Overweight and Discrimination

on 3/10/16 1:59 am

   It is sad that in our current state in the world that we still base people off of their looks/apperance.  Our fathers, fathers, fathers ect fought a war on this thing so long ago yet here we are STILL fighting the same battle.  People are bullied, picked on, tease ect for the color of the skin and their apperance, the first impression being made is how we look.....not for once thinking about what that person has possibly gone through in their lives that helped shape them to who there are presently.  They assume....I LOVE that word....that all fat people are fat and lazy because they don't get off the couch and stick their finger in a tub of frosting.....which for some may be true however, I know for a lot it is a false image. We have rail thin people on covers of magazines and in the movies and are told/shown what beauty should look like ....instead of defining it for ourselves. 

   I have met people that have been completely attractive but once they opened their mouth and started talking that attraction quickly vanished....and the same for another whom I may not have found attractive but after getting to know them....I saw nothing but absolute beauty in them.  I can't change how anyone else see's me or preceives me but I can change how I see myself.  This has been more challenging for me than to change my eating habits and going through the surgery....I struggle to see the changes my body has made even though others comment on it.  Find beauty in yourself....and don't let others dictate how you should feel about themselves.  We should be empowering our younger generations instead of knocking them down to fit societies definition...... Watch Colbie Calliat's "TRY" video.....is awesome and breaks down some of the stigma..... 
