What typically happens on the day of surgery?

on 7/2/16 4:27 am
RNY on 07/05/16

I know that every hospital's protocol is different, but what happened on the day of your surgery from the time you arrived to the time you went into the OR?

Lisa F.
on 7/2/16 5:00 am
VSG on 06/06/16

Not a whole lot, really.

They check you in, put you in a johnny, take your blood pressure, tape your IV line in your arm. I then met with the anethesiologist and the nurse who walked me through what would happen. Just before going into the OR they sedate you... I was out before I entered the OR.

There was a good amount of waiting time... maybe an hour total, in between visits. I went in myself (preferred it) so I was glad I had my iPhone with a meditation tape running. It kept me really calm.


VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



on 7/2/16 8:02 am - WI
RNY on 03/29/16

Had my surgery three months ago now.  Started with a change in Surgery time from 7:30 am to a start time of 1:30pm! So finding that out I decided to work from 7-11am that day!!  Once the nurse came out to get me from the waiting room -- was weighed, dressed in gown, blood pressure   ... she indicated chief anesthesiologist would be in to start my IV and he is very good I remember her saying. Well, I only have the one arm for access due to Lymphedema in my right arm from Breast Cancer tx ---- and he couldn't find the vein.  Brought in an Ultrasound machine to assist in location. Interesting watching the monitor and seeing the vein (and artery) and even seeing the needle head entering my arm and attempting to get to the vein!!  after many attempts (of course he numbed my arm) as he moved around the IV needle - he took a bit of a break - came back in tried some more.  Finally, indicated he would have his colleague step in and try. So not only another anesthesiologist came in but a CRNA also and they both went to one of my feet. Thank God I had a fresh pretty pedicure done just for my hsp stay!  While they worked way at my feet - my Surgeon came in and gave me the details as how all would proceed - and after my surgery.

So the anesthesiologist was able to get access in my Right foot - but indicated if not adequate enough, once Im sedated they may have to go to my neck for IV!  I was then wheeled down to OR - as I entered my Surgeon and the assist surgeon were sitting due to my IV access delay...  very cold in the OR I recall as they transferred me to the OR table and placed drapes over me.   

Now I'm in the Recovery Room -- last person in there even - not only due to the later surgery time of 1:30 but because it took me a bit longer to come out of the anesthesia etc.....  surgery was performed within 1.5 hrs... but with a longer recovery wasn't in my room til about 5:15ish.

My doctor the next day - was sure to inform me and was so proud that it was him  -- the surgeon that was able to get full IV access needed in my foot!!  Meanwhile my left arm was very bruised and purple the next day and many days to follow!  As you can imagine it was interesting to walk to bathroom and hallway walking with an IV in my foot!!  Next day - once that vein blew per se -- the left arm worked for IV hydration etc .

Was in the hsp for three nights, extra night due to some nausea (leading to low potassium levels - and IV meds needed) I was experiencing the night earlier......  my recovery went very well and returned back to work on Day 13 from surgery date.



on 7/2/16 9:19 am
VSG on 06/27/16

I just had mine done on Monday. I needed to be there by 5:30am for a 7am start. They took me upstairs and made my wife wait downstairs, weighed me, took vitals, IV'd me and then came the most important part. The consent forms :), then they let my wife back upstairs. 


After that the surgeon came in, the anesthesiologist came in and gave me something in the IV and I was flying high til I got to the OR and they put the nite nite juice in me. Next thing I know I am in recovery for a few hours. They brought me to my room about 1:45 and gave me the option to walk from the stretcher to the bed which I did. 

Walked around a few times that evening. There wasnt much pain per se, but I was very sore. I went home the next day, and am down to 2 percoset a day. 

Still sore but it is WELL worth it. 


Hope this helps

Vicki PNW
on 7/2/16 12:43 pm

It has been 8 years since my WLS, but I had non-WL surgery nearly 2 months ago.  Here is what I went through:

10 days before surgery: was called by the hospital to come in to pre-register.  During the registration and interview, the admitting rep told me that my surgery time was 3 PM with check-in time at 1 PM.  The rep walked me to where I would check in for surgery, then walked me over to the entrance to the pre-op unit.  The unit had all private rooms with sliding doors.  Then the rep walked me to the entrance to the operating room.  Of course I was not allowed through the doors.

