gaining weight

on 4/20/16 6:32 am - NY

1212/14 was my 1st anniversary and for the past six months I've maintained a little above my first goal weight of 15 lbs. never reached anywhere near second of 160-150.. now seems i've been up about 2-3 lbs. which is scarey...I'm asking for advice not to be judged...Im eating stuck with sugar not alot and bready carbs but also eating my protein and water...falling into bad patterns of behavior that I cant seem to stop..please be gentle as I want would like to get to 170 before summer.



on 4/20/16 7:14 am - WI

I'm not sure what you are asking.  There is no magic answer.  You have to stop the bad behavior and stop eating things with sugar and "bready carbs".  You KNOW what to do, now you have to actually do it.  

Get the crappy food out of your house.  Protein and veggies should be what you eat.  NO STARCHY FOODS while you are trying to lose weight.  Limit fruit to one small serving daily.  Fruit will stop or significantly slow your weight loss just as much as bread.  If you get a craving ignore it.  Busy yourself instead of eating.  Walk, adult coloring books, crocheting, anything you can do to NOT PICK UP FOOD.

It drives me nuts when people say, "I can't seem to stop".  There isn't anyone else that can stop you from eating crappy food.  YOU need to make that choice every single day.  Is it hard?  YES!   Is it worth the effort?  YES!!!  

They do surgery on our stomachs, not our brains.  The mental aspect of this journey is the hardest part.  You need to figure our why you are self-sabotaging.  Many of us seek out a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

crystal M.
on 4/20/16 7:18 am - Joliet, IL

No judgments here. Regaining is my biggest fear.  At least you are trying to catch it early before it becomes 50-100lbs.  I have drawn an imaginary line and said to myself if I go anywhere near this amount I will do anything I can to lose it.  And I have a couple times in the past and successfully stayed under my imaginary line. 

I just go back to my strict way of eating when I was losing weight.  Low low carbs.  I actually only allow veggies and some fruit during this time.  No pasta or breads.  Lots and lots of protein.   

Drink lots of water (water and green tea is all I drink anyway). eliminate all liquid calories

Log all your food

Get very active - walk, garden, bike ride, yoga, anything besides sitting around.  I even did this thing where I would get up and jog in place during commercials if I was watching TV.  That way I didn't become such a couch potato. 

For me personally I can not lose weight easily without exercise.  So I always have to include exercise.  Some can do just fine with jus****ching their calories.  Or maybe I am impatient and the weight drops off faster with exercise...either way it's good for you. 

Good Luck


Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 4/20/16 7:23 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

IMHO, do not venture off of the post surg diet until you reach your goal; Pst surg diet - Get your fluid and vits in, Prot first, and the veggies as needed.  No carbs. Eat and sip slowly. If you have introduce other foods - ditch them.  You are intervening at a good time - it's not too late, but it seems to get more difficult the further out from surgery that you go.

My first bad decision is made at the grocery store.  I agree - get all the crap out of the house and get back to your post-surgery diet. 

Good luck - remember to find a support group to go to = the moral support helps


on 4/20/16 7:51 am - Brighton, IL

Our surgery is not a magic fix we have to do the work. If you want to be 170 by the summer you need to make yourself a priority. Make a decision to allow only choices that get you to that goal. Measure your food and stop eating when the food is gone. Remove the carby foods that are temptations from your house. I am almost 4 years out and 15 pounds below my goal and I still don't eat sweets,pasta,bread of any type or potatoes or rice. I follow the rules my doctor gave me,weigh and measure any meal that I'm at home and exercise every day. I love my new life 150 pounds lighter and do NOT want to go back! Work with a therapist really helped me early out to deal with the mental part of the game and learn new ways to cope with stress and emotions. I highly recommend it.



on 4/20/16 8:13 am - NY

thank you.I really appreciaate everything and will start  doing immediately..your advice was gentle..



on 4/21/16 6:16 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

You have got good advice.

I suggest making a food log/journal.  I like paper/pen type log.  I count calories, grams of carbs, grams of protein and ounces of liquid.

Currently I aim for 1000 calories, less than 80 grams of carbs, 100 grams of protein and 100 ounces of fluid.

You have to read all labels and use fitbit or another source to find nutritional information.  I find reading the nutritional information BEFORE I buy or eat something makes all the difference in the world - also look at the serving size - as often something is TWO servings and we "assume" it is a single serving.  

I find nutritional information and knowing I have to log that information in my food diary will keep me from eating something that is high carb and low nutritional value.  It is being accountable.

I still eat protein first every meal and snack.  Try to eat REAL food (in its natural state) and stay away from prepackaged food, processed food and fast food.  You may need to avoid "white" food and detox from it - white flour, white rice, sugar, white pasta, white potatoes, etc.

Best wishes at finding what works for you.


Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

crystal M.
on 4/21/16 7:54 am - Joliet, IL

Such good advice.  I too stay away from prepackaged food and processed food.  So many chemicals and crap our bodies don't need.  Best to learn to make our food.  I use my crockpot a lot to save time.  I also eat a lot of salads with grilled chicken or salmon. During the summer I use the grill and make my own marinades.   


Valerie G.
on 4/22/16 4:43 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

The sugar and bread stuff is truly addictive, and you've fallen back in.  Do some serious protein loading, replacing those sweet and bread snacks with cheese and other items.  It's going to suck, but after a couple of days your cravings will start to lessen.  I've done this many times thru the last decade and am due to do it again.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 4/26/16 9:01 am

Get off the carbs. Carbs beget carbs.

And realize you will have to adjust the quantities and types of food you eat to lose. I am on 2 weeks of rest after a half marathon.  I am not running 30 + miles a week and skating for 2 weeks.  To keep things in check, my meals are smaller (around 1/2 -3/4 cup food instead of a full cup) and no carbs (no beans, chickpeas, dates, apples, pears or bananas) whatsoever these 2 weeks.

It is hard. We were on diets before WLS and in a sense we still have to follow a diet AFTER WLS.  We are still ALWAYS ON  A DIET but at least this time the diet works!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  
