Reflections on six weeks post op

Lisa F.
on 7/18/16 10:01 am, edited 7/18/16 1:50 pm
VSG on 06/06/16

I had surgery six weeks ago today. Has been a wild ride so far, full of physical and emotional ups and downs, but all in all I've been through it without many complications and am feeling pretty good. Wednesday I have my check in and will be cleared to move onto "all" foods, although I know I'll be pretty limited in what I can tolerate for awhile. 

Some of the good...

  • I can fit into my smallest sizes (when I lost weight a few years back). If all goes well I should be out of plus sizes by the end of the summer!
  • People are starting to notice my weight loss, which reminds me that I'm doing this all for a reason -- like my health!!
  • I'm more stable going down stairs -- before my knees would hurt and I'd have to hold on to the railing to counteract
  • I'm sleeping better
  • My grocery bill is a fraction of what it was! 
  • While my taste buds have definitely changed, in general food is so flavorful! I can see why people become foodies after surgery
  • Have found an amazing community of supportive, kind people

Some challenges (aka opportunities for improvement)...

  • I still struggle with getting more than 64 oz of water in. It's summer and I love the beach and being outside, but I've been cautious because of the heat
  • Constipation and gas are a constant
  • I'm still frustrated on how little I can eat at a time. Can't wait until I don't have to rely so heavily on protein powder 

Thanks again to all who have helped're a God send!


VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 7/18/16 10:10 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Are you taking Colace or something similar? I find that I do much better when I take some every day, along with my vitamins.

You rock!!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Lisa F.
on 7/18/16 10:59 am
VSG on 06/06/16

I'm not. Is Colace a stool softener? I'll ask my doctor on Wednesday...thanks for the tip!

VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 7/18/16 11:05 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Yup, it's a stool softener-- NOT a laxitive. It's safe to take every day.

You can also take fiber pills, some people take those instead, and others use Miralax instead. Definitely get your doctor's opinion!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 7/18/16 10:12 am
RNY on 07/05/16

Nice post! I'm two weeks post-op, and I can relate to the emotions part. I sometimes get sad for no apparent reason, and I guess it's just my mind processing everything that has gone on over the past two weeks. 

At times, I have a bit of buyer's remorse, but I remind myself of why I needed this surgery and what could've happened if I didn't get it. 

I'm not sure about you, but I get head hunger sometimes, but as I mentioned, the way I used to eat before surgery was not healthy, and I easily would've been in the grave at 30 years old. 

Keep on keepin' on! 

Lisa F.
on 7/18/16 10:59 am
VSG on 06/06/16


I had mood swings and buyers remorse at two weeks post op... both are much better now. My doctor told me the body goes through a major hormonal adjustment from surgery and to expect mood swings. 

I do get head hunger at times but that seems to have gone by the wayside as this new way of eating has become more routine. I'm not going to kid myself though... I've read enough posts here to know that surgery doesn't cure head hunger.

Best to you!!

VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



on 7/18/16 10:12 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 07/07/15

Hey lfw57!

Congratulations on your success to date. As challenging as these up and downs can be, the end result is our physical and mental happiness. 

The water intake will increase in time. Just do your best to keep at it. 

Constipation for me was(is) relieved with Milk of Magnesia and prune juice daily, I find that when I go with out...well, I don't go.. :) 

Don't worry about how little you eat. That is a good thing in a way. Eventually, your stomach will grow and you will be able to take in more. As for protein, it is a struggle to get it all in without the aide of powder. Granted, that is depending on what your daily needs of protein are. You could eat ground beef for breakfast, chicken for lunch and fish for supper... ummm no, who wants to do that?

I still use protein powder to get me through some days. Especially if it is a weight lifting day. 

It will all come together in time.

All the best.



"Not every day is Fantastic, but at least I have the opportunity to live every day." ~ Skotti RNY


My YouTube Channel


HW: 419 lbs August 2014  - SW: 340 lbs - GW: 219 lbs 

RNY July 7, 2015

Kathy S.
on 7/18/16 11:11 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Lisa,


Congrats on your 6 weeks....  Try using a stool softener start with one a day and then add through out the day until you are regular.  Have a water bottle velcro'd to your side and sip, sip, sip.  You will get it done, you are still now out and swollen.  Same with amounts of foods.

We look forward to your next update 

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/18/16 11:14 am
RNY on 06/06/16

Congratulations on 6 weeks.  Today is 6 weeks for me too and I also go Wednesday to meet with the dietician.  I agree with the "good" that you listed and I agree with the "challenges" also except the water.  Fortunately for me I love, love, love ice water.  I haven't had any problems with constipation and I credit that to Vegan Protein Powder that I drink maybe every couple of days.  I'll usually do it for breakfast or perhaps one of my snacks.  I do get frustrated that I can't have a salad yet and I'm very limited on fruit (2 Tbs).  I mean, come on; why bother.  Even prior to surgery I did eat healthy meals (sweets was my downfall).  So that's where I get frustrated.

Anyway, I would be curious to see what your doctor is allowing you to have and what the quantities are at this point.  Mine are as follows:

Protein goas is 65 -75 grams/day.

8 Cups (64 oz) water/day

tuna, eggs/egg beaters, rf cheese, rf cottage cheese, lf yogurt, skim milk, Protein shakes lf deli meats, lean beef jerkey, Peanut Butter (I use PB2 Powder), lean pork, lean ground beef (I use Bocca burgers). fish, crab, scallops, oysters, shrimp, Beans and lentils.  I have to be sure each of my meals are no more than 1/2 cup each.

Vegetables 2 Tbs each.  Cooked and very tender:  beets, squash/Yams, Potatoes, mashed or bakes w/o skin, spinach, Lettuce, seedless cucumbers w/o skin. 

Fruuits (no more than 2oz/udayu or 1/4 cup.  Applesauce (unsweetened), Banana, ripe melon, soft fruits w/o skin or peels like plums, peach, pear, apple.

So it's getting better.  Didn't mean to turn this into a novel.



Lisa F.
on 7/18/16 1:48 pm
VSG on 06/06/16

Congrats to you as well! Is amazing how fast it's gone. 

My diet is pretty much the same and I'll transition to the lifetime diet Wednesday. I think the only difference is my list of veggies is a little broader.

Would you mind sharing the brand of Vegan protein powder? I'm not a vegetarian but am thinking the whey powder is sitting like cement in my digestive system and causing a lot of the problems there. Is worth willing to try changing it up here and there to see if that helps.

I miss salads too! I had one every day for lunch. I generally ate very healthy before surgery (didn't always... by the time I did the damage was done).

Glad things are getting better for you :)


VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55


