Is the VSG a sleeve or a pouch?
I had surgery in 2003... Lap Band. There was a woman in my support group who insisted she had gastric bypass. Turns out, she had the Lap Band and had NO idea... left the hospital and stopped to have a steak dinner on the way home, thinking she was supposed to eat protein immediately. Another person used to insist that they had a "vertical gastric band." Nope. People DO NOT pay attention.
That's why it's important to say what you mean and mean what you say and to get it right. It affects the advice given.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 6/8/16 8:43 am - WI
Because if you can find it on the internet, it MUST be true!
Remember the old bumper sticker, "kick your teenager out of the house while they still know everything"? That's how you are coming across with your posts... like you know everything.
I had my first WLS (VBG) in 1986. Most of the folks on this site know my story. To make it short I suffered many complications and had a revision to RNY in 2010. I came to this site looking for answers before my revision. I knew how to fail at WLS and how terrible the complications can be.
I spent a few years reading on this sight before I ever joined in the conversation. My goal was to learn as much as I could. It was important for me to learn from people who actually lived their surgery (and succeeded) and NOT follow my surgeon and nutritionist blindly (neither of which had EVER had a weight problem and had NO CLUE what it actual takes to succeed).
Because of the great info and guidance I received from the vets on this site, I've spent a lot of time trying to pay it forward. I was very active answering the same questions over and over again. I think most people who know me from OH have noticed that I rarely comment anymore. People like you are the reason I don't. OH is filled with newbies that only want to hear the answers they want to hear. They refuse to take advice from people who have been there, done that. They want to eat crappy food, they want permission to drink alcohol, they want to use incorrect terminology and spread misinformation, and they will argue just for the sake of arguing. I actually have a running list of OH people that I think will be back in a few years complaining of regain even though they have been advised on how they should be eating. They argue, "I'm following my doctor's plan" but that plan has doomed them to failure. If you try to tell them the truth they yell, "meanie", or we are accused of being (your words) "snotty" and we should be dismissed.
O.K., dismiss me. I'll keep my 30 years WLS experience to myself and when you have a complication that I may know something about, I will send you to the internet.
Good luck!
Wouldnt consider you snotty or a meanie, at all.
Obviously things on the internet have to be considered and weighed to their truth. Thus, all examples I posted are (with the exception of maybe wikipedia, which is actually not in favor of my argument even) are what should be considered reputable and accurate.
Fair point on the recommendations of doctors/surgeons that are giving meal plans etc without ever having been in our situation (be that post op or overweight)

YouTube: Click Here!
Instagram: ThickTo.Fit
Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180
And let the choir say a resounding "amen" to that, my sister!
Like you, I had a VBG, but in 2000. At the time, truth be told, I didn't know if I was ending up with a sleeve or a pouch or a three-headed unicorn, all I know is that I was 43 years old and on the brink of doom medically. At this time, truth be told, I don't care whether I have a sleeve or a pouch or a three-headed unicorn, all I know is that for me it worked and it helped me lose 150 pounds and it's helped me keep it off.
Back there in the dark ages, there was no Opti, there was no 6 months of supervised dieting, there were none of the hoops people have to go through now, even if (like me) you live in Canada and the cost of surgery is covered by government health insurance. I met my surgeon for the first time on March 31 and had my surgery less than 3 weeks later. I got some general and extremely vague rules about how to progress through the stages (clear liquid, liquid, less liquid but runny, less runny, etc.) and to tell you the truth there's stuff all this time later I still don't touch because if I do I am seriously going to wish for death.
Like you, it burns me greatly to hear some newbies whine and moan about how they got the heaves or the foamies or the dumps from eating meat or pasta or eggs or bread or whatever when they've barely got their ass home from the hospital. Even if they are following their "doctor's plan" -- if you ask me, their doctor's a lunatic.
That said, I also know that there's nothing like a convert -- to religion, to philosophy, to the Loser's Bench -- and some people just have to show off what they think they know.
As for me, I'll just stick with what works.
I also use the stick with what works for me approach. I was given guidelines and have modified them as to what works the best for me.
I you. So much of what you said is my experience, too. I knew everything in 2002. And I failed miserably.
In 2010, greatly humbled, I kept my mouth shut, other than to ask questions of those who knew more than I did, basically anyone who kept their weight off more than 5 minutes.
I asked and I learned. I didn't teach what I did not know. The old saying, those that can do, those that can't, teach.
For what it's worth, I lived with a sleeve or 8 years and a pouch for nearly 6 years. So I know a bit about both and I can tell you there is a difference, a big freaking difference.
I never dumped with my sleeve. I never had reactive hypoglycemia with my sleeve. I haven't had a day of GERD with my pouch. I could eat a lot more with my sleeve (back in 2002 the VSG wasn't a stand alone procedure and wasn't measured by bougies. My sleeve was way bigger than they are doing now.)
I wonder what credentials the OP has? I haven't bothered to read much of his posts since I tend to view people who are barely out of the hospital and already posting their vast wisdom as temporaries at this site.
In the 16 years I have been a member I can count on maybe 2 hands the number of people who have been posting consistently for over 2 or 3 years. If you could see my friend's list, nearly 200 people, only a very few are still around. And those who are tend to be the ones that have been successful with their surgery. They may not be at goal but they are doing good and open minded and willing to ask for help when needed and not afraid to admit they don't have all the answers.
Please, OP, I don't know you and I don't have any thing to gain by your success or failure, but take it from people who have been around a hell of a lot longer than you, stop visiting your limited advice on people who have much more experience than you do and start listening. You have far more to learn than you have the ability to teach.
Less than 2 weeks and already giving eating advice? Seriously? It took me at least a year to figure out how to eat and that was by asking questions. And even now I rarely give out eating advice because I have learned how different we all are and how individual our eating plans can be. I can tell you what happened to me when I did this or that but I sure won't tell you how it will be for you. And my surgeon or nutritionist may have far different opinions then yours does.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I havent given out any eating advice

YouTube: Click Here!
Instagram: ThickTo.Fit
Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180
Not specific foods but things like this
Guess it would be up to you on if what you're losing is quick enough or not. Slow is always better for our bodies and healthier.
Those all sound like pretty good options, the only one I'm not sure about is the protein bar (normally full of lots of sugar or sugar alcohols and carbs). If it works for you though, they say dont fix what isnt broken :)
Some others may have more input, maybe better
I have seen a lot of people saying not to add calories in if you work out. I have no idea whether thats sound advice or not (it goes against what I've always known and heard). Granted, in the past I've heard for every 100 calories burnt its like
To me, that is advice on what, or how, to eat. And you give this with what? Your vast experience? Your degree in nutrition? I am just curious what qualifies to tell someone how or what to eat? I have seen a lot of posts where you give advice that I question whether or not you are qualified to give. Opinions yes but advice? To me it comes off as advice. Maybe I am being picky, you know like pouch vs sleeve. Really no difference, right?
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
Lol give it up. I didn't say anywhere "do this this and this, do not do this this or this"
Me saying good options of lean proteins is out of line? I guess I'm guilty lol
the other things are what people from this forum have said as far as not adding calories, etc. I even stated that.
Moving on...

YouTube: Click Here!
Instagram: ThickTo.Fit
Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180