Working at a grocery store

on 6/24/16 4:22 pm
RNY on 07/05/16

I have to say that working at a grocery store during this two-week liquid diet is really rough, LOL. I want EVERYTHING!

Kelly L.
on 6/24/16 5:05 pm

It is tough for sure, but stay strong and think of being thinner and happier!!

on 6/26/16 4:33 pm
RNY on 06/06/16

Boy can I relate.  I don't work in a grocery store, but I work with a bunch of nurses (I'm not a nurse) in a call center and they CONSTANTLY bring junk in.  Candy, candy, candy, donuts, pie, cake etc. etc.  Anything to "celebrate".  I think they celebrate breathing.  AND this stuff sits on the table right outside my cubicle.  There's no place else to put it.  That's how I put on a lot of my weight.  I just do my best to ignore it and I think that since I'm only about 21 days post op that if I eat it I'll get "dumping" and I certainly don't want to get that especially at work.  No one at work knows I had surgery and I want to keep it that way.
