Anxious and stressed

on 3/7/16 6:49 pm

So I met with my surgeon on Friday. After talking with him, he has approved me for RNY. The only issue is that instead of the normal 2 week liquid diet, I have to be on starting this week. This is while I wait for insurance approval and then the standard 2 week time frame for surgery date. The other dr I see through the bariatric center called today and wants me to come in. She doesn't think it's a good idea to be on the liquid diet for that long before and as I'll be on it afterwards for awhile as well. The whole reason my surgeon wants it is because my bmi is over 50. I've been approved by everyone else. It makes me so nervous that if I don't loose a specific amount they'll cancel (even though the surgeon stated he wasn't holding me to a #). 


Ive been denied by insurance once about 7/8 yrs ago and now I'm just all sorts of anxious and stressed. I know it's not going to do any good feeling like this but it's hard not too. It makes me doubt whether I worked hard enough and whatnot to get here. I know I did but old insecurities are in front. My mom had the RNY about 10yrs ago and has don great. She keeps telling me they wouldn't have gone this far w me if they didn't think I could get the surgery. I know she's trying to be supportive and has a history of working in the medical field, but I just can't bring myself to being that confident yet. I've busted my ass to get here again but I just can't get in that zone where it's going to happen yet. I can't put myself through that disappointment again. 



RNY on 12/22/14

I might suggest trying to really listen when you go in, but if it still doesn;t make sense, or the two drs are telling you different things, ask for a conf call.  If they can;t agree, make them get together and give you a clear direction. I suspect there is more than one objective they have to keep in mind - For instance, they might be trying to get you to a healther weight for the surgery (longer liq diet now) and make it doable (shorter pre-op diet).  

Hang in there

