Thursday *****fest - 7/7/16

Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/7/16 12:11 pm

I am trying to cuss less. I have a filthy mouth.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

(deactivated member)
on 7/7/16 12:27 pm

Me too. I have the worst mouth. I sometimes have no clue I am doing it. Which is really bad. My son says he got it from me. Gotta be proud. 

on 7/7/16 1:39 pm - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I have a filthy mouth too... I really have to watch myself at work!

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

White Dove
on 7/9/16 6:36 pm - Warren, OH

 I was young and people who parked incorrectly always bothered me.  I wrote up a note and left it on a few windshields.  Of course this was long before security cameras and I made sure the driver was inside the building.

I am leaving this note on your windshield because somebody saw me hit your car and insisted that I leave a note with my information.  I really don't think the dent is noticeable and am sure you understand that the way you parked made it impossible to back out without hitting your car.

I always hoped they went crazy looking for the non-existent dent. 

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 7/7/16 10:20 am

I am feeling very tired the past few days. I hate it. It is like the wind has blown out of my sails. 

I hate that I couldn't do my full walk this morning. I know it is not a big deal. I always consider it my time when I walk. The one time a day I can be self absorbed. 

Another thing is I washed my hair with a product that contains coconut. I am allergic to it. I thought I had lice. I was freaking the F out. 

on 7/7/16 2:04 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

A lot of shampoos irritate my scalp. I feel your pain. Hopefully it will stop itching when it is washed out





H.A.L.A B.
on 7/8/16 10:44 am

you are coming on 3 years post op RNY - that when my iron - ferritin tanked.... have that checked- if you have not done that already. B12 and copper also. 

Also - extremely low carb diet may cause low T3. Our body needs insulin to help convert T4 into T3 (T3 is the active - energy part of thyroid hormone). if you have been doing really low carb - with no cheating - it may be a time for "carb refeed". I have to do mine at least every 10 days if not weekly...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 7/8/16 11:18 am

Thank you. I was going to have my blood checked. 

on 7/7/16 10:51 am
VSG on 06/15/16

My surgeon's office forgot to do my nicotine test- so now I'm another 2 weeks behind on getting a surgery date. Today is my birthday and my coworkers got me a cake that I shouldn't have but I ate a piece anyway. My electricity was out this morning due to storms and I couldn't straighten by hair so ON MY BIRTHDAY I am having a bad hair day :(.  

MaryEllen OntheEastCoast
on 7/7/16 1:28 pm - CT

Happy Birthday!

