Pre-Op Diet cheats...anyone have one?? 8 days until surgery...

on 5/25/16 2:34 pm, edited 5/25/16 7:34 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On May 25, 2016 at 5:19 PM Pacific Time, KLee7 wrote:

I have surgery in 8 days and in four will go to clear liquids.  I was supposed to do 10 days of shakes and salads prior to the clear liquids.  I have had two days where I did not adhere to that....I am so nervous that they will not be able to do surgery...I do not want to get to Mexico/A Lighter Me and not be able to do has been too long in coming.  Of course, if I wanted it that bad why did I not do the diet...well that is part of the reason I am having the surgery...


the surgery will not keep you from eating off plan. That is all on you. Yes,you will be able to eat less,but you would be shocked at how much  off plan food will fit.




on 5/25/16 2:59 pm
RNY on 05/30/16

I don't know if I'm doing  this right im going  in on the 30th I was told 30 days of shakes no food? down 44 lbs other  then falling down couple of times the  jorney has started what  ever  it takes  to get to the  end.

on 5/25/16 4:17 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Follow the protocol from here on out... and as someone who went out of the country for surgery it's not an option post-op because returning to your Dr is problematic. 

The work we do above the neck IMHO is the most important in our weight loss journey... I'd suggest building your team... find a therapist, a dietitian, support group, etc. and begin that work. 

Best wishes on your surgery and beyond,

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 5/27/16 9:12 am
VSG on 06/02/16

Thanks Eggface.  I am definitely going to check out your site as well.


on 5/25/16 5:14 pm - Victorville, CA

This is the most opportune time for you to succeed- Your surgeon puts you on this pre surgery diet for a reason. Obviously you know the answer is no, you should stick to your doc's recommendations... but life happens. There are many factors that would not allow you to have surgery. liquids- ONLY LIQUIDS... this is to get the fat off of your liver and to shrink your stomach as best as possible. (This info is what my Bariatric doc told me).

HOWEVER, be honest with your surgeon 100,000,000%... your health/life may be at risk. if you cheated, you need to let them know... I've read stories where a patient will eat breakfast the morning of surgery and not tell the surgical team... threw up while under and almost died... makes me shake my head. moral of the story is to keep to the diet your bariatric professional adheres for you. You've got this. Just think of it as a way to start your new life NOW!!! 


You've got this Kristen!! The best thing is that you are being honest with yourself to know that it's "not OK". Best of Luck and we will see you on the losers bench!

on 5/27/16 9:15 am
VSG on 06/02/16

Awwww, that was such a sweet message.  This forum really does make you feel like you are not alone.  I can't wait to sit on the Loser bench with you Lauren!

on 5/27/16 11:55 am - Victorville, CA

Please be sure to keep a picture of yourself "before" wls... I found that it always keeps me grounded to remember "where I came from". Feel free to add me. Please keep us (and if you add me, me) posted with how your recovery is going. if this process was easy, everyone would be doing it. You will get frustrated, you will have 3 year old tantrums... or at least I did when going to events etc or reeeealllllyyyyyy want something but know it wont help you get to where you want to be. 

on 5/25/16 7:35 pm, edited 5/25/16 12:36 pm - Albany, NY
DS on 07/05/16

When I had my sleeve I only had to do clear liquids one day and no food after midnight. With the revision the plan is to have a 9 day liquid diet not clears though. They say it's to shrink your liver so it doesn't get nicked during surgery. Of course you want it or you wouldn't be here telling on yourself. Your stomach will be empty enough after 24 hours of clears so don't worry about the 2 mess up days. Stick to your plan from here on out and remember with 4 days of just liquids.. don't fart  oh and my previous diet before the clear liquid was a regular diet.

"I don't cry over spilled milk because I'm lactose intolerant"

on 5/25/16 7:52 pm

before I went on my liquid diet I did eat a few things I shouldn't have. But once you are on your shakes and liquids I would not cheat. You want your surgery to go as smooth as possible - you would hate for them to go in and then decide they won't operate on you.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 5/26/16 5:02 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 07/07/15

My best piece of advice to anyone pre-op....don't cheat. If you have it in your mind that it is ok to cheat pre-op, then what kind of life will you have post-op. Yes, I am not a "perfect" post-op patient, but I am serious about everything that I eat, and can justify what I eat, if it's not "healthy".

I had to do 21 days of liquid diet. 21! Nothing else. Just 4 Optifast shakes a day. I knew this surgery was something I NEEDED. I did not want to jeopardize my future by eating during my liquid diet phase. Yes, it's a mental struggle, but you have to be mentally prepared to live life in a whole new way post-op. 

21 days on 900 calories sure paid off though. I lost 20 lbs, and my surgeon was amazed by that. He also said that my liver looked great and was the perfect size to work with. 

Be mindful of what you eat.... not just at this stage, but further out too. For me now, it's not a journey, it's my new life commitment. 

Best of luck,


"Not every day is Fantastic, but at least I have the opportunity to live every day." ~ Skotti RNY


My YouTube Channel


HW: 419 lbs August 2014  - SW: 340 lbs - GW: 219 lbs 

RNY July 7, 2015
