One year surgery anniversary but struggling

on 5/17/16 9:22 pm
RNY on 05/18/15

I had RNY surgery May 18, 2015 and have lost over 100 pounds.  I am under 200 pounds which I have not been since a teenager.   I still do not eat sweets, sugar, pasta, bread,  rice, and potatoes.  The problem is I can be compulsive on anything!!  Almonds, tuna, celery, anything!!!   I won't even eat peanut butter because I can't stop!!   I am trying to see an eating disorder specialist but they can not get me in until June 22.   I had the lapband surgery in 2007 and lost 100 pounds and gained  80 of it back so I am scared to death.   I have been about the same weight for 3 months.  At least I am not gaining!!  Cravings are kicking my butt.  I get consumed with thoughts of food and feel compelled to eat until I feel full.  Thank God that is alot less now than in the past.   If this is the honeymoon phase how will things be in 6 months or 6 years?  I have moved to another state and started a new job within this past year.  Alot of changes with alot of stress but overall it is all good.  I looked into support groups but I can't attend because of my work schedule.  I keep fighting but it does get tiring.  When I overeat I get depressed and even though I know this, I do it anyway.  This cycle of addiction sucks!!   

on 5/17/16 10:51 pm

Very few people who have had WLS stop having issues with food after surgery, at least not without a lot of work.  As they say, they operated on our stomachs, not our mind.

The problem with beating yourself up for your thoughts is that eventually you feel bad enough that you figure you may as well eat anyway since you feel so bad about wanting to eat.

Instead focus on your strength on making the changes you have and try not to worry about what may or may not happen.

I don't know many people who had WLS who had a healthy relationship with food and I think it is expecting too much of ourselves to think that will change overnight.

I also regained after my first surgery so I understand the worry.  But I also remember thinking that since I lost all that weight with surgery that I wasn't a compulsive overeater if I wasn't overweight, if that makes sense.  It was only a problem to me when my weight was out of control.  Now I know that fat or thin, I am and always will be a compulsive overeater.  

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/18/16 2:41 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Perhaps one of these maybe of help while you await your app't: herapy 

Congratulations on your weight loss but congratulations even more for recognizing that more work needs to be done... you made your app't, you are sharing, you are staying connected, all positive moves. The work we do above the neck is the most important part of this road IMHO. Good for you for starting to slay those demons.

Life will change... obesity (and addiction) are chronic diseases which require chronic treatment... a lifetime of assessing what is working and what isn't and then adjusting. Keep adjusting the sail and you will weather any storm that comes 6 months, 6 years and beyond.


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/16 4:14 am

Congratulations on your loss and also now on facing your eating issues. I am sorry the wait to see a specialist is so long and those weeks seem as if they are just looming ahead for you. Have you checked to see if there is an OA group in your area? Maybe they would have different meeting times than other groups you have checked. Lots of people say that group has helped them.

For many of us eating will always be a battle and yes it is tiring. Most of us will always have to eat less calories than friends and relatives and others we eat with as well which adds to the battle. But you are on the right road. You have the tool. You are doing your best by avoiding so many things that would be far worse than the things you have been over eating. You aren't gaining as you would have under the same cir****tances prior to WLS. Look for all the help you can find on line and hold out for that appt. Just do the best you can and like when you were waiting for surgery know help is out there. You can do it. You  have admitted the problem and that is the first step to conquering it.

I wish you all very best on your journey and keep posting.

on 5/18/16 5:43 am - Cincinnati, OH
VSG on 05/06/16

I went to see my Mental Health Doc yesterday and she shared by Dr Michelle May, MD.  There is even a special section for Bariatric Patients.  It looks like something that will help me.  Maybe others would benefit also.  Best of luck to you and I hope your journey gets more peaceful and you get the help you are looking for.  Liz

Liz T

5'7" HW: 280, Pre-Op:280, SW:262, M1:-24, M2: In Progress, CW:238  Surgery: VSG on 5/06/16

"Do it until you want to do it."  "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." ~ Maya Angelou

on 5/19/16 9:47 am - Granada Hills, CA

I was in the same boat. Lost 232 lbs. thought I was good to go. Then I gained 90 lbs. I was in bad shape physically and mentally. I couldn't stop eating. 

For me, I found Overeaters Anonymous - when I first tried it, I hated it. I hated the whole 12 step thing. But then I got desperate enough to try anything and it's worked miracles for me. I've been off sugar and flour and peanut butter (lol) for over 5 months and have lost 55 lbs. and I'm 5 yrs out right now. I would highly recommend you look into it. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to chat about it. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Kathy S.
on 5/19/16 9:59 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Catherine-Mo,

Welcome Back!  I speak to people daily and one of the things I tell them is "you have to get it right between the ears before re-arranging your plumbing".  If there is not any medical reasons for your tool not working all the cravings, eating habits, compulsions are head issues.  ONE of the biggest things to overcome.  Kudos to you for realizing this and getting help.  

Until you can get help, make sure you have all red flag foods out of the house.  If you have portion control issues try taking the time to measure  foods and put them in little containers or zip lock bags.  Journal, journal, journal.  Try writing about what is going on when you are out of control, what are you feeling?  Keep your hands busy, and if possible get out of the house and walk, bike!

Please keep us posted on how things are going. We are here for you!  

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

H.A.L.A B.
on 5/19/16 3:38 pm

As others said...  the surgery does not fix ourheads...

I am 8 years post op... and I do have days that all I want to do it eat.  Either stress or cravings or just a big pouch days. 

I learned to deal with those days.  

Large pouch days: I identified foods that I can eat during days like that.  i.e. baked chicken, or baked pork,steak, or HB eggs...  These are foods for the large pouch days... when I can eat as much as I want to - as long as I eat slowly and chew well.  Most of the times - 4 -5 oz is all what my pouch can handle even now. Adding some condiments - like mayo or low sugar ketchup - allows me to eat more... 

Then there are days - that I just want to eat.. I may chose things that are really low in carbs and calories - like cucumbers, SF pickles, or salad... these are slider foods... and most of the time I can eat quite a lot of that, without causing damage to my pouch or my calorie limit. 

Avoiding carbs - or foods that trigger cravings (i.e.fresh bread) really helps...Not having some foods or snacks in the house - means that even if I want them - I woudl have to go out to buy them.  That is long enough for me to get grip on my cravings and pick some healthier choices -  like proteins...or pork rinds.. 

Not getting enough fat in my diet causes cravings... low fat diet does not work for me... 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