One week before surgery:  The surgery scheduler e-mailed me to inform me to check in at 12 noon instead of 1 PM but the surgery time was still 3 PM.

Day of surgery: Went walking. Watched a couple game shows, then left at 11:45 AM for my 12 noon check-in.  After checking in, I was told to have a seat in the large surgery waiting room.  Less than 5 minutes later, another rep came in and placed a tracking device on my wrist.  Then she walked me to the same pre-op unit and placed me in a private room.  Put on my disposable gown and placed my clothes in a large bag.  Nurse came in and weighed me in the room and then got me comfortable on the gurney and covered me with warming blankets.  Another nurse came in and started IV.  First nurse came back and interviewed me and told me that the anesthesiologist would come in to talk to me.  The phone rang right in the middle of the interview just before 1 PM.  The nurse said that the surgeon was on the phone and was ahead of schedule and wanted to start surgery earlier.  He asked the nurse to ask me if I was ready.  I told the nurse that I was ready but the anesthesiologist had not come in yet.  The surgeon said the anesthesiologist was on his way.  Less than 5 minutes later, the anesthesiologist came in and we talked for about 5 minutes.  Then the anesthesiologist injected some happy ****tail into my IV and wheeled me into the OR and aligned the gurney with the OR table.  I scooted over to the table and laid down and reminded the surgery team of my name, DOB, and type of surgery.  Then the pressure cuffs were placed on my legs and I was wrapped like a mummy and strapped in 2 places on the table.  Then the anesthesiologist placed a mask on my face, waved bye-bye as I was being placed under anesthesia just after 2 PM.  I woke up in the OR at the end of surgery and was told that the surgery went very well!  I woke up in the recovery room (private room with sliding door in different part of hospital) and stayed for about 1/2 hour before being wheeled into the hospital room.  The tracking device was removed before I left the recovery room.  I was supposed to stay in the hospital overnight but ended up staying another night.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 7/2/16 8:58 pm
VSG on 06/29/16 with

I just had surgery on the 29th. They told me to arrive at 6am for a 9am surgery time.   I was waiting until 8:30 when I finally asked if there was a delay.   They then said my appointment was for 11am.  They took me back about 9am, weighed me, changed clothes.  Then back at the preop bed,  they put in the Iv and then asked a tonof questions.  My doc came in,  said hi,  then the er nurse,  who asked a ton of questions.   Then the anastasia doctor, again with a lot of questions.   I didn't mind the questions,  they were being thorough. Then at 10:30 they wheeled me back and strapped me to the table,  that's about all I Remember til I woke up.   I stayed in post op for about 4 hours cuz my bed wasn't ready.  

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 7/3/16 7:29 am, edited 7/3/16 12:30 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Mine was like Rinny - in a big hospital - go here, do this, go here. do that.  I do not eat or drink for more than the midnight they ask and have never been sick afterwards.  So, in NJ, they are required but state law to give women a preg test until that are 58 - I was 57 1/2, so here I am in the basement of the hosp where the lab is trying to produce a urine sample when I am DRY.  Finally produce like 10 drops which was enough.

I had a 9am surg date, 7am show up.  I go there at 7 and the 7am person did not show up, so I was rushed ahead.  I went into surgery at 8am.  At first I was startled then I thought - ealier in, earlier out. get to start my new life earlier and went with the flow.  The anesth and pre-op nurses SUCKED and were hacks. The anest let the nurse give me the meds and overmedicated me so I was UNCONSCIOUS and UNRESPONSIVE as they wheeled me out of pre-op. I am pretty sure they tucked me away for 10 min to give me something to wake me back up so the surg did not know what they did.   I think the anestheologists are the weak link in the surgery system.    I finally had to say "No one is giving me anything until my friend is here."  The hosp will not want this and will give you every excuse - they called the person's cell phone and they did not answer, Blah blah blah.  Demand to have someone with you until you get to the OR, video tape the whole thing. 

