GB February 2012

maria B.
on 6/30/16 12:07 pm - orlando, FL

I had the GB in February 2012 at 360lbs. I lost over 156 lbs almost immediately however life got the best of me including a newborn nearly 3 ½ months ago and I'm back up to 251lbs. I need to lose this weight. Help me get back to basics please!! Just prior to GB surgery, I had gotten knee surgery and I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I'm breastfeeding so there is no way I can just take a bunch of pills to help me out. Spam me with all the do's and don't that I've probably forgotten since I'm 4 years out now.

White Dove
on 6/30/16 12:46 pm - Warren, OH

There is no bunch of pills that will make you eat less.  You are breastfeeding and cannot go on a low calorie diet now.  After your baby is weaned you can work on losing weight by eating high protein, low carbs and keeping calories to about 900 per day.

The fast weight loss after RNY is due to the fact that the body does not absorb all of the calories that are eaten.  After about two years, that malabsorption goes away and everything eaten is absorbed.

That results in fast regain.  The only way to lose now is low calorie.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
