Thursday *****fest - 7/7/16

April Parker
on 7/8/16 12:11 pm - Gaffney, SC
RNY on 06/20/16

You totally have to post a pic of the dork face! HAHA! Poor Bella and poor kid...

HW- 283    SW- 264     GW- 130

The Salty Hag
on 7/9/16 7:58 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

Thank you...

I can't take a selfie of me and my dork face without completely cracking up, but I'll keep trying.  

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

on 7/9/16 8:54 pm - Cleveland, TN

I can relate too well to your garbage story . Also went to Starbucks the other day... Don't know what it's called but I told them I wanted sugar free syrup added to coffee , cold with heavy whipping cream... It was Snow White and tasted like a homemade snow cream... It was delicious but turns out they forgot the coffee so all that fluid was heavy whipping cream. There's no telling how many calories that was . I guess I'll stick to making my own to be sure 

Banded 6/9/09 HW 242 LW 142 Revision 198 m 1 loss 16 lbs 182. M 2 loss 4 lbs 178. M3 loss 6 lbs 174.m4 loss 4 lbs 168. M5 gain 2 lbs 170. M6 loss 7 lbs 163 M7 loss 5 lbs 159 M8 loss 1 lb 158 M9 loss 0 M10 155 loss 3 M11 154 loss 1 M12 loss 2 152 M13 loss 3 149 M16, 17 0 loss M 18 loss 4 lbs 145 (18 months 53 lbs)

The Salty Hag
on 7/9/16 10:33 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

Yikes! I'd have LOVED that coffe and all! There's a brand of milk called Promised Land, and their vanilla milk tastes like melted vanilla of ice cream. It's full of sugar, of course, but it's so yummy. I haven't had any in a very long time, but I bought it a lot way back when. 

I figured out how to make an iced caramel macchiato at home using sugar free syrup, an almost sugar free ( there are 2 tbsp coconut sugar in the recipe ) caramel sauce recipe I found on the internet, and cashew milk. It turned out pretty well. 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

on 7/7/16 1:56 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My new DIL to be e-mailed me asking what hymns I might like in their wedding. I spent a few hours going through some I like and sent her links so she could hear them.

Today she e-mails me that they are not going to have hymns. They could play one while we are entering the church but that is all.

At this point I am so annoyed with the two of them. Why are they getting married in a church at all? They seem to feel it is just a pretty hall and anything goes. It is my church and I would like it respected. I am surprised that the priest (Anglican) is going along with all their stupid demands.

So that is my rant. I am not going to even answer that last e-mail she sent me. I know it will come across with how I really feel





on 7/7/16 3:20 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

My gripe... People who don't have direct deposit. Seriously??

as an HR person I can't tell you how stressful pay day is!!

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 7/8/16 6:16 am - Cleveland, TN

We don't have that option at our work . 

Banded 6/9/09 HW 242 LW 142 Revision 198 m 1 loss 16 lbs 182. M 2 loss 4 lbs 178. M3 loss 6 lbs 174.m4 loss 4 lbs 168. M5 gain 2 lbs 170. M6 loss 7 lbs 163 M7 loss 5 lbs 159 M8 loss 1 lb 158 M9 loss 0 M10 155 loss 3 M11 154 loss 1 M12 loss 2 152 M13 loss 3 149 M16, 17 0 loss M 18 loss 4 lbs 145 (18 months 53 lbs)

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/8/16 10:53 am

we are a small company and we made a mandatory direct deposit.  They can use any bank - or even walmart cash based- no fee account.  

we allow a occasional checks - when they are switching a bank or have issues with the current account. 

after initial gripping of a few people - it is not a problem...unless we screw things over and forget to send the payroll

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Starry Eyed
on 7/7/16 3:33 pm, edited 7/7/16 9:56 am
VSG on 04/20/16

I've been super frustrated with the job situation...I'm tens of thousands of dollars (and counting) in student loan debt.  Teaching jobs in my neck of the woods are few and far between so I'm working 28 hours a week (the most my boss will give me) for $9 an hour at a seasonal job that sucks ass (and subbing during the school year).  I've applied for close to 30 teaching positions in the last couple of months with not so much as a callback.

Also, my father in law treats my husband like crap.  He moved across the country with no consideration of his 3 (adult kids) and expects us all to drop everything to visit him and his wife.  It's expensive and my hubs just started a new job last year and doesn't have much control over his vacation time.  FIL flew to NY last summer, missing my hubs graduation by 3 days to spend the week with his brother who was having very minor outpatient surgery.  Then, in May FIL flew out again to NY to visit the same brother and made absolutely no effort to visit us 6 hours away, but visited his brother (hubs uncle) who was 5 hours away (an hour from where were living!).  Last summer, while I was working full time and taking 9 credit hours of grad classes, FIL and step-MIL came to visit.  Hubs was gone for training and only came home fri nights to sun nights, but the inlaws still stayed at our apartment.  I made it very comfortable for them (giving them our bedroom, cooking for them) even though it was the most stressful summer we've ever had.  They are coming up again at the end of the summer and even though we offered them a place to stay, they refused and will be staying at the favored brother's house.  I have bit my tongue the entire time but I'm so sick of feeling like we don't matter to them.  Now, hubs other brother in Tennessee wants everyone to travel there for Christmas this year....we can't afford it.  We haven't had much of a Christmas for the last 3 years because of money and we hoped this year would be better bc of hubs new job.  Either we can go to Tennessee for 3 days or we can have Christmas here with my family, but we can't do both.  

Sorry for the lengthy rant...


High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

MaryEllen OntheEastCoast
on 7/7/16 4:12 pm - CT

I can so relate and feel your pain.  I apply for so many jobs and most of the time hear nothing at all.  Then there is the situation with having an interview but they go ahead and hire the internal candidate - can't tell you how many times this has happened.   But I keep applying!
