Surgery postponed after testing positive for pot

on 5/3/16 11:45 pm

So today was my 2 week prior pre-op testing. Blood test, urine, ekg and xray. I was not informed at any point that I would be getting a drug test. 

I am in a pain management program and take oxy daily and my pain management doctor is aware of my marijuana use for muscle spasms when other medications fail me (flexeril/robaxin, etc). I rarely smoke pot. Maybe once a month at best. I honestly cannot remember exactly when my last joint was (and when I smoke I only take a few tokes). But apparently it was recently enough to show up in my blood or urine (not sure which). 

So I get home from the testing and am greeted by a message to call them back. I call. "we have to postpone your surgery because you tested positive for marijuana and oxycodone."

So I get angry. Outraged. I have been up front at every single visit with the doctor, the social worker, the nutritionist, and the nurses/office intake people that I've had to speak to at every visit. I know for a fact that I have mentioned both the oxy and the pot at every visit with every person because every person asks me the same 3 questions: current meds (oxy), do you smoke (not currently), anything else we should know about (pot). But apparently no one wrote the pot down in my chart, and either way, it doesnt matter -- the doctor will not operate on someone who's tested positive for any kind of smoking. 

No one every told me I would have to stop smoking pot a month before my presurgical testing. I vaguely remember the doctor mentioning to stop it 10 days before surgery and I know I told him that wont be a problem because I rarely partake. Supposedly it's only supposed to be in your system for 10 days. Apparently not. 

So I cried, I pleaded, I yelled. They won't budge. Now I have to wait another month minimum to get tested again, which is gonna push my surgery back another 6 weeks and land it right in pool season and ruin my entire summer. 

I'm devastated and cant stop crying. I know its just a delay but it's going to ruin my entire summer. I've been waiting all year looking forward to the pool. I was expecting to get the surgery back in january but pulmonary was jerking me off for the longest time. When I finally got that last clearance and saw the surgeon he picked may 10th for my date but the office girl who gets the insurance approval had a meltdown that it wasnt enough time and she was supposed to have a vacation and I accepted them pushing my date back by a week. 

How much longer will pot remain in my system? Obviously I won't be smoking again in the mean time. Does anyone have any advice? Similar stories? 

on 5/4/16 1:32 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
On May 4, 2016 at 6:45 AM Pacific Time, oncetwice wrote:

So today was my 2 week prior pre-op testing. Blood test, urine, ekg and xray. I was not informed at any point that I would be getting a drug test. 

I am in a pain management program and take oxy daily and my pain management doctor is aware of my marijuana use for muscle spasms when other medications fail me (flexeril/robaxin, etc). I rarely smoke pot. Maybe once a month at best. I honestly cannot remember exactly when my last joint was (and when I smoke I only take a few tokes). But apparently it was recently enough to show up in my blood or urine (not sure which). 

So I get home from the testing and am greeted by a message to call them back. I call. "we have to postpone your surgery because you tested positive for marijuana and oxycodone."

So I get angry. Outraged. I have been up front at every single visit with the doctor, the social worker, the nutritionist, and the nurses/office intake people that I've had to speak to at every visit. I know for a fact that I have mentioned both the oxy and the pot at every visit with every person because every person asks me the same 3 questions: current meds (oxy), do you smoke (not currently), anything else we should know about (pot). But apparently no one wrote the pot down in my chart, and either way, it doesnt matter -- the doctor will not operate on someone who's tested positive for any kind of smoking. 

No one every told me I would have to stop smoking pot a month before my presurgical testing. I vaguely remember the doctor mentioning to stop it 10 days before surgery and I know I told him that wont be a problem because I rarely partake. Supposedly it's only supposed to be in your system for 10 days. Apparently not. 

So I cried, I pleaded, I yelled. They won't budge. Now I have to wait another month minimum to get tested again, which is gonna push my surgery back another 6 weeks and land it right in pool season and ruin my entire summer. 

I'm devastated and cant stop crying. I know its just a delay but it's going to ruin my entire summer. I've been waiting all year looking forward to the pool. I was expecting to get the surgery back in january but pulmonary was jerking me off for the longest time. When I finally got that last clearance and saw the surgeon he picked may 10th for my date but the office girl who gets the insurance approval had a meltdown that it wasnt enough time and she was supposed to have a vacation and I accepted them pushing my date back by a week. 

How much longer will pot remain in my system? Obviously I won't be smoking again in the mean time. Does anyone have any advice? Similar stories? 

Marijuana can show up in urine for 30 days or longer depending on ones weight and how much is smoked as the THC in it stays in your fat cells.  It will show up  blood for approximately 7-10 days again depending on how much is smoked.  Now hair is a different story as it can show up to 6 months later.

I also before surgery and a few times after surgery smoked pot due to pain and I was honest with my surgeon.  He did advise to stop at least 4 weeks prior to surgery and I did.  I had only smoked 6 times after surgery, but have since stopped completely and I use a glucosamine patch to keep my joints lubed and exercise.  So far I haven't had any flair ups in almost 9 months.   

