Thursday *****fest

on 5/20/16 11:13 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Definitely not alone there. Friends of my parents sent me a gift card to some random place when I was going through treatment and I was so so alone besides my Mom that still 9 years later it brings tears to my eyes to think of how much that touched me. And I had family 20 minutes away!

Wow. I can't believe that was your sister's reasoning for not being there for you. I mean I definitely know people like that - people I considered friends who disappeared but it never occurred to me that a relative would use that rationalization too. Seriously a ***** My SIL is just a **** I don't think she needs a rationalization and if I ever said anything to her about it she probably be would be SHOCKED to hear those things.

Our mental health is important. And when I started realizing that it really helped. I cut out a few friends who I was also allowing to make me feel ****ty when I realized that. It's made a huge difference, and probably what allowed myself to eventually get to the place mentally where I could do WLS now that I think about it.

People with ****ty family unite!

on 5/19/16 8:06 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

They have kids. You will have fabulous vacations. 


on 5/20/16 5:00 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Omg, that is seriously what my bff and I say all the time lol.

The Salty Hag
on 5/20/16 9:40 am
RNY on 05/20/13

I have both, but my kids are teens or older-even when they weren't though, I took vacations only with my hubby, kids not included. My justification was: the kids are my career, and I'm on vacation! My kids were on trips with my ex when I was on vacation with my husband. 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/19/16 4:02 pm

Ally Auto, you are rotten. My bank paid you twice, but instead of just crediting my account for both payments, you want me to have the bank reverse one, by which time the payment will be due again. Pssssssst.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 5/19/16 4:14 pm

Fat Shamers that FORGOT I WAS FAT.

Today was our TC (i.e. Department picnic). I am riding in the car with my direct supervisor and my mentor (which is mroe like a direct supervisor because he signs my work so it can get mailed out...gotta love bureucracy). I was encouraging my direct supervisor to take his kid on the bike trails. And he goes "Like that bike over there?" There were two obese men riding bikes of there. That is when my asshole mentor chirps us and says "you mean the FAT BIKE over there!". They both laugh because they have made a funny (I swear they are both SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES). 

I said, "Dont make fun of obese people. That is like RACISM. You forget I WAS THEM ONCE"

The direct supervisor had the sense to blush and shut up. But my SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE mentor says "I never thought of like that SKINNYSCIENTIST".

I went a played kickball without them. I stole second.

I also decided to stand anywhere near them because I could not stand them. I met a guy that used to speed skate. I might try it cuz I already have cross-overs down from figure skating.

FAT SHAMING IS NOT OK. IT IS NEVER OK. I hurts and he doesnt know those peoples stories.



So my happy picnic day was sort of ruined by one hot skinny direct supervisor and one fat old man who looks like he is pregnant himself but he can totally make fun of slightly fatter people.


And i cant spell which makes me madder!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 5/19/16 4:30 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

I love to watch speed skating on the Olympics, but some of it is completely terrifying. I remember seeing the video clips of Celski getting his leg sliced open after a fall prior to the Vancouver games... ewwwww.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 5/19/16 5:44 pm

You know. I didnt think about that part. Those blades are a lot LONGER than figure skating blades.

I have a few "puncture" marks in my leggings from falling and my leggings took the cut (not my skin).


Oh well. Everything is dangerous. Even sitting on the couch can kill one.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 5/19/16 4:18 pm

I got another one..

My 600 lb life.

I ordinarily love the show and have been watching Tivo'ed "Where are they now" episodes.


However there is one gal on there that started as 600. Got to 394 lbs or so in the first year (this is really good). But in her second year lost ONLY like 70 odd some pounds. All she could focus on was getting skin surgery and NEEDING it while snacking on carbs.

Dr. Nowsarden told her get on some protein but she said it tasted "gross" and had a billion excuses. Dr. NOswarden was worried about her stretching her pouch.

She has over 200 lbs and she is disobeying and daring to ask/whine/fixate on SKIN surgery!?!?!

God...get the job done first...then get plastics. Maybe she wanted to get it while on TLC so they can foot the bill.

And her makeup was ****ty too. She looked like a clown.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 5/20/16 12:28 am, edited 5/19/16 5:29 pm

Craigslist idiots.  I sell refurbished laptops for extra  money and unfortunately the best place to sell is Craigslist (and Facebook, which isn't any better).  Our town has seen a humongous increase in rents in the last year or two and people are winding up on the streets, which is extremely sad, and most people need every penny they have to stay alive so buying electronics isn't high on their list and selling them, no matter how cheap, is not easy.

But do they have to give me the run around, not show up when they say they will, or beg me to hold one for them until payday and then not respond when said payday comes?

And my favorite scam is someone who strings me along for days, swearing they will buy and then send me a message saying "I just saw the exact same laptop for half the price.  If you can give me that price I will buy yours".  I know they are lying and I tell them to just go ahead and buy the really cheap one.

Or offer me a ridiculous amount for a laptop.  I hate dealing with these ********  I mean they want me to sell them something for less then I have invested in them.  Like I am supposed to give it away because they give me a hard luck story.  I am sorry you are a single mother but you don't get any prizes, at least from me, because you are single.  I raised my girls 100% by myself and I didn't play the single mother card.  I don't owe you a free laptop.  A laptop is a luxury, not a necessity and if you can't afford it don't make me feel bad about it.

Also, my boyfriend's loser son.  I am so sick of him but who I am really pissed at is my boyfriend who allows the loser to sponge off him, who then brings in a girlfriend, and then adds a child to the mix, all the while living off my boyfriend, who doesn't seem to be able to say no to his 36 year old loser son.

I don't get it.  He is highly intelligent, runs a business and doesn't take any crap from his employees but he is his son's ***** 

A few months ago the girlfriend finally had enough of his abuse and left.  Truth is, she met another guy.  And dumped the son's ass.  Problem was, she left her 4 year old child there for him to verbally abuse.  And he spent the last several months crying in his beer and begging her to come back and screaming at his child.

My boyfriend told him that if she did come back he would have to move out, that she could not move back in.  So what happens?  Her new boyfriend dumps her and she is back living in the house.  And he didn't say a ******g word.  And now because his brother was killed he thinks he can't say anything because it's a bad time.  I told my kid he would use his brother's death to try to get the girl to come back and that is what he did, not that she needed convincing since she didn't want to live on the streets.

And people wonder why I like living alone.  Because I refuse to have drama in my life any more and for the last 5 years his life has been nothing but drama and he hasn't done a ******g thing to end it.

I am seriously having a hard time being able to respect him for taking all this **** and not kicking this guy out, which he should have done at least 10 years ago.  

My daughter was as lazy as the day is long but I told her when she turned 18 she was on her own financially and when I insisted on her paying rent she decided it was time to move on and moved out of state, got a good job, bought a decent car and just moved into her own place.  All before she turned 21.  And this loser is 36, hasn't worked a day in years and lives with daddy.

My first husband was a mama's boy who has never grown up because his parents always bailed him out of anything and never let him once feel the consequences of his actions and now I realize that he is just like them and he is raising a son who is just like my ex.  WTF is wrong with people?  I love my kids more then life itself but when they became adults I took my life back and gave them the pink slip on their own life.  Why is he unable to do that for his loser spawn?

What's funny is when I first met him his son was 16 and he told me then that he couldn't think about remarrying until his son was on his own and I thought that was so noble.  I figured what was another 2 or 3 years? Right.  nearly 21 years later his son is still living with him.


WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
