HELP!!!!!!! 145 lb weight gain gastric bypass Oct 2001.

Vickie Moore
on 5/12/16 10:40 pm - McMinnville

How do you start back to lose? My mom passed away 6 years ago and went thru a divorce and lots of things got me very stressed out and depressed. Went on anti depressants meds and just blew up like a balloon.  Start weight was 305 after surgery weight for almost 9 years was 135 & weight now about 282. HELP! I fell and broke both ankles and needing something easy and cheap to get this off or a start. Heard there is even liquid diets now before surgery. I did not go to any classes or anything before surgery so any info would help.. Thanks!

on 5/13/16 3:48 am

I'm sorry for the loss of your mom, and all the rough paths you have been down. I would start by focusing on cutting carbs, eating more protein and water. No soda or alcohol. Walking is always a good start. Swimming might be better if you have problems with your ankles. Just move when you can. Please let us know how you are doing. This is a good place for information, read all you can.

sending prayers your way

White Dove
on 5/13/16 6:12 am - Warren, OH

There was no help before or after for people having surgery in 2001.  I would start by working with a therapist who can address your need to eat as a source of comfort during stressful life events.

You will find Overeaters Anonymous to be very helpful.  It is easy and also free.  There are meetings everywhere as well as online support.  We all face sickness, deaths, marriage and family crisis.  OA will help you learn to deal with life and problems without self-medicating with food.

You were able to maintain 135 pounds for nine years, so know that it is possible for you to get back to a healthy weight.  Antidepressants are almost guaranteed to cause weight gain.  With your ankles, try to exercise in a swimming pool.  I often strap on a swimbelt and walk through the deep water without touching the bottom.  It is a great workout.

The liquid diet before surgery is normally for two weeks and to help reduce the liver so that the operation can be performed as laparoscopic surgery.  I would not try a liquid diet at your stage.  It is better to eat solid food and not drink your calories.  You know what foods to eat.  Dense protein, non-starchy vegetables, lots of water.  No potatoes, breads, pasta, noodles, rice, cereals or pastries.

Clean your refrigerator pantry of the foods you wont be eating and make sure you have the right foods to eat.  Get on the scale everyday and always be aware of your weight.  Denial is too easy if you don't.

Write down your goals and refer to them often.  You will be recovering and that does not happen overnight.  Getting your health back will be a wonderful gift to yourself.  Check back with us often.  We are all pulling for you.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/13/16 7:19 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Everything that White Dove suggests, plus I would bite the bullet and go back and see your surgeon (or another bariatirc dr in your area) and get a check-up, labs, etc and see what suggestions and support is available.

You have had not just a double whammy hit you over the past few years, but like a quadrouple whammy.  I am sorry life has been so difficult.  You have probably worked through as much of this on your own as you are able - so it's time to get some help from a good therapist. 

At this point, you have still kept some of your weight off, so do everything to make the turn-around now.    


Vickie Moore
on 5/13/16 2:34 pm - McMinnville

Yes, my surgeon passed away a couple years out. Found out he had cancer and they didn't cat h it in time. 

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/14/16 2:45 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Everything you need to do is easier said than done - however, you can get back on track, but I would not do it without help. WHen I dieted in my pre-WLS days,  I was always more successful when I went to a program - weekly weigh-ins, etc.  Think about what worked for you best in the past and put your big girl panties on and go it again - You can do it and it will be worth doing.

Have you found a new surgeon to do your follow-up with?  Do you like the person who took over their practice?


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 5/13/16 8:23 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Swimming is great when your joints are crap. The Mac community center has a pool, I seem to recall that it's pretty nice, and I'm pretty sure they have yoga and tai chi. (I went to Linfield, so I know the town!) You could also call the college physio department, I bet there are students who could use some volunteer hours to help you figure out some things that could help. Can't recall if the Linfield pool has open hours for the community, that might be worth checking on.

Willamette Medical Center has an office with two doctors who do WLS. I'd suggest setting up an appointment for a checkup, probably some blood work, and advice on getting back on track.

I'd suggest snagging a copy of "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies." You can get it on Amazon, it's a great resource with information and eating plans and lots of stuff like that.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

(deactivated member)
on 5/13/16 11:00 am
ReShape on 10/30/16

I'm very sorry to hear of all your life's struggles these past few years. I too went through a divorce after my RNY and

had knee replacements, etc. It sounds like you might be a stress eater like myself. This is a very hard thing to beat I 

know. I'm beck on here looking for friends and encouragement in my journey. I had my RNY back in August of 04'. I 

did all the right things. I went from 425 to a low of 185 and settled in bouncing between 210 to 215 which was great for

for me. I felt like a new person except for my excess skin. The past 3 or so year have been stressful and I creeped up

to 269 in January of this year. I have worked my way down to 242 with a final goal of about 210 ideally. I'd love to hit 

this by Sept 1st as I am back on track to get my skin removal and want the best result possible. I was told during my consult

a few years ago that I would probably losr 15+ pound of skin which I think would be great. Anyway enough about me.


A few years back when I wanted to jump start my weight loss to take about 20 pounds off I participated in the 5 day pouch 

test. This is basically a modification in eating for 5 days and I just as all my friends did, found it to work great. It got us in

the right mindset to eat properly again, I believe shrunk my pouch as I definitely couldn't eat near as much is a sitting 

afterwards and I took off a few pounds during that 5 days which really got me excited and pumped to continue. You should 

be able to search it either on this site or the web in general. 


I wish you the very best of luck getting back on track and you definitely can do this. You have the best tool of all at your

disposal already... your WLS! The rest is a lot of determination and getting back to what you did in the beginning. It's as

easy as that. Please keep me posted on your progress  and report your successes. I'd love to hear about them. Also

feel free to ask any question big or small l that may help you along the way. You can and will do this.


Good Luck!!! Rich 

Vickie Moore
on 5/13/16 2:48 pm - McMinnville

Thanks hang in there. I was reading about a pouch reset diet I though about trying. 1 day on clear liquids, 2 & 3 day on full liquids, day 4 - 6 pureed foods, day 7 - 9 was soft foods and day 10 & beyond healthy foods. I will check up the 5 day pouch out also. I am a stress eater,  chips mountain dews and sweet tea big down fall. Worked 12 hour night shifts also.. That messes with your eating. I just know my health is going backwards and down hill so I am preparing to make some changes. Have to do this. Have my 13th grandbaby coming. I had skin removed 2 years out appealing insurance 3 times but did win. Good luck. Praying for you & wishing you the best.

on 5/13/16 1:48 pm

so sorry for the loss of your mom.  I am new to this site.  Preparing for surgery and  this site was suggested by a friend who had the surgery 6 years ago.  She has been very successful so I am lucky to have her in my corner.  I also know two people who have gained a significant amount of weight back.  One after having a baby and one just fell off the wagon such as yourself.  They both went back to their surgeons and got hooked up with a nutritionist and  therapist.  Since it sounds like you are not very mobile.   Some centers will provide transportation for you or give you phone consults.  I know at least one person did this  and has been making good progress  Hope this helps.  You are strong You are worth it  and you can do it/