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 5/4/16 3:09 am

I was informed that cannabis can show up sometimes up to 6 months.

on 5/4/16 4:05 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Getting a postponment stinks. Did they even remember that you told them?

I as well am a summer/pool person. I had my surgery July 23rd. It did not ruin my summer. I think I didnt go in for 2 weeks, but the incisions were so small you can cover them with waterproof bandages.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



White Dove
on 5/4/16 4:10 am - Warren, OH

If something goes wrong with the surgery, the surgeon could be sued for malpractice.  He is protecting himself and protecting you.  Missing pool time is preferable to getting ulcers, blood clots, or dying on the table.

There is a good chance your test will be clean in another month.  The drug will show up in a hair test for six months, but they should only be doing blood and urine.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/4/16 6:23 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

If you know it's been a few weeks since you last smoked, can you ask for another test in two weeks? I mean, I'm fairly certain that urine test will show negative after a month. I've never ever heard of marijuana showing up in urine longer than that.

And apparently smoking (anything) after surgery isn't good for your stomach, so if you still need it for pain management after surgery, perhaps you can get the oil? I know that has great benefits medicinally, and it won't mess with your lungs like smoking it will.

Don't look at it as ruining your summer! You will be fine in just a couple of weeks after surgery, and think of how great your Fall, Winter, Spring, and NEXT Summer will be once you are healthier!! 

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/16 8:38 am

I'm sorry that this happened. I hope it happens for you sooner rather than later.

Good luck.

Remember, that there are many good people here to help you through this. It will pass.


on 5/4/16 10:53 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

You  should know that smoking anything after surgery raises the risk for ulcers and the munchies that you will get from the pot will affect your weight loss.  Both of those reasons are why I looked at an alternative method to help with my joint pain. 

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 5/4/16 1:15 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
On May 4, 2016 at 6:45 AM Pacific Time, oncetwice wrote:

So today was my 2 week prior pre-op testing. Blood test, urine, ekg and xray. I was not informed at any point that I would be getting a drug test. 

I am in a pain management program and take oxy daily and my pain management doctor is aware of my marijuana use for muscle spasms when other medications fail me (flexeril/robaxin, etc). I rarely smoke pot. Maybe once a month at best. I honestly cannot remember exactly when my last joint was (and when I smoke I only take a few tokes). But apparently it was recently enough to show up in my blood or urine (not sure which). 

So I get home from the testing and am greeted by a message to call them back. I call. "we have to postpone your surgery because you tested positive for marijuana and oxycodone."

So I get angry. Outraged. I have been up front at every single visit with the doctor, the social worker, the nutritionist, and the nurses/office intake people that I've had to speak to at every visit. I know for a fact that I have mentioned both the oxy and the pot at every visit with every person because every person asks me the same 3 questions: current meds (oxy), do you smoke (not currently), anything else we should know about (pot). But apparently no one wrote the pot down in my chart, and either way, it doesnt matter -- the doctor will not operate on someone who's tested positive for any kind of smoking. 

No one every told me I would have to stop smoking pot a month before my presurgical testing. I vaguely remember the doctor mentioning to stop it 10 days before surgery and I know I told him that wont be a problem because I rarely partake. Supposedly it's only supposed to be in your system for 10 days. Apparently not. 

So I cried, I pleaded, I yelled. They won't budge. Now I have to wait another month minimum to get tested again, which is gonna push my surgery back another 6 weeks and land it right in pool season and ruin my entire summer. 

I'm devastated and cant stop crying. I know its just a delay but it's going to ruin my entire summer. I've been waiting all year looking forward to the pool. I was expecting to get the surgery back in january but pulmonary was jerking me off for the longest time. When I finally got that last clearance and saw the surgeon he picked may 10th for my date but the office girl who gets the insurance approval had a meltdown that it wasnt enough time and she was supposed to have a vacation and I accepted them pushing my date back by a week. 

How much longer will pot remain in my system? Obviously I won't be smoking again in the mean time. Does anyone have any advice? Similar stories? 

Jimney Crickets you are complaining about "ruining" one summer. Think about how many more summers you are going to have being healthy and relatively pain free. There are a lot of YMCAs and health clubs that have pools and one can go to them during the non summer months.

We all have to be our own best advocate and make sure that in addition to telling them verbally you also ask for things to be put in your chart so it is written down. By the way one draws more bees to honey by being sweet on the phone than by getting angry, yelling and being outraged. The later will turn off the person on the other end of the line.

Surgery will happen eventually but I feel that the doctor is correct in putting the brakes on due to the blood work. I always try to keep in mind that the doctor is the one that has the MD at the end of their names and they know far more than I ever will.


Open RNY May 7


on 5/4/16 4:56 pm

Your response is particularly insensitive. 

I didn't swim for 10 years because of my weight. Last summer I got over it the last week of pool season (free public pool, I do not have money to pay an expensive gym with a pool in NYC and my insurance does not cover gym memberships) and was the happiest I've ever been. It snapped me out of my depression and I was able to start this process. Taking it away now has shot me back into depression. I spent the whole day in bed and after I take a shower I'll be going back to bed.
