3/17/16, completing chemo on 7/7/16.  On 8/9/16 I had a double mastectomy (removal of the cancer affected right breast, right underarm lymph nodes, and prophylactic removal of the left breast).  This was my Cancer Free Day!  

Every 8/9 will be celebrated by my family, friends, and me as my Cancer Free Day anniversary.  The cancer is gone but I still have a very long road ahead of me.  I am now on 1 year of Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks, and radiation will begin in about 4 weeks (33 treatments, 5 days a weeks for 6 1/2 weeks).  

Six months after radiation is completed I start on breast reconstruction (aka Delayed DIEP).  This will entail 4 surgeries.  When all is said and done it will be a process of more than 2 years from diagnosis to completion.  I am lucky to be alive, only felt sorry for myself the first 3 weeks after diagnosis.  I was told by both my oncology surgeon and my oncologist that I owe my success with cancer treatment to WLS.  I became healthy...no more HBP, high cholesterol, or diabetes, and my weight was a safer level.

I have continued to safely lose weight throughout my ordeal. My bariatric surgeon and my oncologist having closely monitored my diet and weight loss so I could continue losing weight at a safe rate.  Getting the necessary daily minimum of 60 grams of protein and 64 ozs of fluid has been a struggle throughout all this.  Many days I just couldn't do it, but I persevered the best I could.

When you are upset over a few months of thinning hair, think of those that have completely lost their hair due to chemo. Myself, I have been completely bald for the last 5 months. Hair grows back.  When you want to cheat while on your plan, think of those of us that would give anything just to be able to eat and drink anything, even the food on our plan.  BTW, I have never once cheated or gone off plan since I began my journey on 8/5/15.

UPDATE: 8/16/16

Good evening all!  It is a glorious day!  GREAT news, today I was told that I am officially cancer free, according to my surgeon and the pathology report.  The chemo did exactly what it was suppose to do.  It shrunk my highly aggressive invasive cancer into a non-aggressive situ cancer, and completely erradicated the cancer in the right underarm lymph nodes.  The mastectomy then completely removed all cancer.  YAY!!  So, I officially declare August 9th as my Cancer Free Day!!    

The doctor explained what has occurred as, "A yard has a large weed so weed killer is applied.  The weed looks like it was killed but there is still a small sprout of the weed below the ground.  A spade then removes that sprout...weed is now completely gone!"  

As I wrote eatlier, I began the next phase, Herceptin infusions, of my cancer treatment the week before surgery.  I will have a full year of these infusions, every 3 weeks.  I begin radiation in about 3 more weeks from today.  These will be 5 days a week for 6 1/2 weeks...a total of 33 treatments.  My breast reconstruction should start next spring, I figure around May.  This will entail 4 surgeries.  

I'm still recovering from my bi-lateral mastectomy which took place last Tuesday.  I'm not in pain, per se, just discomfort from pressure, and quite tired.  I see the surgeon for my surgery follow up on Friday of this week.  

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.

67 yrs old, 4'10", BMI 31.8 (51.8 at start), HW 256.4 (8/4/15), SW 217.4, CW 152.8 (4/30/18), GW 125.0, RNY 12/4/15 Dr. RoseMarie Jones, Breast Cancer DX 2/16, Bi-lateral mastectomy 8/9/16.

White Dove
on 8/13/16 8:52 am - Warren, OH

I am sorry you went through that ordeal, but happy that it got rid of the cancer and that you were able to continue your weight loss in spite of the cancer.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Citizen Kim
on 8/13/16 12:25 pm - Castle Rock, CO

Congratulations on completing this part of both your journeys. 

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 8/13/16 12:59 pm

What an inspiration! So glad you are cancer free. 

Consult Weight:276/Surgery Day Weight: 241.6 /Goal Weight: 150

on 8/13/16 1:15 pm - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Your last paragraph should be obligitory reading for all newbees & maybe for every person on the planet who can read English!  

Talk about a balancing act 

on 8/13/16 1:49 pm
VSG on 08/04/16

Wow - you are so strong and such an inspiration.  Sorry you had this all at once or even at all.

on 8/13/16 2:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

So now you have two 'rebirths' under your belt. Congratulations! It amazes me how Much ones spirit can bare. My thoughts are with you are you set down the next, and prayerfully final, path of all this. 

I especially loved your remark about hair loss-- I've learned not to respond to the posts... There are so many worse things than hair loss! 

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 8/13/16 5:29 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Thank you for posting your progress and return(ing) to good health, I have been thinking about you.

You rock - what a role model.


H.A.L.A B.
on 8/14/16 5:31 am

Congratulations on winning the battle. Good luck!

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/16 7:19 am

 This made my day. I have followed a specific few persons here. You are definitely one of them. I still remember the day of your procedure for some reason.

I can honestly say this, I am completely proud of you. I am very happy for you. But mostly, YOU ARE A BAD ASS!!! 
