Desperate for Help/Advice from Vets

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/25/16 12:31 pm

When lowering carbs - I increae fat to balance calories. Fat keeps my body happy. Too many proteins may turn into sugar - so I avoid that. 

The stomach acid can also be an issue. 

Limiting carbs - that is tricky... Too many fruits or starchy veggies can "do me in..", so I avoid grains, starchy veggies and fruits - except for berries. I limit berries to 2 cups limit for the week...when I am trying to lose weight. Maybe 2-4 cups during weeks that I maintain. 

Limit sugar from milk. I have allergy to milk so no yogurt or milk itself...but I know that when I used to eat that - even Greek yogurt could deliver 10 gr of sugar in one serving.. Too much. 

I also try to avoid commercially made protein bars. The net carb thing with them is very questionable, at best. 

I eat nuts, avocado, meats, eggs and fish... Veggies - the non starchy greens, cucumber, etc... If I am hungry - I grab a handful of nuts and slowly eat that. 

8 years post op RNY - I get 50-80 gr of proteins per day. I try not to have proteins without fat. I use good quality mayo, butter, bacon, etc... 

Grains - even small why - trigger cravings and BS fluctuations that make me hungry...and makes it feel like my pouch is bottomless... Same with I don't eat that. 

I do eat 85-90% dark chocolate... NSA nut butters, coconut... 

It takes app 1 week to decarb when I need to - for the cravings to go away... One week "white knuckles" when my body is screaming "gimmy sugar" and my head knows not to... 

I re-gained some weight and it took me a while to lose it.. Last 5 lbs - 6 months... But I did it. And I developed WOE (way of eating) that not only helped me lose the last 5 lbs but hopefully will allow me to keep it off without feeling like I deprive myself... 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 6/25/16 12:40 pm

This is great info.  i usually have fruite and a greek yogurt, oatmeal, or a protein bar  for breakfast.  I can't stomach meat for breakfast.  What do you usually have?  I always try to avoid fat.  Maybe adding some in will help? I think I will go totally grain free and see if that helps.  

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/25/16 1:02 pm

I don't do breakfast. I drink coffee (black) tea, water... Until lunch or later. I practice IF, making sure I have"fasting" at least 12 but no more than 16 hrs every 24 hours period. That helps my gut and my IBS...

I have BS issue in the past, specially at night - middle of the night - so I learned to eat late at evening ..usually 8 or 9 pm...typically some nuts or nut butters... (NSA) - mostly almonds, pecans..coconut, macadamia..etc... (lower carbs - higher fat nuts) . that keeps my BS stable during the the morning I drink coffee or tea, water, take my vitamins and minerals. I start eating at lunch or after... This works for me .... Really well... 

But even before that - I had problem with heavy things am. So I would eat a tBS or 2 of almond butter, drink coffee with unsweet coconut milk... Or had a protein coffee.... - using protein powder and unsweet coconut or almond  milk. 

I have dairy no milk for me , or cheese or whey... But a few slices of cheese maybe all your body need. Some of my skinny friends don't eat breakfast.  

My snacks - pork rinds with homemade guacamole... (smash avocado, add 2 -3 TBS of good quality salsa, mix...) so yummy and good for us. 

I allow myself to eat as much as I want 86 or 90% dark chocolate. Suprisingly - because I can, I rarely eat more than I few squares.  I pick a small piece and let it slowly disolve in my mouth... Then I take another small piece... I am now one of those "skinny *****es" that will take a month or 2 to eat 100gr of chocolate... Really. 

But - last night - I ordered grilled chicken with veggies - with a side of butter... And use the butter on my chicken... And veggies. Ate the chicken and some veggies..  

I eat HB eggs..with a side of mayo and pickles . olives.. 

Summer - I make popsicles... 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Donna L.
on 6/26/16 12:39 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

Alyways good to see another IF fellow!  I do 12 hour IF still.  Thinking about bumping it to 16/8.  We'll see.

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/26/16 6:27 pm

There is some controversy re women doing more than 14 hours.  I typically do at least 12... But most of the time I do 14... And no longer than 16.. A few times I did over 16..and my body started breaking down my proteins... (my BS went up while fasting..from 85 to 130..)  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 6/25/16 9:50 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I'm so sorry that you're going thru so much right now but don't beat yourself up. Regain is very common & you can take it back off, but it'll take some time. Maybe keeping a food & emotions journal could help you pinpoint what it is that's making you go back to old habits. You might have to revise your calorie, protein, carbs numbers to start, it might be hard this far out to go back to 600-800 calories again  & don't sweat the exercise too much. Walking & building up from there is a great start.

If you want you can check out the 5 day meat test in my signature. Julie created the site & maybe it'll help you get back on track again. I know it has helped me & others, especially whenever the carbs would get the best of me & my weight creeping up as a result.

Getting your head back in the game can be tough, but you can do it!  Good Luck to you. 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 6/26/16 10:53 am

Thank you.  I am going to try the 5 day meat test this week.  It looks like yogurt would be okay for breakfast.  Let's see what happens.  


Donna L.
on 6/26/16 3:03 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

You're absolutely not a failure!  You've gone through so much.  You need to be kind to yourself.

Prozac stimulates appetite.  One of the only antidepressants that does not is Wellbutrin.  Ambien is also known for causing weight gain, as well as hormone replacement therapy.  I would rule out those factors.


I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
