Please stop eating crap right after surgery!

on 8/8/16 11:04 am
VSG on 08/01/16

I just read on a facebook forum how someone 6 days post-op has already eaten Chicken, shrimp and pasta and advising everybody that it's perfectly fine. I just deleted all of pages I was a member of. I can't take all the stupidity. They are going to hurt somebody.

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



Kathy S.
on 8/8/16 11:17 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Sharon R.
on 8/9/16 4:55 am - Windsor, WI

It has been 3 years since my sleeve and I have been off this site for 2 years now.  The reason was because I couldn't stand to see posts of people only a week from surgery asking questions like - why am I getting sick from eating a hamburger from blah, blah... or better yet - I feel just fine after eating fried chicken, potato salad and cake after that wedding.  Or, the lady that wondered if she would get sick from the martini she always drinks - she was only a couple of days out from surgery.  She drank it and somehow she was OK - so, she kept on drinking. 

on 8/9/16 8:30 am
VSG on 07/27/16

I'm new here--was just sleeved 13 days ago, and I just rec'd an email with this thread highlighted as the top trending thread so I decided to check it out.  I got through 4 pages of posts and I had to stop because it kind of turned my stomach, all jokes aside.  I know everyone means well--I know it's the best of intentions, but there's a lot of judgment in these posts--very reminiscent of the kinds of comments those of us who are/have been obese have been subjected to all of our lives.  I would've thought people on these forums would display more empathy. Just because the poster has done everything by the book doesn't mean that the one who strayed needs to be persecuted, shamed, or denigrated for not doing so.  I'm guessing they need support instead.  It really does sound eerily like the whole "fat people just need to eat right and exercise or they wouldn't be fat" kinds of comments that those who are ignorant about the disease of obesity make all the time.  I'm able to see the posts for what they are, but I don't know that everyone would be.

Let me just say for anyone who's lurking but afraid to post that for the most part, people on this site are usually supportive, contrary to what it may sound like from several posts in this thread.  The intentions really are to caution folks against eating foods that are full of fat/sugar/carbs and that lack nutritional value after surgery since overeating those kinds of foods leads to poor health outcomes and can be risky to undertake until the body has completely healed.

If you stray from that formula, obviously there will be folks who will want to shame you for doing so, but there are just as many people who would help you figure out why you strayed and support you getting back to the straight and narrow.  If however you simply aren't respectful of the surgical process (including the nutritional guidelines included with it), then this forum probably isn't the place for you as most people here are grateful for the second chances these surgeries have afforded and are true devotees (with everything that entails).

on 8/9/16 8:42 am - TX

This is one of the most supportive and honest posts on this board.  Stick around a little longer and read more of the "I consumed...KFC, taco bell, alcohol, anything and everything else other than what's on my plan" and you'll come to appreciate just how supportive this thread is.  This isn't about people making simple mistakes.  It's about people purposely setting out to test limits.  They come to the board to get validation and hand-patting and, frankly, they need a kick in their rump.  They're the same people who will be back in a year complaining that their surgery failed them.

Support comes in many forms, and sometimes the hard truth is the kind of support that's needed.

Kathy S.
on 8/9/16 10:13 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi thtrmgr,

Please try and re-read the posts again. I am the one that started this thread.  This thread is not about those that make mistakes. I even said in one of my posts we all make mistakes and when you do we are here for you with a kick in the butt or a hug what ever you need for support.

This thread is about those that think they can have this surgery and still eat foods they did before.  This thread is about people a few days out buy burgers and or taco bell and eat until they are sick. This thread is about those that don't throw up and pop staples and end up in the hospital.  I have been here for over 12 years and it has happened!  This thread is about someone posting they are a few days out and think their milkshake and full sugar lemonaid had too much sugar in it.  They didn't post, I messed up, they posted it knowing that is what they wanted and was going to have.

You can PM me anytime....I hope you don't feel there is no support here as I and everyone on this board are here for you!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Josh H.
on 8/13/16 5:28 pm - Merida, Mexico
RNY on 12/20/05 with

I can't believe you even took the time to start a thread like this and almost everyone agrees with you. Life is happier when you focus on YOUR journey and yours alone. To even care what others do with theirs is unbelievable. You wan to to scream? Man you need to lighten up, chill, and let go of so much frustration over something that has ZERO effect on your life or journey. I feel sad for you. I made it this far, and have owned this journey because it's the ONLY one I care about. You should try it.  


"I'm not ashamed of where i've been but proud of where i am!"
