Fantasizing about food :(

April Parker
on 6/28/16 6:50 pm - Gaffney, SC
RNY on 06/20/16

Ya'll. I knew it wouldn't be a miracle cure of my love for food. But I've heard people wake up with little to no interest in food. 

I was so hoping that would be me. 

But I have actually sat and daydreamed about how burgers and fries tasted. I miss gorging. I want to NOT miss it. But it is there taunting me. How do you stop something that has been so ingrained in your head since like, a toddler? I was raised on burgers and fries. Meats and potatoes really. I mean It was all the time, home-cooked or eating out. 

I am struggling to tell myself that I do not need that stuff anymore. I know I can have a small hamburger patty now and then, but will it be right without seconds or fries?? Idk. Just a little scared at my thoughts right now and could use some encouragement from those who struggle with this issue too.

I mean ya'll I am a week and a day out. I'm already wanting things I can't have. What gives? Is everyone like this?

HW- 283    SW- 264     GW- 130

(deactivated member)
on 6/28/16 7:58 pm
Revision on 07/05/16

Hey April! Yes it's so normal to be daydreaming about foods like that. I am currently on my liquid preop diet, and actually found myself browsing local restaurant menu's to see what I "would" order, if I "could"! 

I had my original open rny done in July 2002, and yes, I still had food fantasies after my surgery. So what I ended up doing was after a few months , eating small amounts and healthier versions of the foods I would fantasize about. Even when I wouldn't eat a Boca Burger instead of a regular one initially postop, I was still so full from such a small amount of food that I did continue to lose anyway. Almost everyone gives in once and awhile! 

You are doing great!! Try adding a new flavor of something to help you feel a little better about post op options. 

Your post made me laugh so hard how you wrote "y'all." I could picture you putting your hand up like "listen!" Lol :) I just moved down to GA from NY, but have lived in FL in the past. I love southernisms :)

Megan M.


on 6/28/16 8:02 pm - Cleveland, TN

When I was first banded 7 years ago, I grieved food so bad. I cried when every commercial was kfc or Burger King and I was actually angry with myself for being so unable to control my food that I had no other choice but to surgically alter myself to help me . I don't remember exactly how long that lasted, but once I could begin eating good protein food and felt satisfied, and my pants that had been screaming for mercy when I tried to zip them began to get loose, it all started this snow ball affect of happiness and more energy and I wanted to reach my goals, I became determined and became engulfed in my new way of life and I loved it! Your not alone in grieving food... It has been most of our go to best friends for so long. Your gonna get through this ! 

Banded 6/9/09 HW 242 LW 142 Revision 198 m 1 loss 16 lbs 182. M 2 loss 4 lbs 178. M3 loss 6 lbs 174.m4 loss 4 lbs 168. M5 gain 2 lbs 170. M6 loss 7 lbs 163 M7 loss 5 lbs 159 M8 loss 1 lb 158 M9 loss 0 M10 155 loss 3 M11 154 loss 1 M12 loss 2 152 M13 loss 3 149 M16, 17 0 loss M 18 loss 4 lbs 145 (18 months 53 lbs)

on 6/28/16 10:25 pm
RNY on 06/13/16

I'm 16 days post-op and I'm having the same feelings.  I watched a few Mukbang videos on YouTube, and realized that I missed the social aspect of food-- eating with friends, going out to dinner as a group, etc.  Knowing what I missed about food has really helped.  

Eating really isn't enjoyable right now physically, but mentally I am very tempted.  Physically, eating too fast, too much, too big of a bite, etc. hurts.  

on 6/29/16 5:17 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

Sounds like you are dealing with some serious head hunger. 

We all struggle at some point after surgery with missing food.  For some it is almost instantly after the surgery and others go over a year or more before they start to miss some foods.  Remember once you get to goal you can have almost anything as long as it is portioned out correctly, but you have to be cautious because for some eating something you used to eat can trigger more cravings than expected.  And remember to log everything.

For now I would try and busy yourself with something to take your mind off of food.  Adult coloring books have become a popular thing.  Maybe scrapbooking or reading a good book. 

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 6/29/16 5:27 am

I think to a certain degree everyone goes through this- or we wouldn't have needed the surgery to begin with. I'm a little over 6 months out and will still have pity parties from time to time where I say- I can't eat that blah blah. But I get over it and move on ****il I see something else) i think it will be a constant struggle.

plus I love to cook so I have to detach myself from the eating versus the 'enjoying' to cook part of it.

Last night I made carnitas with flour tortillas for DH. there was a twinge if sadness that i couldn't eat the tortilla. Eventually when I'm to goal I might eat 1/4 of a healthy one- or make those cloud bread thingies.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 6/29/16 5:27 am
RNY on 08/04/15

It will get better.  Right now you are so limited on what you can eat that it makes you want all of the stuff that you used to have.  Once you transition and can have a modified burger it won't be so bad.  The fries and potatoes were a trigger food for me so I don't even attempt them unless I just basically acknowledge that I'm going off plan and screwing up.

I had an epiphany a few months back that I was going to forever be struggling with this whole journey.  I honestly believe that everyday will be a new challenge to stay on plan, and I think I've come to terms with it.  You'd think that at nearly a year post op I'd have gotten things under control, but I still struggle.  It's just not as frustrating and scary for me now because I CAN eat solids.

Hang in there, it will get better.  The desire may never go away completely, but it will lighten up and be manageable.  I would also suggest that you find a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.  They should be able to give you some ideas on how to manage it.

Good luck!


Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 6/29/16 6:44 am

I'm nearly 3 months out and I still struggle with head hunger. It's not quite as bad as it was in the very beginning, though. Keep your chin up and keep coming on OH to vent and talk. The more we get out our feelings, the less likely to binge about them.

39 y/o woman | Height 5'11"| SW 301 | CW 233 | GW 175

on 6/29/16 7:54 am
RNY on 06/06/16

April, I am so glad you posted this.  Sometimes I wish I were brave enough to post what I'm feeling or going through, but because I think I'm the only one going through it, I feel like a failure.  I'm 3 weeks and 3 days post op and for the past week and a half I have craved a burger.  I'm not big on French fries, so that hasn't bothered me, but a big juicy burger is all I want.  I have not given in of course and reading these posts have sure made me feel better about it.  Thank you dear for your bravery and your post.  I'm so glad these boards are available to talk to someone going through the same thing and who understands.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 6/29/16 8:23 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I think that it is easier once you are allowed to eat anything that agrees with you.  I did crave things like burgers and fries.  I can eat about 1/2 of a burger with cheese.  I REALLY enjoy it but am SO full that there is no way I could eat the bun or any fries, so I really don't want them anymore.  I think our heads get somewhat re-trained based on what our new stomachs can handle.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121
