What to expect on your first Plastic Surgery Consult

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 3/19/16 6:51 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Hi,   I finally ventured in to doctors' offices to look into Plastics - here is what happened and what I learned.

Typical  - fill out forms, see doctor (sometime first consult is free, sometimes ~$100 Fee). They may take pictures ro just talk and they would take pictures on your next visit.  After doctor has given you their opinion and what procedures would work best for you, you go down the hall and talk to the "Scheduler."  Her job is to tell you how much it will cost, and to work out a time for surgery.  Typical pre-surgery list: EKG and bloodwork.

I've gone to see 2 doctors in the Northeast - things may be different other places, but this gives the general idea.

I went to Dr Capella in NJ for a consult for an upper body lift (UBL-arms, sides and breast lift).  I could not follow through with the surgery because torn rot cuff surgery must be done first. So, UBL is postponed for a year.

Wanting/needing to get something done soon, I looked into a neck lift and eyelids - which would not interfere with the rot cuff surgery. (I could have it done a few weeks after the rot cuff.)   After waiting two weeks for the plastics appointment with another doctor, I was super excited by the doctor's assessment - just the thought of no more skin hanging under my chin was wonderful.  When I shuffled down the hall to the scheduler - the cost was ~30% MORE than the whole UBL.  WTF - it's a shorter surgery, done under local with propophyl, no general.  If I did the necklift, I would not be able to afford the UBL next year.  I left feeling like one of those brides on TV who tried on dresses out of their price range and leaves the store feeling disappointed and upset.  I thought the cost was astronomical. It was hard not to cry because the price was so far above anything I imagined for this surgery.  The only reason I think I was so upset was because the doctor gave me a really good assessment, got my hopes up, only to find out it was so far out of my price range - about $20,000 (with the pre-surgery stuff). 

After a few hours, I picked myself up.  I called another Board Certified FACIAL plastic surgeon (not just general plastic surgeon, but FACIAL).  This first consult was free.  This time when I made the appointment, I asked to speak to the person who told you how much things cost.  I did not want to go through the feeling of Charlie Brown getting the football pulled out again'  I asked how much the surgery would cost. It felt a little odd, but lots of people must ask - She gave me the SURGEON's fees - starting at $______.  So the facility fee and anesthesiologist's fees are additional.  They were much lower.  When I get all the fees tallied on, it still might be out of my price range, but I won't get my hopes up. 

I understand why people are leaving the country for plastics.  If I have to, I'll just wait to get the UBL next year. 



Steph Meat Hag
on 3/19/16 7:46 am - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

Thanks for posting this.  I've wondered what skin reduction would cost.  It's far in the distance, I'm just getting started but it's info I'd like to gather now.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

