Night shift

on 3/22/16 12:18 pm
VSG on 01/18/16

Thanks. I've been trying to stick to the same time schedule that I did before surgery but for some reason maybe I need to play around with it and adjust it a little. As for this whole breakfast thing that has gotten blown out of proportion I too mostly have a protein shake that I pretty much just sip on for a few hours till my lunch or first meal of the day/night. It allows me to get some nutrition and fuel to start functioning for my day (-: 

on 3/22/16 4:37 am
RNY on 03/01/16

I used to work full-time overnights at an active job for about 6 months before I went insane from lack of social interaction.  I was the only one in charge of the store every night.  No co-workers =[

I got through it by eating high-protein meals (25-30g per meal) and keeping my carbs below 50g a day.  This was pre-op, but if you're feeling hungry, carb intake is one thing to look at.

on 3/22/16 12:22 pm
VSG on 01/18/16

Ohhhhh I hadn't even considered that! I have been so focused on my protein and low carbs (now that I think about it my carb intake at night is almost non-exhistant) maybe I need to add a little. I have a very active job! In 12 hours I can get 4-6 miles in on my fitbit! 

on 3/22/16 12:38 pm
RNY on 03/01/16

oh no I meant to keep the carbs low and watch them

on 3/22/16 1:46 pm
VSG on 01/18/16

Ahh well.... actually I'm getting maybe 30-50 carbs a day. I think the minimum is like 60?. Ha but maybe I do need a little more calories from protein. I average between 700-950 a day even on my very active days. 

on 3/22/16 9:26 pm - Vancouver, WA

Carbs almost guarantee cravings for more food, usually more carbs. So make sure to fill up on protein and good fats and that should help calm the cravings. Yes often we have to reschedule the way we eat after surgery just because our tummies don't always agree with our head! What is right is what ever works for you.

on 3/22/16 4:30 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/24/15 with

I also work full time nights, 1900-0700.  Although I don't have to switch back to days for work, I do switch when I have a stretch of days off.  I find that now at 6 months post op my hunger is still minimal, especially if I am keeping up with my protein requirements.  The days where I'm working I actually eat less cals then when I am not.

My staple when I'm working is a chocolate Premier Protein shake mixed with decaf coffee over ice.  I have this every shift and sipping it throughout the evening keeps me from getting hungry and its 30gms of protein yay! 

If I am having a stressful night I will sometimes crave bad things but that is an emotional hunger for me, and usually I can nip it in the bud.  So is it really that you are hungry or are you stressed out at work and reaching for the food?

 Another challenge for me at work is the temptation everywhere, from my colleagues ordering out thai, or chinese or pizza etc. to the workplace potlucks that seem to occur every 3 days, it's often hard to look the other way and reach for my lunchbag instead of a handful of potato chips.  Sticking to the diet is hard but it seems that if you can long term you will be successful.

In terms of your weight loss slowing.. are you still loosing 1-2 lbs a week?  Depending on how much you have to lose, that's a reasonable amount for most people.  You can't expect to continue to lose like you did in those first few weeks, it's not sustainable.  Even occasional stalls are par for the course for most people, especially women.  Every month the week of my period I don't lose anything.  I'm hungry all the time, I eat too much and feel bad about myself.  Then my period goes, rational thought returns food cravings dissipate and I step on the scale and have lost 3-5 lbs. It's a vicious cycle but I'm starting to recognize when it's my hormones talking.  Women's bodies are weird.  

So try to tune in to what is causing your food cravings.  If you find you are hungry have a protein rich snack.  It you find you are hungry again 30 mins later check yourself.  What else is going on?  

I find keeping low carb and staying within 800 cals/day keeps me on track.  I can't say I have never eaten more cals ( see crazy PMS days above) but even then I stay away from carbs, they are my downfall.  

Food for thought.  I am finding it's getting easier as time goes on.  I have my food staples, greek yogurt, eggs, low fat cheeses lean meats are what I eat consistently.  You will get into a groove an hopefully it will get easier for you as well.

K N.
on 3/23/16 12:52 am

I work night shift as well, 12 hour shifts. I work 8p-8a. I am 3 months out. 


i count my food over the entire 24 hour period...midnight to midnight. Same with my fluids. old night shift habbits can be hard to break - people ordering pizza, pot lucks etc.  I bring a tuna pouch and typically eat it between 1 and 2 am. I drink Nectar protein in water about 6am. When I get home I may have a hard boiled egg or 1-2 ounces of left over meat from the night before. I typically sleep from 9am -2pm. Get up have a small snack like cheeese stick or baby bell. Then i eat dinner with my kids about 530 - whatever I am making for the night - chicken steak etc. on my way into workI will add a scoop of protein powder to my coffeee. Then I don't eat until 1 or 2 am when I have my tuna pouch, starting the day back over.  I keep my calories right at 600. protein anywhere from 80-100 grams. 


I am all about routine. This is working for me....I am 59 lb down since surgery. I do notice on my 4 day stretch of working the weight comes off slower.... Most likely due to only getting 5 or less hours of sleep. 

Age: 36, Height: 5' 1", SW: 237.7, CW:155.1 (6/16/16) , Surgery 12/18/15

 M1 = - 29.1, M2 = - 13.1, M3 = 13.3, M4 =9.7  M5 = 9.1 M6 

on 3/23/16 1:03 am
VSG on 01/18/16

I like the idea of adding protein to your coffee! I also like how you do your day from midnight to midnight. I've noticed too on my days off the weight comes of quicker than for my stretches on. 

Haha night shift pot lucks.... they are having one tonight! 

K N.
on 3/23/16 1:18 am

Everyone is eating Easter chocolate tonight. ?

Age: 36, Height: 5' 1", SW: 237.7, CW:155.1 (6/16/16) , Surgery 12/18/15

 M1 = - 29.1, M2 = - 13.1, M3 = 13.3, M4 =9.7  M5 = 9.1 M6 
