UGGHHH!!! Disappointed...:(

on 7/20/16 8:00 am
VSG on 07/28/16


So, I have been reading the posts in the last few months and have heard of the surgeries being postponed and what a bummer that is.

Well, it happened to me at the 11th hour! I was supposed to have my surgery today at 7:30am and my Dr called me last night to say his assistant is in the hospital with an infection and he doesn't want to do the surgery without her. He has been working with her for 11 years and the other Dr he could use is on vacation.  He will call me tomorrow and let me know what day it will be now and hopefully he said it will be the beginning of next week.

My daughter gets married a month from today and I am hoping to feel good by then and I have enough time to adjust. My question to all of you that have gone through this process is, how long does it usually take for you to feel good?  I am having the VSG.

I am very grateful that my DR called and told me about his assistant and he could've used anybody in her place and I wouldn't have known. It tells me what kind of DR he is and I am very happy, disappointed it didn't happen today, but happy he thought of my safety.


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 7/20/16 8:14 am
RNY on 08/05/19

I agree, that's really good news that the surgeon cares enough to use the best staff possible for your surgery. It sucks to wait, but important to play it safe!

I think it took about three weeks to get to the point where I could function reasonably well. I was back at work after 2 weeks, and at the 3 week mark I still needed to nap a lot, but I wasn't taking a lot of Tylenol for the pain. I could do OK through a full workday, but I'd be exhausted afterwards.

Make sure to take it easy at the wedding. Easier said than done, I know! But if you can do things like find somewhere to sit while helping her get ready, ask other people to help bring you things, and whatnot, that should make it easier.

You'll get there! You can do it!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 7/20/16 12:05 pm
VSG on 07/28/16

Thank you so much for your response

White Dove
on 7/20/16 8:16 am - Warren, OH

I had RNY and it was not as bad as some dental procedures that I have had.  I had it on Tuesday and was on my treadmill on Thursday and doing housework by Friday.  I went back to desk job on Monday. 

I was worried that "the other shoe would drop" but felt stronger and had more energy every day.


Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Citizen Kim
on 7/20/16 8:17 am - Castle Rock, CO

Mind over matter.  I had no narcotics after the day of surgery and  was looking after my 11 month old son 2 days after surgery and joined a walking group at 10 days. I don't think I'm super human, I just think I had stuff to do and got on with it.

I'm sure if I had someone running around after me, it would have taken longer to get over it.

Enjoy the wedding!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/20/16 10:20 am
RNY on 06/06/16

I had my surgery June 6, 2016.  Easy Peasy.  I only took the pain meds for 2.5 days only because of discomfort, NOT actual pain.  By the 4th or 5th day I was mopping my kitchen floor and walking all over the place outside.  I felt great then and still do.  I think the best thing ever is to follow their advise and walk, walk, walk.  I was one night in the hospital.  I was up and walking a few hours after surgery.  I was back to work less than 10 days later only because I work part time and had the days off anyway.  You'll be fine.  Just do what they tell you to do. 

on 7/20/16 10:42 am
VSG on 07/28/16

Thank you so much...I will be sure to listen to them :)

on 7/20/16 11:14 am
VSG on 08/04/15

I went to my high school reunion 11 days after my surgery and did just fine.  It was so much fun and I'm so happy that I didn't have to miss it.  

Have a great time at the wedding.  You'll be so busy and happy that you won't even think about your surgery.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




on 7/20/16 12:01 pm
VSG on 07/28/16

Thank you so much. I want to be able to help her during the time I am taking off work.

Chris "Thick-to-Fit" T.
on 7/20/16 11:41 am - FL
VSG on 05/26/16

If you have surgery next week early, you should be fine within another 3.5 weeks for the wedding :) You will still have some soreness standing/sitting, but you would have the same issue if you had today. 

Thats my experience, at least. 

Sorry you got postponed :(


YouTube: Click Here!

Instagram: ThickTo.Fit

Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180
