Survey: How do you respond to THAT question

The Salty Hag
on 5/2/16 11:00 am
RNY on 05/20/13

I'm lucky enough not to work, so I didn't have to deal with coworkers being curious. As far as my friends, family, and acquaintances go-I practically shouted it from the rooftops. "I'm having gastric bypass!!!!" I figured it would be pretty obvious in the coming months that I was losing weight quickly, so I just came right out with it. I was never asked directly...because they all knew.

I'm a huge blabbermouth anyway, and a bit of an attention ***** too, so it only seemed natural for me to tell all.


I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

Nic M
on 5/2/16 11:09 am

I was a complete bonehead and went on TV (at my horrible surgeon's request) and did a "human interest" story. I would never in a million years do something so stupid again. If I had it to do over, I'd keep it to myself for the most part. My surgeon was the devil... which I found out AFTER surgery... and here I am, giving him all this free publicity! 

If someone asked about my weight loss, I'd gauge the situation and if they were someone I trusted, I might divulge that I had surgery. But otherwise I'd just smile and say, "That genie gave me three wishes. Wait until you see what the other two are!" And leave it at that. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 5/2/16 12:58 pm

My very close friends and family I told. The rest I have not.

I told my mom who felt the need to blab to everyone she ran into including the car mechanic. I set her straight really fast as my private medical business is no one elses.

If they ask and I'm close enough to them I will tell them. If not, I will say low carb high protein.


HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

(deactivated member)
on 5/2/16 1:09 pm

Before surgery was even planned I was trying very hard to lose weight. I also increased my exercise tremendously 4 months or so before surgery. I had come to the conclusion and told people that I was tired of lugging bags of dog chow around on my back all day. Also said I wanted to be healthier and be able to hike in CO this year. I have some very judgemental family members and just didn't want to hear for the rest of my life how I had ruined my body, was starving myself , would regret it down the road etc. So I decided not to tell anyone but my husband  and my two daughters who I knew would keep their mouths shut except to support me.. My best friend and I had talked about maybe doing this for years. So since she would know I was away as she lives next door (I went to Mexico) I mentioned I really wanted to do it. She got on board and not only went with me but also had surgery, so she knows as well.

When people have asked how I have lost weight I have told them with a nuts help I did a liquid diet for a while and then moved on to a more normal but high protein diet. That protein helps no end in not being hungry! I have also made it clear it has been very hard work. I know my son is waiting for me to regain and that is a great encouragement to prove him wrong! He regained most of what he lost last year.

I really feel for me at least this is a very private thing. I also feel it is hard enough work without dealing with those who don't approve. Now if a person I trusted was considering surgery I would certainly share with I know with them (in other words I am educated in this area) and possibly share what I have done. Till then though it remains very private.

crystal M.
on 5/2/16 1:10 pm - Joliet, IL

Most people that knew me knew that I was having surgery but since then if I didn't feel like getting into the specifics of the surgery or whatever.  I just said I ate healthy and exercised which was not a lie.  It is exactly what I did to lose weight.

on 5/2/16 2:36 pm
VSG on 08/04/15

Tell the truth.  WLS is nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact I'm proud of myself for finally taking the step that will keep me on track.  I've had very little negative feedback, and if I do, I just ignore it.  

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




Nic M
on 5/2/16 2:47 pm

I was uncomfortable because everyone watched me like a hawk to see what I ate or didn't eat. I had the Lap Band and it was so awful that I couldn't eat solid foods without gagging and throwing up. I started to feel like a sideshow! Hey everyone! Watch my eyeballs bug out as I run to the bathroom!   It's not funny, really, but I had to laugh otherwise I would have cried.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


T Hagalicious Rebel

on 5/2/16 5:55 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

In the beginning I told no one, not even my mother, as far as I was concerned it was my problem & no one else. My co workers who are close to me & I consider them as friends, knew something was up. I hadn't called in sick for years & then out the blue I call out?

When I got back I told my closest co workers/friends & asked them to keep it to themselves, which they did. When I got more comfortable I told anyone who asked. I wasn't comfortable with the diet & exercise answer & not mention the surgery. If I was able to lose it with diet & exercise alone I would've done it a long time ago. 

Now everyone knows & its been mostly all positive. Besides people who know me if they had anything negative to say, I put them straight right quick. They don't wanna hear my mouth, they know they'll regret it.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 5/2/16 7:08 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Hi there,

I had surgery 2.5 years ago, Nov 15th, 2013.  I told my boss and all my family.  My close co-workers who are my personal friends I told but the gossipy *****es that work around me I said nothing.  I took 6 weeks off of work and when the catty *****y ladies asked why I was going to be off I said for medical reasons and when they said "yes but why" I looked at them and said really slowly FOR. MEDICAL. REASONS.  That shut them up.

Some people at work that are more of acquaintances that I don't see often have stated the obvious, "OMG you have lost so much weight, how did you do it" as these people are NOT my friends I have with some just said "thank you" and walked away, a clear indication that we are not having this conversation.  I have had some idiots flat out ask me "how much weight did you lose" so since these people are not my friends at all, they are just people that see once in a blue moon I give them a ridiculous answer and say "oh about 25 lbs" and their mouths drop open and they say "really?????" and I look at them and go "of course not really" and walk away, again a clear indication of I am not answering your stupid question.  These answers are for people I don't like that I know do nothing but gossip and talk behind others backs.

I have said to some of the nicer people at my work that I have been working with a team of professionals, a doctor, nurse, nutritionist and I eat very high protein, low carb and I exercise daily. All of that is the truth, just not the whole truth, I choose to leave out that I had surgery, I think I might be in the very low percentage that does not want to tell the world I had WLS, its no ones business in my opinion.

I figure if someone flat out asks me if I had WLS I would answer yes, but I personally am not going to volunteer that info to people that are not my friends or family or that I know will blab it all over work and twist it to be something negative (we all know those kind of people right).

What you choose to do, tell or don't tell is your choice and it has to feel comfortable for you.  I am really glad you asked because you will get all kinds of crazy questions from friends, family, and co workers and enemies.  To this day I have one Aunt who happens to be SMO by the way (Super Morbid Obese) that asks me on a regular basis when I plan on eating rice or bread or cake & cookies again, she truly does not "get it".  This is my opinion, but a lot of non-WLS people just do not understand the "lifestyle" of those of us who have had surgery.  You will get what I mean after June 6th LOL LOL

Best of luck, remember its your decision and it has to be what you are comfortable with.


Daisy 5'5" HW: 290 SW: 254 CW: 120

Nov 15, 2013: RNY - Toronto Western Hospital, Nov 2, 2017: Gallbladder removal & hernia repair

Sept 7, 2023: three +1 hernia's repaired in bowel

10+ years post op, living & loving life!

on 5/3/16 11:28 pm
RNY on 05/16/15

I love all of your responses!  And agree with all of your thoughts above.  I didn't even tell my boss and we talk about lots of things. But I was taking off at a very bad time (right at the end of the preparation of the annual budget).  I did get my budgets done, but didn't do my typical role of reviewing the entire budget. I simply said that I was OK, but needed to have some surgery and it had to happen right away. She didn't pry, just asked if I was really OK. I reassured her and I took one week off work, worked from home during week 2, and returned to work week 3 (took 1 hour of sick leave after foolishly trying to work all day the first day back).


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145


