I must confess...

on 8/3/16 7:25 am - Austin, TX
VSG on 08/26/13

P.s. I've lost 90+ lbs since surgery.  Im a little bit of a slow looser.  I need to update my signature. 


Heather - Austin, TX

(deactivated member)
on 8/3/16 8:34 am

I didn't exercise till about a year out. I would make sure I parked farther away so little by little I could see a difference. Your body is healing. 

Go up and down the steps a few times. We didn't learn all of these wonderful habits overnight. It does take time to change.  

Focus on the foods you eat and measure it. Make sure you are drinking enough water to. 

I now use exercise as me time. It is all about me. I walk 4 to 5 miles daily. It feels good. 

It does get easier. 

Willie H.
on 8/3/16 10:09 am
VSG on 08/26/14

Although I do exercise, it's not so much about exercise as it is to be "Active". At 57 years old I can no longer do what I used to do as far as Basket Ball, Boxing, Football and so forth. I do enjoy golf but more than once a week can be expensive and here in the northeast it is only 3/4 of the yea.

Yes, right now with the weight loss I could probably play Racquetball, even Tennis again but injuries scare me. (had hip and knee replacements) I really don't enjoy the gym in the Spring/Summer/Fall months but in the Winter I do because it is more like a social place to be and I need to do something active.

Bowling is a very social and active activity that I enjoy with my friends. Also we like to hike, ride bikes and so forth. I never really liked training and working out-even when younger- although I do so now and admittedly have come to kind of enjoy it-at times. But if you do not like it-just find an activity that you enjoy and can do with others.

Because being active is only as good as we keep consistent and stick with it-so it has to be something we enjoy. I have a friend who lost his weight and maintain it simply by doing things around his home-gardening, raking, sweeping, cleaning garage, etc.

Believe me, you're not the only one who hates exercise and feel as you do-so thank you for your honesty.

Find YOUR activity, what YOU enjoy and know YOU can do a couple times a week and not only will it keep you healthy, but in some cases like cleaning-will kill two birds with one stone!  

  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






on 8/3/16 5:38 pm
RNY on 06/27/16

Thanks for your posts. Makes me feel better.

RNY on 12/22/14

You'ye got a lot of ideas from other people, but I didn't exercise per se until 3 months out.  I really enjoyed a rest from the diet and exercise conveyor belt that I was on for my entire life and got so much out of a rest where all I had to do was get my protein/fluids/vit in.   At 3 months I began weightlifting again - in an airconditioned gym with a trainer and then got a fitbit to get my 10,000 steps in.  The exercising is for health - so you have to find something  you love to do - I joined a hiking club and usually do a 6-10mile hike once a week (although I am on hiatus while recovering from plastics for another month or two - I cannot take the heat and swell up). The weight lifting is to replace muscle mass lost when you lose the weight (about 20-25% of what you lose will be muscle and you want to replace that).

My message is get on the internet and generate a list of 10 activities/exer****s to try.  In another month or so, begin to try them out and see what is the most fun, convenient, and enjoyable (for me I wanted safe - but you may find the rock climbing is your new thing).  I really enjoy my wt training and hiking/walking, some people are running marathons.  Give yourself some time to do some research into what is out there that you might really enjoy and want to do. 



on 8/8/16 4:29 pm
RNY on 06/27/16

I have always wanted to do a mud run. Maybe I'll be capable one day.

RNY on 12/22/14

That's the ticket!!  That sounds like fun.

