Revision but have bowel issues

on 4/13/16 7:37 pm

I had sleeve done in2008. Weight then 460.weight now 389. Shes recommending I have revision either rny or dudo switch. I have total divericular disease,gerd,and celiac disease. Would I be in danger of cause of my bowels if there rerouted? 

on 4/14/16 12:27 am

I have major bowel issues, not to mention a propensity for bowel obstructions.  If I had it to do again I wouldn't have had my intestines messed with.

That said, you had WLS 8 years ago and had minimal weight loss.  What do you think having a revision would do that your first WLS didn't do?  Do you not have much restriction?  WLS doesn't do the work by itself.  

As a person who had a revision and had a very tough time of it I always recommend that people work with what they have before they go under the knife again.

Of course there are legitimate reasons for having a revision.  Mechanical failure and health issues are good reasons to have more surgery, not having lost enough weight is not, in my opinion, unless you do the work to figure out why.

I know people try to talk others into having more malabsorption but it really has it's own set of problems and shouldn't be gone into lightly.  Again, if I knew than what I know now I would not have had my intestines messed with.  I have had issues since 2002 when I had my first WLS and while a lot of those problems were resolved with my revision I will have life long issues related to having WLS, which are probably less than the issues I would have if I were still morbidly obese.  There is no free lunch.  Few of us have WLS and can live happily ever after without putting a lot of work into making it work for us and maintaining our health.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Nancy C.
on 4/18/16 7:54 pm - Dallas, TX

There is always a risk of how your body will react. But I'm just saying that if I were you I would be lined up for revisions. My advice is stay away from DS. I have never heard anything positive about DS. I would go RNY which is the surgery I had. I lost 110 pounds in about a year and half. I've had my set of issues but I believe that those are relative to my family genes.  I don't think you would be in danger or rerouting your bowels. Not sure who your doctor is but I would recommend Dr John Alexander. But NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT GO TO DR JOYCE HODGES!  I almost died under her lack of care and listening to the patient. 

If you have any further questions just let me know and I'll be happy to share information with you. 
