
on 5/21/16 7:52 am
VSG on 01/15/16

Worked out last night for the first time in over a year. Figured it was time to get my butt back into a gym and man am I feeling it this morning. Hoping it will start up the weight loss again because these stalls are absolutely killing me! I've gone through 3 or 4 of them already and I'm only 4 months out and waiting to see the number 199 on my scale is playing with my emotions.

Anyways - I spent 30 minutes on the step machine for cardio and did weights the other half hour because I had some flabby upper arms before surgery, but now they keep waving when I stop lol. My goal is to make them smaller and toner, along with reducing the back fat roll that seeps out over my bra before my honeymoon cruise in 75 days.  

Anyone have any fave exercises for those flabby arms and back fat rolls they want to share? 

White Dove
on 5/21/16 8:13 am, edited 5/21/16 1:13 am - Warren, OH

I did weight machines for arms every day during weight loss.  Now I stick to water aerobics with the foam weights.  They still keep my arms very toned.  The advantage of water aerobics is a great workout with no soreness in the morning.  I do buy good water aerobics shoes from New Balance.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/21/16 8:29 am
VSG on 01/15/16

Oh nice, I didn't even think abou****er aerobics. I live in the desert and have a pool...I could do that daily in my own yard ;)

on 5/21/16 2:23 pm - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 12/04/15

I've been doing Aqua Zumba.  OMG, I love it!  It's a great workout for the whole body, especially my flabby arms.

67 yrs old, 4'10", BMI 31.8 (51.8 at start), HW 256.4 (8/4/15), SW 217.4, CW 152.8 (4/30/18), GW 125.0, RNY 12/4/15 Dr. RoseMarie Jones, Breast Cancer DX 2/16, Bi-lateral mastectomy 8/9/16.

on 5/21/16 6:14 pm

 I sink despite having the most buoyant belt on.

The instructors tell me that is wonderful as I will just have to kick harder and more often, burning more calories.

I decided to run instead. Nothing like drowning to ruin a good workout

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/21/16 12:22 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14
On May 21, 2016 at 2:52 PM Pacific Time, CMR1075 wrote:

Worked out last night for the first time in over a year. Figured it was time to get my butt back into a gym and man am I feeling it this morning. Hoping it will start up the weight loss again because these stalls are absolutely killing me! I've gone through 3 or 4 of them already and I'm only 4 months out and waiting to see the number 199 on my scale is playing with my emotions.

Anyways - I spent 30 minutes on the step machine for cardio and did weights the other half hour because I had some flabby upper arms before surgery, but now they keep waving when I stop lol. My goal is to make them smaller and toner, along with reducing the back fat roll that seeps out over my bra before my honeymoon cruise in 75 days.  

Anyone have any fave exercises for those flabby arms and back fat rolls they want to share? 

I totally agree that exercise is important in recovering from surgery and getting healthy and mobile. (I weight train with a trainer religiously and ht my 10,000 steps most days.)  But remember that you cannot 'out exercise' a bad diet, so make sure you are following the post-op diet instructions.  Weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise, although exercise can have all sorts of side benefits. 

You may also want to up your protein to 80 grams (in case you are not there already) to match your increase in exercise. 

Generally, my Post-op diet was Protein and fluids first, some veggies, no carbs, until you hit goal weight. 

Good luck with the rest of your journey.  A Honeymoon in 75 days is good motivation. But, your only goal can be 100% compliance with the post-surgery plan.  You cannot order your body to lose at a certain rate  -  your body will lose the weight, but when it is ready.  I have found that by focusing on being 100% complaint, however, most people do achieve their reasonable goals. 

PS - I only ever lost about 12-15 pounds a month, but over a year that was 120 pounds!!!  I remember being bummed when I had friends losing 30 pounds in one month.  You may be like that, but really it adds up and you will get there.



on 5/21/16 12:49 pm
VSG on 01/15/16

Oh I am for sure following my surgeon's recommended diet but not, if that makes sense. They said my problem is that I'm not getting in enough protein or water and that will cause stalls. I have such a hard time getting all my foods in a day, still pushing to get all my required. I just don't feel hungry and when I eat, it's a few bites. I don't eat carbs cause I am terrified that I will slip back into old snacking habits. Before surgery I was a pasta, rice, potato, pretzels, chip kinda girl. And water...it's a struggle. The worst part is I love water and before surgery could guzzle it down. Today I take a few sips and I'm full. I'm trying!! I'm not looking to lose a ridiculous amount every month or even a specific amount, I just want to see the scale move. I've been stuck for a few weeks now.


on 5/21/16 8:12 pm
RNY on 06/15/15

I'm a comparatively slow loser, but 4-6 lbs lost per month really adds up over a year or two. Don't worry about speed, concentrate on staying on track. Sounds like you are doing great! 

Referral: 8/14; Orientation TWH: 12/14; Nurse: 01/15; SW, Dietician, Psych: 2/15; Surgeon: 5/15; RNY: June 15/2015

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/23/16 9:11 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

There have been times when I said that a NUIT was an idiot - but I think yours is giving you good advice.

You've gotta get that prot in.  If not, your body will canabalize your protein sources - ie lean muscle mass.  When you lose lots of lean muscle mass, your wt loss slows because it is your lean muscle mass that burns calories.  It seems that you may be battling this now.

It looks like you are several months out and you need to find what will work for you to get your prot and fluids.  NOW. 

People can tell you what worked for them, but you need to find out what will work for you, your palate, and your schedule. 

Early on, I found Pure Prot in cans - 12oz was 35 gms of prot, so if I drank 2 of them, I was good and drank or ate prot from there.  Later, I got down to one a day and now I'll need a few a week to make up for busy days. 

It also helped me to drink when I got up in am - before eating.  Any fluid counts - even the fluid in the prot shakes.  See if you can come up with a plan that gets you to goal.  If not, work with the NUIT at your surg office. 



on 5/21/16 7:05 pm

The exercise probably won't help stalls- I work out either yoga or jogging almost everyday and still having stalls- 

but you can look on pintrest or youtube for exercises.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8
