experience with windsor?
Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for my surgery so I can't offer any advice there. My surgeon's office called me on a Monday and was like, lets get you scheduled for 2 weeks from now but it was the same week I was going to be out of town and then Christmas right afterwards so I scheduled it for after that. I didn't want to spend the holidays trying to figure out my new stomach or deal with the after effects of surgery when I had so many plans for that time of year. But it's nice to see you are so excited about the procedure! Take this time to research recipes for weight loss surgery patients or before and after stories, that what I did to pass the time. Pinterest was my best friend for that stuff....still is lol. And of course I read a ton of info in this forum. Gave me so much insight of what to expect before and after surgery cause the people on here rock!
Have patience...it's all going to be worth it in the end :)
There is no point stressing or getting upset about something you can't control. The Windsor process can move along quickly at times and then there seems to be weeks or months before the next appointment.
The less you think about the wait times the faster they'll go. Think about all the things you can accomplish before your next appointment, set yourself some goals.