Surgery postponed after testing positive for pot

on 5/4/16 6:37 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
On May 4, 2016 at 11:56 PM Pacific Time, oncetwice wrote:

Your response is particularly insensitive. 

I didn't swim for 10 years because of my weight. Last summer I got over it the last week of pool season (free public pool, I do not have money to pay an expensive gym with a pool in NYC and my insurance does not cover gym memberships) and was the happiest I've ever been. It snapped me out of my depression and I was able to start this process. Taking it away now has shot me back into depression. I spent the whole day in bed and after I take a shower I'll be going back to bed.

Sorry, my response is not insensitive but I am being a realist. You are twisting the response to pool time. Go back and the whole of what I wrote. Please get real. I am writing about what you write about "RUINING YOUR SUMMER TIME AT THE POOL" Get real!

By the way insurance does not cover "POOL MEMBERSHIP" even with my employer and I have a very expansive insurance coverage with my work of 36+ years.

Compare apples to apples before you start complaining . . . I have been around the block for many years . . .

Open RNY May 7


on 5/4/16 6:45 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
On May 5, 2016 at 1:37 AM Pacific Time, ChristineB wrote:
On May 4, 2016 at 11:56 PM Pacific Time, oncetwice wrote:

Your response is particularly insensitive. 

I didn't swim for 10 years because of my weight. Last summer I got over it the last week of pool season (free public pool, I do not have money to pay an expensive gym with a pool in NYC and my insurance does not cover gym memberships) and was the happiest I've ever been. It snapped me out of my depression and I was able to start this process. Taking it away now has shot me back into depression. I spent the whole day in bed and after I take a shower I'll be going back to bed.

Sorry, my response is not insensitive but I am being a realist. You are twisting the response to pool time. Go back and the whole of what I wrote. Please get real. I am writing about what you write about "RUINING YOUR SUMMER TIME AT THE POOL" Get real!

By the way insurance does not cover "POOL MEMBERSHIP" even with my employer and I have a very expansive insurance coverage with my work of 36+ years.

Compare apples to apples before you start complaining . . . I have been around the block for many years . . .

Read what everyone else writes.


Sorry, but you are a whiner. Get some cheese . . .

Open RNY May 7


RNY on 12/22/14

Those of use who are over a year out know that few things go 100% smoothly - so that this month or two delay has shot you "back into depression" maybe an indication that you are not fully appreciating the complexities and possible complications involved with WLS. If you are really back into depression - get out of bed and see a therapist.  Use this month to focus on getting healthier - the healthier you go into surgery, the healthier you come out of surgery.  That is the response that best serves your long term future.  (I have written this to countless people, who encountered delay (fair or unfair) along the way.)

Best wishes to keep your eye on the long-term prize-WLS is about more than one summer. (Make this the Last summer of my discontent)


Nic M
on 5/5/16 9:15 am

Your doctor is doing this for your protection, not as punishment. It does seem that there was a lack of communication on your surgeon's part. If you divulged that you had smoked, it seems that someone should have warned you about the possibility of surgical postponement, I agree. 

I hope you can see this and take it in stride. Do what you need to do to prepare yourself for when you can actually have surgery. It's a big step and  you need to be mentally ready for it. In fact, if you tell them in your psych appointment that this made you crawl into bed for days, I would think they'd deny the surgery altogether because they'd be very worried about how well you could handle WLS. 

I do hope all goes well for you and that you can get your surgery when it's safe to do so. But take it from someone who had massive complications... you do not want them. And if postponing surgery will help you avoid those complications, please see it as a good thing.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Valerie G.
on 5/12/16 1:42 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

I'm kind of with Christine on this.  If your mental state can be crumbled to a depression with the disruption of pool season, then you may not be ready to take on the challenges about to hit you with WLS, pot or not.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 5/4/16 2:14 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Oh goodness girl, your summer won't be ruined. Maybe you have to kiss off some pool/beach time but I don't think it'll be the entire time. I know how it feels to look forward to something all year only to find out you might not get to do what you want, but you've got to look at the bigger picture.

You're getting wls! Woohoo!, & yeah you was upfront with everything but **** happens sometimes. Your Dr just wants you to be as healthy as possible during the surgery & the subsequent recovery, plus he doesn't want to get into any trouble if he went ahead with the surgery & something happened to you.

Stop crying, things will turn out ok. This is just a bump in the road. Besides you'll have plenty of summers ahead of you.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 5/5/16 7:56 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Okay, I would be pissed too. Because you were up front about the pot and the oxy and then to have it be the thing to stop the surgery - I would be pissed. I was completely freaking out when I thought I would have to delay my surgery because of a potential gallbladder removal (which never happened) because of the time off work I had already scheduled. And because I was so freaking nervous but ready to have the surgery.

However being devastated because of it ruining the summer is probably what is throwing everyone else off - that part is kind of just whatever to the rest of us. I'm sorry your summer will be ruined but that isn't that big of deal in the grand scheme of things.

I hope your surgery happens soon.


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

on 5/5/16 11:16 am

I feel your pain. I'm so sorry to hear about this delay you're going through :( 

If it makes you feel any better, I just had my first nurses appointment yesterday. While I was waiting for her, they booked my Social Worker and Dietician appointments for a week later; imagine how excited I was to have this all happening SO fast!! Less than 5 minutes in to my nurse visit, I told her I had smoked pot 2 weeks prior but had stopped knowing I couldn't smoke for 6 months before surgery, also knowing this process would take 6-8 months. Being a social smoker it was no trouble for me to quit cold turkey.
She said that all their candidates have to be SMOKE FREE for 6 months before even entering the WLS program :( I wasn't as close as you were just yet, but close enough I could almost touch it and it was ripped right out from under me. My surgery could've happened in Sept/Oct, now I have to start all over again in October. I was devastated just like you. 24 hours later and I already feel much better about it. Gives me 6 more months to work on me and to become better prepared for this journey. I hope you don't have to wait that long though!!

I know someone that went through the WLS program here in Ontario and she LIED to her doctors about her smoking. She never stopped, and had started shortly after surgery. She was hospitalized and almost died from ulcers and other complications due to her stupidity. It's so weird seeing all the different requirements by the surgeons.

Best of luck to you. It's still happening, there's just a small hiccup. Be thankful that you're still going for it, even if it puts a bump in your summertime fun, you'll be healed up enough that your summer will still be one of the best you've ever had! :)
