
on 4/10/16 5:12 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

My Doc doesn't set goals...but that didn't work for me. I set my goal at the higher end of the BMI chart for my height (5'11"). I set many mini goals along the way to keep me motivated...per month, by the next doc's appt...etc. Honestly I missed most of them by a pound or 2, but it still motivated me. When I got close I had to re-evaluate. I had body fat testing done (You can click my name and read about it on my blog post) which gave me a more realistic view of my body fat. I did up my goal. I met that and am below it. Trying to maintain right now, and figure out where my 'happy place' is... for me I want a mental 5lb window I stay in.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 4/10/16 6:27 pm

Thanks!  I'll check it out :)

on 4/10/16 7:25 pm

My clinic is similar to the others - at my initial consult the set the goal of being out of the obese BMI and into the overweight BMI range (based on average % of excess weight for the Sleeve).  The nutritionist uses the normal BMI range though.  However, I've set my own goal, and broken it out into a series of milestones.  These milestones have been the best motivation for me.  Here's my breakdown:

Highest: 378, WLS consult: 363, Day of Surgery: 339

-50 lbs from initial consult (313)
Under 300 lbs
-100 lbs from highest (278)
-100 lbs from consult (263)
Under 250
-100 lbs from surgery day (239) - just reached this one!
-150 lbs from highest (228)
-150 lbs from consult (213)
Onederland (199)
-150 lbs from surgery day (189)
BMI under 30/-200 lbs from highest (178)

Every time I hit a milestone, I purchase myself a charm for a Pandora charm bracelet as a reward.  Once I get to the BMI under 30/-200 lbs milestone, I'll re-evaluate to see how I feel.  I haven't been that weight since early high school, so I have no idea how I'll feel.  We're also looking to have kiddos though, and since I'm in my late 30s, I may hit that goal and decide that it's family time.  For now, I'll keep plugging away at my milestones!  Best wishes on your journey!!

HW: 378 | 1st Consult: 363 | Surgery: 339 | CW: 182

"We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize we only have one."

on 4/10/16 7:35 pm

I really LOVE your goals!  Congrats on how far you've made it already and on finding a way to reward yourself with something other than food!!!

on 4/11/16 6:31 am
RNY on 10/26/15

My surgeon told me to expect to loose about 70 pounds, but my personal goal was to lose 120 pounds which would put me at 125 (smack dab in the middle of the "normal" range for my height and gender. In the meantime, I am slowly achieving other smaller goals I set for myself:

  1. Lose 50 pounds
  2. Drop a clothing size every three months (so far I've gone from size 24 to 18 but closing in on 16)
  3. Weigh less than my husband (he gained some since I started this journey, so it was easier than I thought)
  4. Reach onederland

Now my small goals are more functional than scale measured: Walk a mile, find a bathing suit that fits but doesn't cost a fortune, get out and paint more (hoping the weather begins to cooperate), ride a horse again, go canoeing...

Cate K

Northern Neck, VA 5'4" 56 years old

Highest weight 245: 7/1/2015, RNY surgery on October 26th. Had multiple complications and follow up surgeries and stayed in hospital for 24 days. Goal weight is 140.

on 4/11/16 8:53 am

Congratulations on your loss thus far.  It seems like finding a realistic goal is sort of like walking on a tightrope.  The doc is working with specifics stats, but that doesn't take into account how much exercise you're willing to do, how closely you'll follow the program AND how motivated you are.  I have always tried to keep my goals (even when non-surgical) away from numbers, like walking briskly for a mile or two, not getting winded when I got up a set of stairs including not having to take the elevator every single time!  I do want to feel comfortable in jeans, not have to order all of my clothes from a catalog, not feeling like I'm being stared at whenever I enter a room... those things.  With Disney World being one of my happy places, I want to go and not need a power wheelchair to get around, not tip the boat (at least that's how it feels) when I'm on a ride and (a biggie, not just for WDW) - NOT having to ask for a seatbelt extender when on a plane.  My husband and I are hoping to go to Disney's resort in Hawaii for our 25th in 2020 and I want to be able to enjoy it and wear a bathing suit proudly (as much as any woman does) and do some exploring!  Thank for reminding me to think of those things :)

on 4/11/16 7:19 am

I set a couple of goal weights.  I initially set one at 175, but told my doctor that it wasnt realistic.  So we said we'd shoot for 200.  Along the way, I'd informally set goals for myself to lose 8 pounds in a month, 2 pounds in a week, etc...whatever felt right.  Some I reached, some I didnt.  Six months later, I'm at 184.  Shoot for the moon, then set incremental goals to get there.

on 4/11/16 8:53 am

My surgeon had a number in mind; I sort of had one, too. However, our ideas were different. I needed a knee replacement and the ortho surgeon refused to do it at my high weight. He said I'd just wear out the replacement and a second surgery would not be too successful. I lost enough weight to satisfy him as well as resolving my hypertension, high cholesterol, and obstructive sleep apnea.

It has been my experience that those who are obsessed with a specific weight or size in mind, are neurotic.  They have a diet mentality fretting over every ounce or snug fit that they just can't seem to shake. I was happy about getting healthy. Now that there's a good chance I'll live longer, I worry if my retirement income will support me. Or maybe I'll get so senile, I won't be able to take care of myself and have to go to a nursing home. A bad nursing home because I can't afford a good one.

Just pick out a neurosis and live with it. LOL

Zee Starrlite
on 4/11/16 7:47 pm

You wrote in another post that you have severe here.  You should NOT be having  the VSG!  It is high pressured and will make your condition worse then eventually you'll need to revise to the gastric bypass.  PPI's are nice to not to need long term.  The thing is someone else mentioned you should not be getting a sleeve due to your GERD.  What is your doctor saying.  Remember you get to live with you for the rest of your life.

All best!

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy
