Desperate for Help/Advice from Vets

on 6/25/16 9:54 am

I need help and advice.  I had my VSG almost exactly four years ago.  I did GREAT for the first two and a half years.  My nutritionist left the practice but told me that I had this.  Just come back if I was running into a specific problem.  In December 2014, I had a full hysterectomy with oophrectomy, which means I have no more hormones.  I had rampant hormonal symptoms including bad panic attacks.  Also, I had some personal things going on at that time.  My father died after a brief battle with aggressive Pancreatic Cancer.  After the surgery, the doctor prescribed Prozac, Estrogen, and Ambien which helped so much with the symptoms, but I gained 25 pounds in 3 months after the surgery.  The doctor told me this was normal after a hysterectomy - just concentrate on exercise and calories.  I followed the rules, 80-90g protien daily, a gallon of water, no drinking before or after meals, veggies and fruits, minimal carbs.  The problem is that I'm still ALWAYS hungry. It doesn't make sense to me.  My sleeve is the same size as it was.  Why doesn't it ever feel full?   I was exercising but really just staying at status quo with my weight.  Then last fall, I blew out my right knee and had surgery in November.  I was totally sedentary for several weeks.  I did PT, but it didn't really help with weight loss.  Now, I can only walk or swim.  No impact.  No eliptical or running.  I gained another 15 pounds since that surgery.  So now, I'm following the rules, but mentally I'm falling back into old patterns.  I stay on plan for several days, but I'm always hungry, and will eventually just give up and eat like a starving maniac.  I can't feel restriction.  I'm feeling mentally defeated and I'm not sure if I can turn it around.  I'm looking for a new nutritionist, but I'm worried it's too late.  Should I go back to the surgeon?  Is there a revision that will help?  I did call the office to make an appointment, but the receptionist didn't understand what I was coming in for since I was discharged from care, and I'm not having complications, so I didn't make the appointment.  I feel like the worst failure in the world.  Help!!

on 6/25/16 10:11 am

The only advice I could give you is check out the 5 day meat test.  Dense protein is a sure fire way to feel full.  If I go out to eat I order a steak or other meat and work on that.  Any sides I have come after the meat and by then a few bites is more than enough.

Whenever I feel hungry I make sure there is something around that I can grab.  Some people keep a cooked chicken in the fridge for snacking.  I take advantage of my restriction by feeding it the way it was intended to work best.  I have little restriction when it comes to carbs.  Crackers and chips can be crunched down to nothing and not fill me up.  A pork chop or chicken drumstick will make me feel like I just had Thanksgiving dinner.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Laura in Texas
on 6/25/16 10:11 am

Are you tracking your food and counting every calorie? I am always hungry, too, but keep my calories in check. It is the only way I can maintain.

Walking is great exercise. It's all I do. I know it won't help me lose weight, but it helps my heart and helps me mentally so it works for me.

You can do this.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 6/25/16 10:43 am

Excess stomach acid can make you feel hungry. Are you on a PPI per chance? If no, you could try an OTC one, like Prevacid or Nexium to see if that helps.

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

on 6/25/16 11:56 am

Actually I did used to be on Protonix after the surgery when I was doing well.  It's worth a try.  Thanks Jen.

Kelly L.
on 6/25/16 10:47 am

You sound so worried and scared in your post, I am so sorry you're going through this!   You still have the sleeve, so if you go back to basics, you should be able to get ahold of the hunger.   If you're hungry, just eat protein snacks and meals.   You would have to do this even with a revision.   Coming here for support will help you too!   I am sorry I can't help you more, others will chime in too.

on 6/25/16 11:55 am

Thanks Kelly.   My pattern always used to be strict dieting for several days and then losing control for a day or two, beat myself up and then back to strict dieting.  The sleeve broke the pattern for a few years, but I feel like it's back and that bothers me even more than the weight gain.  


(deactivated member)
on 6/25/16 11:33 am
Revision on 07/05/16

You have every right to be seen by the surgeon. I had the same symptom of constant hunger after open roux en y in 2002. In 2007, I called a new surgeons office explaining this and she whispered in the phone "well, he's not going to redo your surgery", in a mean nasty way. So, I went all the way to 2012 before I tried a different office and had an upper GI and Barium Swallow done that did in fact show that I had a gastro gastric fistula connecting old pouch to stomach. My stomach basically grew back together.

I would call back and tell the receptionist that you need to see them about having the surgeon order an upper gi or endoscopy done to see if there is something going on. 

Other than that, yes, it seems like you are doing everything right. You never know, it could be a mechanical error. I just know how long I suffered and all the frustration I had until I found out the truth of what was going on with me! 

Megan M. 

on 6/25/16 11:52 am

Thanks Meglynn.  I'm definitely going to call back on Monday.  I feel like the medications and hormone changes are contributing too, but I don't know who to turn to about that.  Surgeon looks at the mechanical part.  My obgyn is medicating to help me with the other symptoms.  The orthopedic doctor just looks at my knee.  I wish someone would look at me like a whole person.  

(deactivated member)
on 6/25/16 12:27 pm
Revision on 07/05/16

You're Welcome!

I actually see the same specialists, but for different reasons. I started taking Sprintec birth control to regulate my cycle back in Feb., and noticed that my hunger got even worse after starting them. Also, I have had surgery on my spine at c-5/6 and have 3 more herniated discs right now. So yes, I am also very limited as to what I can do for excercise anymore.

It would be so much easier if our general practioners could do everything for us! 

Megan M.
